25th Infantry Division Association Guestbook

Please sign our guestbook!

11/26/00 08:05:18 PM  
Your name: JERRY L. DYER ( TEX )
How did you find our site? LOOKING FOR MY OLD UNIT ON THE NET
What unit did you serve with? 2ND PLT. C CO.2 ND.BN. 12 TH INF.
When did you serve? DEC-68 DEC-69
Please enter your comments: GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!!RUCK-UP

11/26/00 02:22:31 PM  
Your name: Michael Belis
What is the title of your website? c22infantry
How did you find our site? websearch
What unit did you serve with? Co C 1/22 Infantry 4th Div & IFFV
When did you serve? 1970-71
Please enter your comments: Greetings to all the troops. I humped the boonies as an 11Bravo with 1/22 Inf, with the 4th Division around Pleiku, Kontum & An Khe, and later with IFFV around Tuy Hoa. Check out my website for original VN insignia, memorabilia and other militaria which I have to offer.
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11/26/00 06:51:43 AM  
Your name: Jim Mc Avoy
How did you find our site? Flashes
What unit did you serve with? 25th MID (Military Intelligence Detachment)
When did you serve? Oct 1968 - Sept 1969
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11/25/00 05:41:31 PM  
How did you find our site? FLASHES
What unit did you serve with? 1/5th Infantry and DISCOM
When did you serve? VIETNAM 1967
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11/25/00 03:46:06 PM  
Your name: thomas j cummings
How did you find our site? friend
What unit did you serve with? c com 4th bn 23rd inf
When did you serve? sep1969 thru jul 1970
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11/25/00 11:07:13 AM  
Your name: John Shoultz
How did you find our site? VFW Mag.
What unit did you serve with? HHC 1st Bde 25th Inf Div
When did you serve? 68-69
Please enter your comments: Sure would like to with some of the guys that I served with from the communications platoon.

11/24/00 11:12:44 AM  
Your name: Larry Smith
How did you find our site? Visit Daily
What unit did you serve with? A Troop 1st Platoon 3/4 Cav
When did you serve? May 67-April 68
Please enter your comments: BOBBY WELDON OR HIS RELATIVES: Please contact me. I have tried several times to contact you after seeing your message on this site. I am concerned and would like to talk to you. Your Friend...Larry Smith.

11/24/00 10:29:26 AM  
Your name: Howard K. Leslie Jr.
How did you find our site? Searched
What unit did you serve with? 100 BTLN 442 Inf Div Reserves
When did you serve? 1986-1992
Please enter your comments: I am looking for information on my uncle. His name was Wendell Wayne Leslie(50013952)-SPC4, Co.B, 2/12 25th Inf. Div. He was killed on Sunday, April 27, 1969 I found some information on www.no-quarter.org. It said that he died of multiple fragmentation wounds. Is there anybody out there that knows what happened to him that day? Was it a grenade, did he walk into a trip wire, was there a fire fight? When I was four years old I was with my Grandma on the day that the military jeep pulled up in front of the house. She started to scream. She knew that my uncle wasn't coming home alive. He came home with a Silver-Star and many other medals. What did he do to earn those medals? Is there any body out there that knew my uncle?
11/24/00 07:15:30 AM  
Your name: Pieter Thomassen
How did you find our site? just surfed in
What unit did you serve with? 1/21st HHC and C
When did you serve? 83-85
Please enter your comments: Hello to all. I was one of the lucky ones to serve in peace time. Thanks to all that severed the 25th in Wartime. I was with C company 1st Platoon and was detached to Headquarters. Saying hello to all those that severed with me. Hope things are good for all.

11/23/00 01:27:58 PM  
Your name: Willis Stiner
How did you find our site? websearch
What unit did you serve with? 25th Infantry Division, 35th Infantry Regiment, Co. M
When did you serve? 1941-42
Please enter your comments: Would like to hear from anyone who served during that time period at the Bombing of Pearl Harbor. Also, would like to contact Aubrey Bradford.

11/23/00 09:38:31 AM  
Your name: erine f. latta
How did you find our site? under 25th infantry
What unit did you serve with? 35division 25th infantry
When did you serve? 1940-1945
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11/23/00 08:47:38 AM  
Your name: Roger A. Mc Gill
What is the title of your website? Vietnam Veterans
How did you find our site? The Association
What unit did you serve with? 3/4 Cav- HHT - HQ 5B
When did you serve? '65 - '66 Hawaii & Vietnam Cu Chi
Please enter your comments: Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and their families of the 25th Association and the 25th Infantry Division in Hawaii and their families. God Bless
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11/23/00 01:27:12 AM  
Your name: Jim Murphy
What unit did you serve with? 125th Sig. Bn.
When did you serve? 12/68 - 12/69
Please enter your comments: To all those who served, have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
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11/22/00 09:03:15 PM  
What is the title of your website? CALL SIGN CENTAUR
How did you find our site? 25TH DIV. ASSOC. LIFE MEMBER
What unit did you serve with? D-TROOP (AIR) 3/4 CAV. CU CHI
When did you serve? 10-69, 10-70
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11/22/00 12:03:34 PM  
Your name: Walt McDonald
What unit did you serve with? A/1/14 ( Alpha Army Pavnhunters) 3rd Brigade or better known as th "Bastard Brigade"
When did you serve? April 1965 - Dec 1966
Please enter your comments: Just wishing all Lightning Brothers a Happy Turkey Day! God Bless You All and Welcome Home my Brothers! If ya get the time check out our web site at www.1-14th.com

