25th Infantry Division Association Guestbook

Please sign our guestbook!

10/18/00 05:32:24 PM  
Your name: Dennis Oricchio
How did you find our site? Life member
What unit did you serve with? C/4/23 Alaska/Hawaii/Vietnam
When did you serve? 1966
Please enter your comments: I've got a company roster page from 1966 for Companies B and C from the book"The 25th in Combat", that was sent to me in 1966 from the 25th Inf Div. If you served in these Companies in 1966 I can attach it to E-Mail.It may help in your buddy search. All the best to my fellow comrades wherever you may be.

10/18/00 04:18:55 PM  
Your name: Dennis Devlin
How did you find our site? VFW Magazine
What unit did you serve with? B Co. 4th Btn 9th Inf - Manchu
When did you serve? 1969
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10/18/00 04:15:15 PM  
Your name: Dennis Devlin
How did you find our site? VFW Magazine
What unit did you serve with? B Co. 4th Btn 9th Inf
When did you serve? 1969
Please enter your comments: (no comment)

10/17/00 04:14:11 PM  
Your name: James Clark aka Hillbilly
What is the title of your website? MSN.COM
How did you find our site? A FRIEND
What unit did you serve with? CHARLIE co. 4/23 4th. plt.
When did you serve? 1969----1970
Please enter your comments: Welcome home to all vets.
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10/17/00 04:10:01 AM  
Your name: Roger "Pops" Popma
How did you find our site? VFW
What unit did you serve with? 1/27 Wolfhounds
When did you serve? 70/71 Viet Nam
Please enter your comments: Looking for guys that served with me. Went to the 23rd Div. after the 25th stood down. Spent the rest of my tour on a gun truck.

10/17/00 12:44:54 AM  
Your name: Jim Murphy
What unit did you serve with? A Co. 125th Sig. Bn.
When did you serve? 12/68 - 12/69
Please enter your comments: Calling all 125th people. I know You're out there. Drop me a line. Please put 125th Signal in the subject. Lets have a big turnout in Hawaii next October. Jim "Murf the Surf" Murphy
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10/16/00 03:24:18 PM  
Your name: David
How did you find our site? An email from a vet
Please enter your comments: Hi my name is David and I am a member of the theatre department at Jasper High School in Plano, Texas. We are curently about to run a show called "A Piece of my Heart" by Shirley Lauro and it is about Vietnam War Nurses. If anyone has any information about Cu Chi or serving in the war please email me. Thank you so much and God bless you all for your time served fighting for our country. ~David President, Jasper Theatre

10/16/00 12:43:52 PM  
Your name: Ed Oetjen-Gerdes
How did you find our site? 2/34th Armor site
What unit did you serve with? A Co 2/34th Armor
When did you serve? 68 - 69
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10/15/00 06:15:34 AM  
Your name: Martin (Marty) Mootz
How did you find our site? Through Web Crawler
What unit did you serve with? Hq Co. 3d Bn. 27th Reg. 25th Division
When did you serve? 1950-1951 Korea
Please enter your comments: I am glad to see a web page for the Division.It is well constructed and informative. I haven't finished checking everything, but I will.
10/14/00 06:49:52 AM  
Your name: Larry Mitchell
How did you find our site? been here before
What unit did you serve with? Co B 4th Bn 9th Inf. (Manchu)
When did you serve? OCT67-OCT68
Please enter your comments: Gee Paul, for years I click the righthand link to view the guestbook, and now you have me clicking on the lefthand link. Do you think 50+ guys are flexible or something? Otherwise, you are doing a super job. The new guestbook looks great, and the site is one we are all proud of. regards, Mitch

10/14/00 06:16:34 AM  
Your name: Ron Tiesma
How did you find our site? Been here for a while
What unit did you serve with? C Co. 2nd of the 14th
When did you serve? 1969
Please enter your comments: Nice changes to the site, Paul. We all appreciate your dedication. As usual, I'm always looking for those who served in my unit during that time frame. So far we've located around 20, but always looking for more. If you were there then, or know any that were, please feel free to e-mail me. Please include C/2/14 in the Subject.

10/13/00 07:18:57 AM  
Your name: Michael W Bowen
How did you find our site? Search engine/Golden Dragons
What unit did you serve with? C Co.,5th Bn 14th Inf Reg.
When did you serve? 1986-1989
Please enter your comments: I have many photos from my time with the 5/14. Most are from operation Balikatan '87 (Phillipines), Opportune Journey (Big Island), Kahuku's, Team Spirit '89 (ROK). How do I go about contributing a few to the web site?

10/13/00 07:13:14 AM  
Your name: Charles E. Reid
How did you find our site? VFW Magazine
What unit did you serve with? 27th Infantry Regiment
When did you serve? 1952
Please enter your comments: Great Outfit.I have many action pictures taken during my time in Korea.

10/13/00 05:05:01 AM  
Your name: Robert Oliver
What is the title of your website? The Secret's Out Now
What unit did you serve with? 264CMBTS ANG, IL
When did you serve? 1985-1991
Please enter your comments: Keep up the good work!!!
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10/12/00 06:27:13 PM  
Your name: Randy Kethcart
What is the title of your website? A Year On The Jumpin Jack
How did you find our site? I come here daily
What unit did you serve with? Co B. 1/5th(Mech)25th Infantry Div
When did you serve? April 70 to March 71
Please enter your comments: Still trying to locate Shaun McCaul wounded in an ambush near Bear Cat on Nov. 9th 1970. I figure if I keep posting sooner or later by a stroke of luck someone will see this. Also to Paul North, Keep up the great work!
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10/12/00 05:38:17 PM  
Your name: Dave Foss
What unit did you serve with? Recon 1st 27th Wolfhounds
When did you serve? March 1968-69
Please enter your comments: Looking for old buddies, Frank Langford, Robert Forrest, Luther Hayes, Wayne Neal. Does Anyone remember Fred Fish? KIA 5-7-68

10/12/00 03:19:44 PM  
Your name: HOYT WEHUNT
How did you find our site? JUST SURFED IN
What unit did you serve with? 25TH DIVISION, 35TH INFANTRY, "H" COMPANY
When did you serve? 1941-1946

10/11/00 03:21:08 AM  
Your name: John Hutterer
How did you find our site? Yahoo Search
What unit did you serve with? 299th Engineer Battalion
When did you serve? 1968-1969
Please enter your comments: I am a member of a Museum located in Saint Paul, MN that is in the process of restoring a V-100 Commando Armored Car. We know that it belonged to the 25th ID, probably the 25th MP Co., and that it was damaged by a land mine on 20 April 1969. This occurred on Highway 239 outside of Dau Tieng. We are interested in any information about the vehicle, including any artwork that may have been painted on it, the bumper numbers, the type of turret that it carried, the weapons that it carried, and any pictures that might be available. It is USA Number 1301969. Thank you in advance for your help.

10/10/00 03:32:33 AM  
Your name: Joseph E. Calhoun
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? Golden Dragons - 1/14 3/25 Charlie Co. 1st plat.
When did you serve? May-67 to May-68
Please enter your comments: I would like to hear from anyone from the old days. I was called Doc Calhoun. I came in country with the smooth faced kid Doc Spulecki and his big burley friend Doc Angrisanno

10/09/00 01:36:15 PM  
Your name: Dennis Sanford
How did you find our site? on the net
What unit did you serve with? A batty 3rd bat 13th arty
When did you serve? 63-64
Please enter your comments: still looking for pals I served with.

10/09/00 12:39:18 PM  
Your name: Joseph E. Mulcahy
How did you find our site? Tropic Lightning Magazine
What unit did you serve with? 2nd Bn, 27th Inf. Regt.
When did you serve? 1949-1951
Please enter your comments: It's Great. I'm Glad it is here and so well presented.

10/09/00 08:54:07 AM  
Your name: Larry G. Brooks
What is the title of your website? Brooks Martial Arts Center
How did you find our site? looking for people in my old unit
What unit did you serve with? Bravo Co. 1/14 inf.
When did you serve? 1972-1976
Please enter your comments: I was hoping to get addresses of some old comrades.
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10/08/00 09:01:40 AM  
Your name: James Clark aka Hillbilly
What unit did you serve with? 4th plt Cco 4/23 Inf 25th ID 69-70
When did you serve? 1969-1970
Please enter your comments: Looking for anyone who was in or around Tay Ninh. Spent alot of time at FSB Rollins, Looking for anyone who knew Ernest Reece (Pogie) or anyone in 4th plt.

10/08/00 05:01:34 AM  
Your name: Joe E Losh
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? E Co. 65th Engr. Bn.
When did you serve? 1967/68
Please enter your comments: Would like to correspond with former members of my unit.