11/21/00 06:03:38 PM  
Your name: Dave Rowland
How did you find our site? Frequent Visitor
What unit did you serve with? "Little Bears" A Co.25thAvn.Bn.&HHD25thAvn.Bn.,25thInf.Div.
When did you serve? 2-'67 to 4-'68
Please enter your comments: With regards to Bill Prince's and "Wolfhound Mike's" messages, you guys are absolutely right. We all have an opinion(you know what was always said about opinions in the military?). Yes the Vietnamese people suffered terribly for years before and after the U.S. was there to "help". But! I like thousands of other young patriotic-minded guys BELIEVED we were doing the right thing, maybe now I can say I was foolish to volunteer for so much more than was necessary. Again, I BELIEVED it was necessary, and yes by God, if I were needed again(call it what you will) I would do it all over again. If the U.S. is responsible for damage and suffering done in 'Nam what is Russia, or China responsible for? Can they recall all of the AK-47 rounds, or the 122MM rockets, I'm sorry as Hell about the guys who are and were affected by Agent Orange, I wish I could help them, and the PTSD guys too. I didn't have any friends who came back that way(maybe me with some strange skin problems, and a daughter born with a bone defect in one Femur, don't really know) the few really good friends I had that went to 'Nam came back in aluminum coffins, except one who came home with no legs, I consider myself very lucky! So, after all my rambling you can say I'm opinionated(or just hard-headed) whatever! I will still defend to the death your right to your opinions. You guys all take care, and Welcome Home to all!! Dave Rowland

11/20/00 10:25:14 PM  
How did you find our site? SURFING
What unit did you serve with? 25TH MP CO.
When did you serve? 1980-1984

11/20/00 04:33:33 PM  
Your name: Tim (army name:(Richard Timothy) Mengelkoch
How did you find our site? past menber
What unit did you serve with? 2bn 14th inf..Golden Dragons..Alpha company
When did you serve? April 1966-April 1967
Please enter your comments: I haven't visited this site for a year or so. My wife and I will be spending 2 weeks in Hawaii,1 week on Kauaii and 1 week on the Big Island, in March 2001 and plan on seeing the Arizona Memorial and Schofield Barracks. Does anyone have suggestions or ideas on getting the most out of our vacation?

11/20/00 10:11:14 AM  
Your name: Dennis P Reilly
What unit did you serve with? C Co. 4/23 25 Inf Div Cu Chi
When did you serve? March 67-68
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11/20/00 04:06:23 AM  
Your name: Mike Moschkin
How did you find our site? regular
What unit did you serve with? Co. A1/27th
When did you serve? 3/65 to 10/66
Please enter your comments: Bill Prince although I am probably more inclined to agree with you. I wanted to make a comment about the otherside of the "WALL". I've been going to the "WALL" since it was dedicated and what many of the combat vets refer to the otherside of the "Wall" is where are deceased brothers are at. I don't know if you have ever been down to the "WALL" after dark but if you look at the cracks between the panels it looks like there is room on the otherside because of the way the light reflects into it. It's as if our brothers are all on otherside in a room waiting for us. I know I always joke about them playing cards like we used to do over there and waiting on us. As far as views and opinions I am with you as you and everyone else here says we all have a right to our opinions. "Wolfhound Mike"

11/19/00 09:47:46 PM  
Your name: Bill Prince
How did you find our site? frequent viewer
What unit did you serve with? Co. A, 65th Engineers
When did you serve? 68 to 70
Please enter your comments: This is in response to the Dave Rowland entry. Dave, I appreciate your comment, but I feel the need to reply from my viewpoint. I didn't read the article you mentioned but I do feel the need to state my viewpoint on what you said. In 99 I was at The Wall in D.C. for Memorial Day Weekend. There was a term I heard there, the other side of The Wall, which refers to the over three million Vietnamese who died during the war. This includes both civilians and soldiers. Let me remind you that it was the US Government/Military who dropped Agent Orange on the Vietnam countryside and not someone else. Most of us spent 12 months in Vietnam and then returned home. The ARVN's and civilians were there for the duration, I don't think they went on any R & R either! American GI's suffer the effects of Agent Orange and guess what, so do the Vietnamese people! Our government does support those GI's suffering from the symptoms of this herbicide, perhaps not as much as you deem necessary. If you feel the Vietnamese didn't appreciate us then perhaps you might care to take a look at this issue from their viewpoint. Two guys I served with are PTSD and one also suffers from Agent Orange. They both receive benefits from the VA. After WWII we helped rebuild Germany and Japan into two of the worlds major powers, so what are we doing for Vietnam? Not too much. If you want to bring up POW/MIA issue look at the numbers. During the Korean War there were over 8,000 US MIA's and during WWII there were 25,000 US MIA's. I saw KIA NVA regulars, some of the toughest fighting men ever, bulldozed into unmarked graves. I am proud to have served with the 25th and proud of the those I served with who never returned home. I have a different viewpoint than you but that is what makes this country what it is. I wish you well and just as feel strongly about my views as well.