10/08/00 01:55:26 AM  
Your name: Mike Stepanski
How did you find our site? Surfing
What unit did you serve with? D Company 65th Engineers
When did you serve? April 68-April 69
Please enter your comments: Still looking for anyone who was there at that time or who remembers me. Mike Stepanski

10/07/00 07:50:11 PM  
Your name: William Rogers
How did you find our site? searching
What unit did you serve with? C co 4/27
When did you serve? 93-96
Please enter your comments: Looking for the hardest trained and most under appreciated wolf hounds in the 4/27. Blem,Lugo,Lappe,Valdez,Thomas,Canter,Cpt Dichairo, Sabo, and yo-Johansson. If any of you are out there, write me! Hopefully none of you are still busting gulches, doing live-fires, or humping 20+ miles any more; if you are, stay strong!

10/07/00 07:45:30 PM  
Your name: William Rogers
How did you find our site? searching
What unit did you serve with? C co 4/27 inf
When did you serve? 93-96
Please enter your comments: Looking for my wolfhound brothers who busted more gulches and trained harder than any other humans on the planet. Blem,Johanson,Lugo,Lappe,Vick,Valdez,McCoy,Cpt Dichairo, SFC Sabo, Lt Canter, Thomas and the rest of you are welcome to write anytime to catch up and stay in touch. Cpt Dichairo 'thanks' for the KoleKole runs every Friday. To the rest of you, get in touch ASAP!!!

10/06/00 06:37:11 PM  
Your name: Kelly Tumlin
How did you find our site? web search
What unit did you serve with? HHSC 125th Military Intelligence Battalion
When did you serve? 1990-1994
Please enter your comments: This is a very informative website and is very easy to get around in. I was very impressed with the history of the division and the way it was layed out.

10/06/00 02:12:51 PM  
Your name: edward lucchese
How did you find our site? WWW,LYCOS
What unit did you serve with? 35TH INFANTRY REGIMENT IN HAWAII
When did you serve? FROM 1954 TO 1956
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10/06/00 01:11:16 PM  
Your name: Elmer Ray Toller Jr.
How did you find our site? thru NBCI search engine
What unit did you serve with? my Dad was with the 14th Inf.E Co.25th Div.
When did you serve? 1952
Please enter your comments: Dad passed away on 13 July 1998,but he would have loved to have seen or heard from some of his buddies from his time in Korea.Now I feel the same longing and I hope some of you that knew him will contact me,I know we could share some stories of interest to all.I look forward to hearing from anyone who remembers him.He was just a good ole Kentucky boy back then,matter of fact,he kept on the same way afterwards!

10/06/00 10:26:36 AM  
Your name: keith r couchman
How did you find our site? searched web
What unit did you serve with? 2/12th infantry
When did you serve? 1965 to 1967
Please enter your comments: served in vietnam 1966-67 at dau tieng

10/06/00 08:04:29 AM  
Your name: David A. Davis
How did you find our site? Through the Ft. Lewis web site
What unit did you serve with? Med Truck, Co. B 25th S&T
When did you serve? June 69-Aug 70
Please enter your comments: I still have my association card signed by Gen. Hollis.

10/05/00 05:09:30 PM  
Your name: Doug Willmeroth
How did you find our site? member of Ass'n
What unit did you serve with? 25th Admin
When did you serve? Jul'67-Jul'68
Please enter your comments: Anyone out there who served with Personnel Actions, Awards, or Casuality during the time I was there? I have some photos of the 25th Admin area. Is Berrian there - I have a photo of you. Does anyone know the location of SFC Abel Singletary, NCOIC of Personnel Actions? If you e-mail, please use 25thDiv in the subject field - if I don't recognize a return address, I don't open the e-mail - too many viruses out there.