11/19/00 04:32:34 PM  
Your name: Jim Fielder
How did you find our site? surfing the web
What unit did you serve with? 3rd of the 13th artillery c battery
When did you serve? 1968 to 1969
Please enter your comments: Great site. Thankyou for your hard work here. I'm looking for some of the guys I served with. Dave Calvert, Hernandez Rodriguez, Leroy satterfield, Srgt Stagalwalk?? Srgt Rice, Srgt Wright, John Gulledge, and anyone else that I served with. I have been looking for these guys since I came home, and I was able to find Richard Tossaint last year and had a great reunion with him. lease if you know of any of these guys please contact me at fielder4@bellsouth.net . Thanks again and goodluck to everyone. Jim Fielder

11/19/00 04:06:11 PM  
Your name: Arthur C Bonevich
How did you find our site? Returned
What unit did you serve with? A Trp 3/4 Cav
When did you serve? 1963/66
Please enter your comments: Hawaii,ShotgunXI,Ban me Thout,Cu Chi Jan-Dec 1966.Looking for upgrades,Art

11/19/00 05:32:29 AM  
Your name: Harry T. Kiley
What is the title of your website? HHB 25th Infantry Division Artillery
How did you find our site? Been here before
What unit did you serve with? HHB 25th Div Arty
When did you serve? 1965 - 1967
Please enter your comments: Always a pleasure to re-visit this website. I like to view the guestbook and see if I recognize anyone. Belated 'Happy Veterans Day' to everyone. As always, proud to be a card carrying member of the best, damn fighting outfit in the military. "Tropic Lightning" HOORAH!!!
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11/18/00 03:05:18 PM  
What unit did you serve with? SEE BELOW
When did you serve? SEE BELOW..

11/17/00 04:34:22 PM  
Your name: Frank F. Byrne
How did you find our site? 35th Infantry Newsletter
What unit did you serve with? K co. 3rd Bn 27th Infantry Regiment
When did you serve? Korea 1950 -51
Please enter your comments: Joined the 27th after the 29th Infantry from Okinawa was claimed combat ineffective after the Hadong Trap.

11/17/00 03:46:57 PM  
Your name: Jan C White
How did you find our site? Looked up 25th on the wwb
What unit did you serve with? 25th ? Troop 3/4 cav
When did you serve? 6-70-6-71
Please enter your comments: It's refreshing to see such patriotism on this site after a crapping presidential election. I served as a crew chief on a LOH OH-6A. We flew with a Cobra as our cover ship. We were known as the light scouts or Hunter Killer Team. I have stayed in touch with my pilot and best friend Jack Cosby from Arab Al.Would like to get in touch with all the guys from Cu Chi especially Rich Adams form Chicago IL. Welcome home to all.

11/17/00 01:30:37 PM  
Your name: Jim Flynn
What unit did you serve with? Hq 25th Inf Divn. Cu Chi
When did you serve? 1968 - 1969
Please enter your comments: Seeing the photos (and the hand drawing) of Cu Chi base camp brought back many memories. Some good. Some not. A part of my life which is now so distant; yet so vivid. Thanks for sharing them.

11/17/00 05:15:24 AM  
Your name: Marguerite Jordan
What is the title of your website? travelogs Seeing Vietnam through the eyes of Soldiers
Please enter your comments: I am interested in the Vietnam experience, and had the good fortune to visit the country this past spring with some men who served. I went with Milspec Travel (goMilSpec@aol.com) and wrote about my experiences for a website called vietnam.com. My article is called Seeing Vietnam through the eyes of Soldiers, under the Travelogs listing. I am interested in your feedback.
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11/17/00 01:14:58 AM  
Your name: John Bailey
How did you find our site? Search Engine
What unit did you serve with? 4th Field Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery`
When did you serve? 1972 to 1978
Please enter your comments: I trained with your guys in Hawaii in 1975. I would like to hear from anyone that was in the 11th Field Artillery at that time.

11/16/00 10:08:32 PM  
Your name: Dave Rowland
How did you find our site? Frequent Visitor
What unit did you serve with? A Co.& HHD 25th Avn.Bn., 25th Inf.Div.
When did you serve? 2-'67 to 4-'68
Please enter your comments: I haven't put in my two cents worth for a while, and thought I was overdue. Hope all of you great guys had a good Veterans Day, since you all earned it, and then some. I saw a thing on the news tonight about all the problems in 'Nam today with the aftermath of "Agent Orange", like birth defects and other stuff. And they said "the U.S. should bear some responsibility, oh hell yes! why not? We should pay for the problems caused by trying to help people who wouldn't help themselves. Perhaps someone could tell me who will make reparations for almost 60,000 other great guys who won't see Santa this year, or any year ever again, and all of the children in this country who can't ever have a Christmas dinner with their Dad again. I don't hear any volunteers stepping forward from any other countries to offer help, or even a simple thanks for what we tried to do for them. So in closing, the few if any extra dollars I might have in my pocket will go to any Veteran who might need a hand, long before it would see the hand of someone who never appreciated the help the first time! I'm sorry if I rubbed anybody the wrong way, but that news item really lit my fuse. Again a good day and life to you all, and as always Welcome Home!