10/05/00 12:47:40 PM  
Your name: Mike "Toes" Kelly
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? 125th sig. bat.
When did you serve? 1966-67
Please enter your comments: Contact me if you were in Cu Chi with 125th from 1966-67. I have photos I would like to put names on.
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10/04/00 05:40:19 PM  
Your name: Jeremiah Chapman
What is the title of your website? JCFM
How did you find our site? Surfing
Please enter your comments: About 2 years before death my Dad experienced a growth on his right arm and got medical advice on it. It was a tumor, soft tissue sarcoma cancer. After extensive radiation treatments the doctor removed the tumor including the backside of his upper arm. We were told that this type of cancer was caused by his exposure to agent orange while serving in the army in vietnam. The doctor's continued to check every 6 weeks for any other signs and then one day, about 6 month's later they called and said he had a tumor in his left lung. They then gave him chemo and it made him very sick. They took out the tumor and part of his left lung. His recovery time was very slow and he was very sick because of the chemo but eventually pulled right out of it and you would never know much was wrong and he continued his mission work with the Homeless in Chattanooga, TN where my brother and I helped and were volunteers there while in college. Around 8 months later my Dad started compl! aining about pain in his back and had it checked and this time it was a tumor but it was so large at first they said it was inoperable. It went from the outside of his rib cage, through his ribs and spiked off in his left lung. Through seeing many Doctor's he found one that actually did the surgery that removed the tumor, his left shoulder blade, 6 ribs and he lost 8 units of blood. He stayed in ICU for about a month including Christmas with Pneumonia in his remaining lung and then was sent home to see how things would go. Not 3 weeks later his wounds were very infectous and he went back to find out he had a staff infection and had to stay another 8 weeks in the hospital 2 hours from his family. He seemed to be doing real well when he started complaining about his hip hurting. It too was another tumor. But nothing could have prepared me for what they told us next. They said that they had damaged his heart with the radiation the last time an
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10/04/00 10:19:07 AM  
Your name: Dale Laughlin
How did you find our site? search
What unit did you serve with? 25th MP Co. Cu Chi
When did you serve? December 1967 - December 1968
Please enter your comments: Looking for anyone in my unit during Tet

10/04/00 06:57:42 AM  
Your name: Richard Moffatt
How did you find our site? Association Newsletter
What unit did you serve with? 25th Mech. Cav. Recon.Trp.
When did you serve? 1946-47
Please enter your comments: Nice site. Lots of info.

10/04/00 03:36:00 AM  
Your name: JOHN BACON
What unit did you serve with? 35TH THIRD BIRGADE
When did you serve? JANUARY 65 THRU DECEMBER 66

10/02/00 05:34:24 AM  
How did you find our site? TYPED IN KOREN WAR
What unit did you serve with? 25TH INFANTRY DIVISION / 27TH REGIMENT
When did you serve? 1950-1953

10/01/00 05:56:03 PM  
Your name: Donna M. Lindley
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10/01/00 10:50:32 AM  
Your name: Bill Jarrett
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? B 2/14
When did you serve? 1969-1970
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10/01/00 10:46:40 AM  
Your name: Bill Jarrett
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? B co. 2/14 25th
When did you serve? 8/69--- 6/70Lo
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10/01/00 08:52:08 AM  
Your name: Richard A Lewis Jr.
How did you find our site? my dad gets 25th inf.div news letters
What unit did you serve with? he seved in the 25th inf. div
When did you serve? pearl and guadalcanal
Please enter your comments: My Dad passed away sept 24th 2000 on his desk were his raffle tickets from the TROPIC LIGHTING MUSEUM I would like some one to get in touch with me i may have a few items for the Museum.one thing is a napkin from the messs hall from thanksgiven 1941,my Dads name is Sgt.Richard A Lewis God bless you vets

10/01/00 06:17:02 AM  
Your name: Robert Hetrick
How did you find our site? Surfing
What unit did you serve with? Co. L, 35 Reg. 2nd Batt. 25 Div. (Korea)
When did you serve? 1950-1952
Please enter your comments: Looking for anyone in 2nd Platoon in Love Co.

09/30/00 05:31:51 PM  
Your name: christian hughes
How did you find our site? searched for it
What unit did you serve with? a1/8thf.a. 25thi.d.
When did you serve? 8/90-2/92
Please enter your comments: im searching for any one that served with me milton stewart,gary hacker,al manteria,jackson please email me

09/30/00 03:44:45 PM  
Your name: Bill Cooke
How did you find our site? yahoo search engine
What unit did you serve with? E Co. (Bridge) 65th Engr Bn
When did you serve? May 66 - Apr 67
Please enter your comments: spent a lot of time hauling supplies from saigon and bien hoa and back to cu chi--now working as a freelance photographer in Miami, FL

09/30/00 02:28:42 PM  
Your name: Robin Lauer
How did you find our site? Jim Farrell
What unit did you serve with? A/3/22inf - B co 25th Ava
When did you serve? 2/68-4/69
Please enter your comments: Welcome Home, Stand Tall My Brothers. Veterans Day is coming up, please go to your local rememberance and "Stand Tall"

09/30/00 12:36:13 PM  
Your name: Larry Smith (Smitty)
How did you find our site? Searching
What unit did you serve with? A Troop 3/4 Cav, Cu-Chi
When did you serve? 5/67-4/68
Please enter your comments: Looking forward to reuniting with old friends I served with in the bush. Take care and God bless...Smitty

09/30/00 12:24:58 PM  
Your name: Sgt Bonds,Walter
What is the title of your website? Childerns Hospital
How did you find our site? Web Access
What unit did you serve with? A co 1/14 Inf 25 Div
When did you serve? Peace time Hawaii
Please enter your comments: I served In peace time, You guys who were their were not alone.I wish I could say more about It but I can't, I wasn't there may god be with you all ( "FOLLOW ME") INFANTRY.