11/16/00 03:06:24 PM  
Your name: Wallace Craig
What is the title of your website? Da Zoo
How did you find our site? It's the happenin' spot!
What unit did you serve with? 1/35th
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After Three years of searching, finally heard from CSM Jim Williams…..thanks to the 25th Assn. and all who helped!!

Wallace Craig

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11/16/00 02:45:27 PM  
Your name: !st Sgt (Ret) William D. Sharon
What unit did you serve with? 25th Mp Co Dau Tieng Detachment
When did you serve? Dec 1969- Dec 1970
Please enter your comments: Am looking for anyone who served during that time frame, Plus am trying to locate Joseph Metts who served there in 1969. He also served with the 793rd MP BN Erlangen Detachment

11/16/00 07:32:27 AM  
Your name: Allen L. Ennis Jr.
How did you find our site? serfing
What unit did you serve with? 6/77th atry. Battery (B)
When did you serve? 5/26/67 thru 4/27/68
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11/15/00 07:44:29 PM  
Your name: Leonard Lantz
How did you find our site? Friend
What unit did you serve with? B co. 4/31st.196 Light Inf. Americal Div.
When did you serve? 9-25-70 thru9-27-71
Please enter your comments: Looking for some old friends Nathan Schrader, Leo Bourdelais, and Dan Goodjohn or any one else who may remember me.I don't have a comp. a friend is summiting this for me. You can contact Greg and he will relay any messages to me or my phone number is 1-804-983-1572 and my address is Rt.3 Box 323A, Scotsville Va. 24590

11/15/00 06:06:23 PM  
Your name: Harold H. Bye
How did you find our site? ask jeeves
What unit did you serve with? 25th Infantry 'A' company with Wolfhound Insignia
When did you serve? Called to duty Dec.12,1944
Please enter your comments: Assigned to camp Roberts, Calif. for basic training. Shipped out of Camp Stoneman for his overseas duty and made a short stop at Iwo Jima, then on to Luzon. After treaty was signed, was stationed at Iofu, Japan with the occupational forces. Soon after was sent home. Discharged April 26, 1946 Camp Beale. Served his country with pride and honor. Deceased November 11, 2000. In Loving Memory of Pop.... You are missed.

11/14/00 09:23:54 AM  
Your name: Alex E. Zarycki Sr.
What is the title of your website? goodfellows1.com
How did you find our site? Internet
What unit did you serve with? Hdq.&Hdq. Co. 2cd Bn.22(Mech)Infantry
When did you serve? 1969-1970
Please enter your comments: Looking for servicemen that worked Sierra Five India with me. Also recon with that unit that went into Charlie Alpha Mike Bravo Oscar Delta India Alpha with me.Parrot beak operation!

11/14/00 05:53:25 AM  
Your name: Harry W. Heckart
What unit did you serve with? "C" troop 3rd Sqd. 4th Cav.
When did you serve? april 1968-april 1970
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11/14/00 03:56:35 AM  
Your name: Mike Furrow
How did you find our site? Search Engine
What unit did you serve with? A. Company 5/14th infantry
When did you serve? 92 - 95
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11/14/00 12:03:14 AM  
Your name: Jim Murphy
Please enter your comments: A belated happy Veterans Day to all. Let us never forget those who made the supreme sacrifice and let us always remember that America is number one thanks to its Veterans. Jim Murphy Clinton, NJ 125th Sig. Bn. 12/68 - 12/69
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11/13/00 05:40:14 AM  
Your name: Gene Nix
How did you find our site? Avid 25ID watcher
What unit did you serve with? Co A 25th Avn Bn///B Troop 3/4 Cav
When did you serve? Jul 66- Feb68
Please enter your comments: Just wanted all to know that I am proud to have been a part of the 25th and wish all a belated Veterans Days SALUTE!!!!! Thanks, guys

11/12/00 10:00:14 PM  
Your name: Tim Gardner
What unit did you serve with? B c/o 3/22nd Inf
When did you serve? 87-91
Please enter your comments: First of all I know I'm a few days late. I was in the Hospital and I got out today. I just want to say to all the Veterans on Veterans Day I Thank You and let's not Forget Our fallen Brothers and Sisters who served this Country with Honor. DEEDS NOT WORDS

11/12/00 09:42:36 PM  
Your name: Bill Prince
How did you find our site? regular visitor
What unit did you serve with? Co. A, 65th Engineers
When did you serve? 68 to 70
Please enter your comments: I hope you all had as good a Veterans Day as I did. I went to the Vietnam Memorial and parade in Sacramento where I had the chance to talk and remember old times with comrades in arms. I met many vets from all services and quite a few from the 25th. A lot of different units were represented including the Wolfhounds (hey Merrill!), 3/4 Cav, 75th Rangers (two guys), 2/34 Armor, one of the Med-evac units and another 65th Engineer. A lot of similar realities, places and events. It was good to meet and talk with those who made it back but let us never forget those who didn't catch that Freedom Bird home, they are much more than letters engraved in stone. I hope to see many of you next year in Hawaii. Tropic Lightening!

11/12/00 12:33:32 PM  
Your name: Nick Hargraves
How did you find our site? Internet Search
What unit did you serve with? N/A
When did you serve? N/A
Please enter your comments: I'm a student at the United State Naval Academy, and I'm doing a research paper on the Korean War. I wanted to make my main topic out to be how the Army on a couple of occasions saved the Marines during the conflict. Any information I could get along those lines would be great. Thanks for the help. Nick Hargraves e-mail: m042832@usna.edu

11/11/00 10:27:33 PM  
Your name: Joe Minella
How did you find our site? net search
What unit did you serve with? HHB 7/11 Arty
When did you serve? dec.69-feb.71
Please enter your comments: ncoic Bn.fire control center Tay Ninh/Dau Tieng finished tour with 2nd field force camp price,long binh,FSB Mace xuan loc anyone remember a fire mission and all nescessary from juliet-mike

11/11/00 05:32:53 AM  
Your name: john c johnson
How did you find our site? thru cyber sarge
What unit did you serve with? 25th inf 25bat diamondhead gunships
When did you serve? 1969 1970
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11/11/00 03:16:33 AM  
Your name: LEO C RICE
How did you find our site? 25th member
What unit did you serve with? d troop 3/4cav
When did you serve? feb 67 feb68
Please enter your comments: on this 11 day nov being veterans day let us all remenber our fallen comreds and our POW brothers that they will be return home where they belong god bless each and every one of you and god bless the USA

11/10/00 06:55:28 PM  
Your name: Wallace Craig
What is the title of your website? Da Zoo.com
What unit did you serve with? "B" 1/35th
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Best to Everyone
Thanks for your Service

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11/10/00 03:05:08 PM  
How did you find our site? FRIEND
What unit did you serve with? E Co.2nd Bn.27th Regt.25th Div.
When did you serve? 1945-1946 LUZON/JAPAN

11/10/00 01:43:25 PM  
Your name: Benny Joe Adkins
How did you find our site? Net Search
What unit did you serve with? Wolfhounds
When did you serve? 68-69
Please enter your comments: I served as E-5 Sergeant 1/27 Wolfhounds, company C 3rd platoon. Was sometimes called "Arkansas."

11/10/00 11:44:42 AM  
Your name: Sue
How did you find our site? search engine
What unit did you serve with? My father served with 27th Regiment (Wolfhounds), 25th Division (Tropic Lightning)
When did you serve? 1950-1953
Please enter your comments: My father was Leonard "Tiny" Durling (1930-1995), of New Hampshire. Thanks for the web site. using the information you have provided, I will attempt to get what information exists on my father's time in the service. (His military records were burned in the fire)

11/10/00 07:20:30 AM  
Your name: Ashley Huffmaster
How did you find our site? I was doing a paper on a Vietnam veteran and he was in the 25th infantry, so I was looking up information to help me.
Please enter your comments: This site was very helpful to me.

11/10/00 05:58:46 AM  
Your name: Thomas C. Gosselin
How did you find our site? Surfing the web
What unit did you serve with? HHC 25th Div., F Troop 3/4 Cav, Hq & CoA 725th Maint Bn.
When did you serve? 6/65-4/67
Please enter your comments: Was with the Lighting Ambush Academy in 1966 and early 67, went to Viet Nam on Troop Ship USNS Gen. Gordon in Feb. & Mar. 66

11/09/00 10:53:20 AM  
Your name: Randy Kethcart
What is the title of your website? A Year On the Jumpin Jack
How did you find our site? daily visitor
What unit did you serve with? 1/5th (mech) B Company
When did you serve? 1970
Please enter your comments: Being Nov. 9th, I just wanted to take a moment to remember my squad members that were killed 30 years ago today. Franciss William Harter, Randall Lee Ellis, and Ronald J. DiBartolomeo. Thanks!
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11/09/00 09:17:31 AM  
Your name: Rufus A. Kersh
How did you find our site? Searched the web for 25th Infantry Division
What unit did you serve with? 725th Maintenance Battalion
When did you serve? 1963 - 1965
Please enter your comments: I was a charter member of the 725th Maintenance Battalion, Company E. Of course our headquarters was Schofield Barracks but I worked at Wheeler Field in Army Aviation Maintenance as an aircraft supply specialist.

11/08/00 03:51:06 PM  
Your name: Dan Hollister
How did you find our site? Surfing
What unit did you serve with? 2/12th. 25th., A Co. 1st. Platoon
When did you serve? Oct. 1967 to Oct. 1968
Please enter your comments: This is a great site. Keep up the good work. I have come across a few Vietnam buddies in the past year and some relatives of buddies that did not make it home. I am always checking in to see who is signing the Guestbook. Looking forward to communicating with others that shared our experiences. I was based in Dau Tieng but spent most of my time in the field.

11/08/00 01:59:26 PM  
Your name: DANIEL G. NATE, SR.
How did you find our site? just looking around
What unit did you serve with? F Co. Lrps,50th Inf.,25th Div. and F Co. 75th Rangers and Co.E, C.R.I.P.,2/12 Inf.,25th Div.,RVN.
When did you serve? Oct. 1968-Oct. 1969
Please enter your comments: Looking for other CRIP members that remember the night the enemy walked 3 rockets into the Go Dah Hau compound, destroying the newly erected aluminum buildings, and killing/injuring many. There was a MACV compound next to us, in the ville, but they did not venture out until daylight. If someone recaalls such, please contact me.