09/30/00 04:00:46 AM  
Your name: johnny w. bryant
What is the title of your website? looking for
How did you find our site? friend
When did you serve? l966 pleiku viet nam, 25th military police co
Please enter your comments: Would like to locate any one that was ever in the 3rd platoon of the 25th MP Co, 3rd Bde task force, Pleiku, Viet Nam in 1966/67 I have found only 11 of the 50 or so people. Would be very nice to hear from you.

09/29/00 06:07:23 PM  
Your name: Wallace Craig
What is the title of your website? Da Zoo.com
How did you find our site? Being in the good graces of Paul North
What unit did you serve with? "B" 1/35th
Please enter your comments:

Looking for these Comrades!

James C. Williams, Steve Beers, Vernon Winston
Platoon Sgt. and Squad Leaders "B" 1/35th

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09/29/00 11:37:06 AM  
Your name: bill fee
How did you find our site? friend recommended
What unit did you serve with? a btry 3/13 arty
When did you serve? 8/67-8/68
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09/29/00 05:02:48 AM  
Your name: Terry Thompson
How did you find our site? visit almost daily
What unit did you serve with? Aco 4/9 25th Div
When did you serve? 69-70
Please enter your comments: Come here almost daily looking for Manchu's.Enjoy the web and your site.Been to 1 manchu reunion and traveled back to nam once. hope to make it to more reunions and trips to nam,but especially hope to find more guys i served with. KEEP UP THE FIRE
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09/29/00 04:33:51 AM  
Your name: tom stein
What is the title of your website? same
How did you find our site? surfing around
What unit did you serve with? hhc echo 1st wolfhounds 25th mp 33reg
When did you serve? 70 71
Please enter your comments: would like too hear from any one who remembers

09/28/00 01:40:54 PM  
Your name: Glenn Kantorski
What unit did you serve with? HHC 4th/23rd Mech
When did you serve? Aug 1970 thru standown Nov 1970
Please enter your comments: Anyone remember Ogle Compound on the fashionable south side of Xuan Loc (near the airstrip)? Lt. Frisbee was the S-1. Can you help me with the names of the Bn CO and XO?

09/28/00 12:02:46 PM  
Your name: J. Ryan Meyer
How did you find our site? yahoo
What unit did you serve with? did not serve
When did you serve? did not serve
Please enter your comments: I am looking for information on my step-grandfather. Lt. General FK Mearns. Any suggestions?

09/27/00 10:07:45 AM  
Your name: Stephen Smith
What unit did you serve with? HHC 4th Bn 23rd INF Mech CRIP
When did you serve? October 69 to Aug 70
Please enter your comments: I usually attend Recon 4th of the 23rd Inf reunions and we still talk about the Sapper attack at Katum on July 4th 1970. Most of the KIA and WIA were 65th Engineers, anybody out there who remembers, we are putting together an article for the Association newsletter, please contact me with any information.

09/27/00 08:07:08 AM  
Your name: Herbert Winford Ballard
How did you find our site? Alta Vista search engine
What unit did you serve with? 2nd/12th Infrantry
When did you serve? May 1969 - September 1969
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09/27/00 04:04:26 AM  
Your name: Ernie Durse
How did you find our site? surfed on
What unit did you serve with? 2/12 2/22 2/22 crip
When did you serve? 69 /70
Please enter your comments: would like to hear from guys who were with me in country. looking foward to hearing from any.

09/26/00 04:22:18 PM  
Your name: Finis Purifoy
How did you find our site? just typed it in
What unit did you serve with? 65 Engr. Bn. B co.
When did you serve? oct69-oct70
Please enter your comments: Signed before , still looking for anyone that served with B co, First in Last out Finis Purifoy Chidester AR 870-6852914

09/26/00 02:57:12 PM  
Your name: earl G. Mack
How did you find our site? Joined the association..tooled the web
What unit did you serve with? several,div recon,repo-depo,div hq meddetatch
When did you serve? mostly1951,litle bit 1952
Please enter your comments: Like to hear from anyone in the above outfits that were in Korea in 1951

09/26/00 08:38:11 AM  
Your name: William "Bill" Heddleson
How did you find our site? From a friend
What unit did you serve with? Company "C" & "B", 4 Bn 23 Inf
When did you serve? Dec '65 - May '68
Please enter your comments: Have found a few comrades in arms browsing the entries in the guestbook, thanks. Great Website!