11/07/00 05:14:36 PM  
Your name: Ron Schenk
How did you find our site? surfing threw military sites
What unit did you serve with? 25inf div 725mt , co d,
When did you serve? 1963 to1965
Please enter your comments: I am glad that past sacrafices are not forgotton

11/07/00 07:40:56 AM  
Your name: Ron Cristofaro
How did you find our site? looking for 25th info
What unit did you serve with? i can't remember
When did you serve? 1967-68
Please enter your comments: I served with the 25th from sept 67 to sept 68. I have put vietnam out of my mind so long I can't remember my unit or friends I made there or the ones I left behind. If anyone reading this remembers me, please contact me by my email address. thanks Ronnie Cristofaro. Mulberry Florida

11/06/00 07:28:23 PM  
Your name: sp4 Barry White
How did you find our site? on yahoo
What unit did you serve with? B Troop 3/4 Cav 25Inf.
When did you serve? 78-81
Please enter your comments: look for any that served during this time? My address is 105 Creek Dr. Easley S.C.

11/06/00 07:26:09 PM  
Your name: Dennis Pahuta
What unit did you serve with? 25th MP company
When did you serve? Dec. 1965-Jan. 1967
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11/06/00 07:10:16 PM  
Your name: Barry White
What unit did you serve with? 3/4 Cav. 25th Inf.
When did you serve? 78 -81
Please enter your comments: Looking for people that served with B Troop during this time ?

11/06/00 09:17:02 AM  
Your name: DANIEL G. NATE, SR.
How did you find our site? lookijg up the 25th Div home page.
What unit did you serve with? f.Co.LRP,25th Inf. Div.; F.Co. 75th Rangers,25th Inf. Div; C.R.I.P. Platoon. Co.E,2/12 Inf.,25th Inf.Div.
When did you serve? Oct.,1968 thru Oct. 1969
Please enter your comments: Served with the best, just like the rest. Would like to express my sincerest thanks to the Air Rifles and the fly-boys of "CENTAUR", 3/4's pilots. gunners, and all attached personnel for their bravery and never-ending support for our often beleagured unit."YOU ALWAYS GOT US HOME". Thank you. Dan Nate, Oct.06, 2000.

11/06/00 02:04:41 AM  
Your name: Dick Arnold
What unit did you serve with? A, 1/35 Infantry
When did you serve? '67-'68
Please enter your comments: Hello All, I am involved with a project to identify the battalions and companies for Vietnam kias of the 3rd Brigade. Following are details for two men we need help with. Please respond if you know battalion and company for either. Thanks for your help! Sp4 Amalio Pagan-Pagan (11B) Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico Age 21 Tour Started 9-21-66 Casualty Date: 3/27/67 Binh Dinh Small Arms/AW Sp4 Alan Lane (13B) Warren, Michigan Age 21 Tour Started 8/17/66 Casualty Date: 5/13/67 Quang Ngai Multi-Frag

11/05/00 01:07:40 PM  
Your name: charles acheson
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? HHB&C-BATTERY 3/13 arty. Btry. medic
When did you serve? march thru dec. 1969
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11/05/00 04:59:41 AM  
Your name: roy thompson
What unit did you serve with? a co. 65th engineers
When did you serve? 67 ,68
Please enter your comments: i am looking for anybody that served with me

11/04/00 10:24:37 PM  
Your name: ROB KELSEY
How did you find our site? SURFED ON

11/04/00 11:45:03 AM  
Your name: Jeff Weldon
How did you find our site? Just searching
What unit did you serve with? My father served
Please enter your comments: My Father served with Alpha3/4 Calv 67-68.His name is Bobby Darrel Weldon.He lost both arms in the war.He was looking for Ricky Cox,Harris Strickland,andSteven Stringfield.If any one remembers please e-mail me.

11/04/00 10:35:57 AM  
How did you find our site? MILITARY MAGAZINE
What unit did you serve with? L COMPANY 14TH INF.
When did you serve? 1952-3

11/03/00 04:21:16 PM  
Your name: DEWEY C. HUGHES
What unit did you serve with? Co. D 25th. Med. Batt 25th. Inf Div
When did you serve? May1969-May1970 Tay Ninh
Please enter your comments: I served with D Co. 25th. Med. Batt. 25th. Inf Div. out of Tay Ninh from 69-70 Our co. area was located at the main crossroads in the center of the basecamp kattycorner from the division NCO club also across the street from the 45th surgical hosp. I mostly drove convoys back and forth from Chu Chi about twice a week. I would be interested in talking with anyone that might have served there about the same time. Hope to hear from someone

11/03/00 09:47:07 AM  
Your name: Tom Clampitt
What is the title of your website? Bravo 2/27
How did you find our site? Surfed on several months ago
What unit did you serve with? bravo 2/27 Wolfhounds
When did you serve? Vietnam 68-69
Please enter your comments: looking for all Bravo 2/27 guys. Visit my site and sign the guest book.
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11/03/00 06:48:01 AM  
Your name: Chester Ball
What is the title of your website? Artillery
How did you find our site? been here before
What unit did you serve with? Hq. Btry 64th FA Bn. 1949-1951; A Btry 1/8 FA Bn. 1967-1968
Please enter your comments: Great Site with lots of information on the DIV. Am looking for any of the old cannon cockers that was in Nara Japan and went to Korea with the 64th FA Bn. Would love to hear from you.
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11/02/00 06:04:40 PM  
Your name: Kermit Schayltz
What is the title of your website? Lucky Derby Casino
How did you find our site? Told about it by a friend
What unit did you serve with? 1st of the 27th and HHC 3rd Brigade
When did you serve? July of 68 to Oct of 70
Please enter your comments: Would love to hear from anyone that thinks they might have served with me. My nickname at the time was "Kerby"
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11/01/00 04:38:16 PM  
Your name: Ronald (Ronnie) Leon Bowen
How did you find our site? searching for viet nam
What unit did you serve with? 25th infantry 3/4 Cav A Troop 2nd Patoon
When did you serve? Dec. 1966 - Dec. 1967
Please enter your comments: Searching for Jr. for Jr's 8 Ball Inn or anyone in the unit,especially "Doc" Stein. Doc and I were together with Lt.George K. Webster, our captain was James Strickland. You can e-mail me at leonbrenda@powernet.org. I am from Alabama and everyone else was from up north and I was the slowestttttttttt talking one over there and still am!! I sure hope you all find this. Lt. thanks, Because You would not send us anywhere you wouldn't go! Doc was the only one who could shoot a shotgun and patch you up at the same time! Waiting for ANY information on any of you guys*****

11/01/00 08:19:56 AM  
Your name: Arnold G. Thompson Sr.
How did you find our site? surfin the net
What unit did you serve with? 2/12 inf. div.
When did you serve? oct20th to oct21st 69-70
Please enter your comments: HHC and D company

11/01/00 06:47:41 AM  
Your name: John Gagne
How did you find our site? 25th Div Web Page
What unit did you serve with? Co B, 4/23d (Mech)
When did you serve? Aug 66-May 67
Please enter your comments: Anyone who served with B Co, 4/23d. Trying to reach Dave Kuhl, 1st Sgt Harold Powers, SFC Arashiro or any other Ann Margaret outpost/Ho Bo Woods/Michelin Plantation vets from Cu Chi.

11/01/00 04:53:31 AM  
Your name: Vernon Dobkins
How did you find our site? Searching......
What unit did you serve with? 1-14 Inf Regt. B-co Golden Dragons
When did you serve? 98-01
Please enter your comments: All I have to say is that Golden Dragons is a very motivate and dedicated unit and does live up to the old saying quoted by Calvin P. Titus "I'll try Sir!"

10/30/00 02:56:55 PM  
Your name: Charles P. Riggs
How did you find our site? Just surfed in
What unit did you serve with? headquarters co 1/27
When did you serve? 1/70-12/70
Please enter your comments: Anyone in the communication platoon please contact me.

10/29/00 03:22:21 PM  
Your name: Don McCarthy
How did you find our site? Looking for info On Korean Vets for brother-in-law
What unit did you serve with? He served with Co.B, 1st Battilion, 14th Reg. 25th Div
When did you serve? July 1951 to May 1952
Please enter your comments: Anyone remember Ron Sandvig form Minnesota would like to get in touch with a Harold Sheedy and David Rode from Chicago area.

10/29/00 12:06:21 PM  
Your name: Gerald (Jerry) Pahlmann
How did you find our site? link from Vietnam Memorial Wall
What unit did you serve with? 4th Bn 9th Inf MANCHUS
When did you serve? Sept 67 to Sept 68
Please enter your comments: Was in Charlie company 4/9 from 9/67 to 1/68 then reassiged to 25th Lightning Replacement Training School till 9/68

10/29/00 10:06:42 AM  
Your name: Jose Patricino Pacheco #37701313
How did you find our site? via search engine
What unit did you serve with? 161st 3rd Batallion company K - 3rd platoon
When did you serve? 1943-1950
Please enter your comments: I am looking for veterans of my battalion, I have just been introduced to the web, please e-mail me, if your out there Cantral, Arenas, Leiutenant Micheals, send me a note........ Pacheco 37701313(serial number)

10/29/00 10:06:39 AM  
Your name: Daniel Ruiz
How did you find our site? Friend-Butch Toomey
What unit did you serve with? 2/11 Field Artillery
When did you serve? 1972-75
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10/29/00 09:26:36 AM  
Your name: gene nix
What unit did you serve with? Co A 25th Avn Bn and B Troop 3/4 Cav
When did you serve? Jul 66-Mar68
Please enter your comments: Jim Dayton, I lost all contact with the Little Bears but found that one of ours contacted you; Leland Stewart. I will be at the next renunion. Roberto Molinaro, I will also see you at either the Little Bear or Sabre reunion.

10/28/00 02:31:13 PM  
Your name: Kim Pike
How did you find our site? searched
Please enter your comments: I am looking for information about My brother who was killed in Gia Dinh, South Viet Nam on Jan.31 1968. His name was Edward Morris Pike...he was a Spec 4 from Hanceville ALAbama. Please contact me if you served with him. His unit was B Company, 25th Aviation Battalion (Diamond Head).

10/27/00 06:04:29 AM  
Your name: John S. Corona
What unit did you serve with? HHC 2/12th 4th Inf Div
When did you serve? 3/64 to 3/66
Please enter your comments: Just looking for info on old friends.

10/27/00 05:17:34 AM  
How did you find our site? SEARCH
What unit did you serve with? 2/503, 173RD AIRBORNE
When did you serve? '65/'66
Please enter your comments: Re: LTC ROBERT B. CARMICHAEL, Bat. Commander, 3/22, 25th Inf. Hello brothers! I served as Maj. Bob Carmichael's RTO in '65/'66 with the 173rd Airborne out of Bien Hoa. Bob returned to VN as the Bat. Commander of the 3/22. Tomorrow, 28 Oct., is the Colonel's birthday, he'll be 71 years old. A number of his Sky Soldier troopers are sending him birthday wishes, and I thought some of our brothers from the 3/22 would also like to send good wishes his way. You'll want to identify your name, rank, Company, etc. I know my old XO and your former Bat. Commander would love to hear from you. The Colonel's email address is: BYRONCAR@aol.com Thanks! RTO Smitty

10/26/00 10:25:54 PM  
Your name: Greg Patterson
How did you find our site? Military.com
What unit did you serve with? 1/35 Cacti unit
When did you serve? 72-74
Please enter your comments: Your site is fantastic. Really shows alot. How would I go about getting my dog tags as I never received them? Thank You

10/26/00 09:24:11 AM  
Your name: Roland J. Bordeleau
How did you find our site? AOL Keyword
What unit did you serve with? 14th Infantry
When did you serve? 1953-1954
Please enter your comments: Korea...combat nco... awared Combat Infantry Badge served May1953to Aug1954in Korea ARMY 1952-1954

10/26/00 09:12:51 AM  
Your name: Leonard Clark
How did you find our site? Through a web search
What unit did you serve with? 5/14th Infantry and 25th Infantry Div G-4
When did you serve? May 86-May 92
Please enter your comments: Served with the 1st Brigade, 5/14th Infantry from May 86-Mar 89. Was the NCOIC of the Command Maintenance Evaluation Team (COMET) Mar 89 to Jan 91 and then I was the acting G-4 Sergeant Major (I was a MSG at the time) from Jan91 to May 92. (Retired after 24 years in April 96

10/23/00 12:06:58 PM  
Your name: Jerry "Doc" Spulecki
How did you find our site? been here before
What unit did you serve with? 1/14th "GOLDEN DRAGONS"
When did you serve? 5/67 TO 5/68

10/23/00 01:37:52 AM  
Your name: Jerry Campbell
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? c .co. 4/23d mech inf
When did you serve? july 69 -july 70
Please enter your comments: Some of us tomahawks are planing a reunion we are trying to locate others. welcome home

10/21/00 01:47:50 PM  
Your name: Thomas (Jan) Hunt
How did you find our site? surfed on
What unit did you serve with? A Battery 3/13th Artillery
When did you serve? 1968-69
Please enter your comments: Have signed on before but still looking for Toby Simmons. Bill Fee found me and I have contact with Lennie Zade. Also looking for George hockman and Charles Robinson. Remembering Tim O'Conner and Dwight Bozeman on May 9th 1968.

10/21/00 02:12:59 AM  
Your name: Roger Young
How did you find our site? web search
What unit did you serve with? HHC S&T BATTALION 25TH INF. DIV.
When did you serve? 1966-67
Please enter your comments: Would like to hear from anyone who was with HHC at the same time. Especially Donald Wilson.

10/20/00 10:53:46 PM  
Your name: Robbin Huckelberry
What is the title of your website? HucksGuardsmen
How did you find our site? Search engine
What unit did you serve with? 1st Brigade 5/20th
When did you serve? 1994-1996
Please enter your comments: Anyone from 5/20th out there? Would like to hear from you. "In 1995 we took a little trip/ along with Sargent Borges to the southern Cuban tip..."
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10/20/00 11:54:15 AM  
Your name: Thomas L Morman
How did you find our site? Vet friends on AOL
What unit did you serve with? Co A, 1/5th Inf (Mech)
When did you serve? 65 in Hawaii and 66 in RVN
Please enter your comments: Surprised at the details such as After Action reports. They refreshed my memories. Lost track of all I served with. Ended up making a career of Army and retired as a 1SG in 87. Thanks for the site.

10/19/00 12:05:04 PM  
Your name: Patrick J. Harnack
How did you find our site? looking for tropical lightning site
What unit did you serve with? 125 signal battalion
When did you serve? chu chi vietnam
Please enter your comments: pleased to finally find the site for the 25th infantry, wasn't listed as the vietnam mag. has it listed, would like to find other men of my battalion from 69 to 70. If able to help please let me know by my email. thank's Pat Harnack

10/19/00 11:29:52 AM  
Your name: Paul Davidson
How did you find our site? Just Surfed On
What unit did you serve with? D trp 3/4 cav
When did you serve? 1966--1969
Please enter your comments: Sect chief 66-68 12 weeks Ft, Eustis, Va then back to D trp 68-69. First ship shot down and destroyed was in 468. After that numbers and faces kind of get lost. Now I am ready talk about it.

10/19/00 10:23:50 AM  
Your name: Neil J. Chamberlain
What unit did you serve with? A Co. and HHc, 2nd Bn, 14th Inf.
When did you serve? March 67-68
Please enter your comments: Looking for "Conti" and any others that may remember the Aug. 8 1967, fight on the Saigon River. The "helmet" incident. Thanks

10/19/00 03:45:21 AM  
Your name: frank yuhas
What unit did you serve with? b/co 2/14
When did you serve? july 68 - july 69
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