09/26/00 08:37:46 AM  
Your name: Barry Bergamo
How did you find our site? just typed in
What unit did you serve with? I was with the 25th in Nam until it went back to the world then I went to the 23rd I was only in about a month or so...
When did you serve? 1970
Please enter your comments: If anyone remembers me I'd be glad to hear from them

09/23/00 04:17:45 PM  
Your name: Ed Lyons (DoorGunner)
What is the title of your website? Welcome To Diamond head 25th. Aviation Battalion Co.B Gunships
How did you find our site? website
What unit did you serve with? Co.B 25th.Avn.Bn. Gunships Doorgunner
When did you serve? feb67-Sept.68
Please enter your comments: I injoyed my stay TET OFFENSIVE 1968 January 31,1968 God Bless Troop C 3/4 Cavalry 25th.Infantry Division,For out them Tan Son Nhut Air Base. Would have been over Run.I'm Honored to Have Supported them There Co.B 25th.Avn.Bn Diamond Head Gunship Doorgunner Ed Lyons. Hell'o to all Great unit I worked with you off and on.Base out of Cu Chi Drop in say Hoddy!!on my web site.It's a 25th.Inf. Div. Site Have some good 25th.and Nam Links.God BlessU.S.ARMY COMBAT VETERAN 25th.Infantry Division "Tropic Lighting"THE WORLD'S GREATEST COMBAT DIVISION VIETNAM 1966 TO 1970 CAMBODIA 25TH.FOREVER THE U.S.ARMY'S "PACIFIC FIRE BRIGADE" CO.B 25TH.AVN.BN.DOORGUNNER HUEY GUNSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FOREVER NAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ed Lyons As Gen. MacArthur Said old Soldiers never Die,they just get a computer!!!!!!than go nut's and go around signing guestbooks LOL and I shall return. Ed :)
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09/23/00 02:12:18 PM  
How did you find our site? From the quarterhorse site
What unit did you serve with? HHD1-4Cav1st Infantry Div
When did you serve? 1967-68
Please enter your comments: Looking for info concerning Raymond Tanner. Served with the Wolfhounds 1967-68. Was killed outside Saigon approx. Nov. 1968 Served as a medic. Would like to hear from anyone with any info concerning his death. Was my adopted brother and served as his body escort back to the U.S. Was unable to get any details from anyone at the time.

09/23/00 01:11:24 PM  
Your name: Roger A. Mc Gill
What is the title of your website? Vietnam Veterans Page
How did you find our site? Association Member
What unit did you serve with? 3/4 Cav HHT HQ 5B
When did you serve? Mar '65 Jun '66 Hawaii & Vietnam Cu Chi
Please enter your comments: This guest book looks a lot better than the last one. Paul North Thanks for the good job that you do in thaking care of things. WELCOME HOME All
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09/23/00 07:36:54 AM  
Your name: Jack Reed
How did you find our site? luck
What unit did you serve with? Ctrp 3/4 Cav. 3Bde. 25thIDA
When did you serve? 9-66,9-67
Please enter your comments: Good site to start looking for and finding people you served with. It's helped alot. Anyone who was in Ctrp before the reassignment to the 4th Div. needs to link up with the sites put up by members of the 35th Inf. Reg. Cacti, They're all very helpful and full of info. about our time, if not for them alot of history would have been lost and they need to be congratulated for the wonderful job they are doing not only for their units history but for that of the Div. Thanks men and keep up the good work, a lot of veterans appreciate it. Jack Reed

09/23/00 04:05:33 AM  
Your name: PFC Jonathan Painer
How did you find our site? I was just curious, I am currently assigned with the 25th and have had relatives here as well.
What unit did you serve with? (2nd battalion) B.co 1/21, 25th Infantry
When did you serve? currently on active duty
Please enter your comments: Sir,thank you for the available information and those who have served before me.

09/22/00 06:40:05 PM  
Your name: Wallace Craig
What is the title of your website? Da Zoo.Com
What unit did you serve with? "B" 1/35th
Please enter your comments:
"A picture is worth 1000 words"
Best to all......Wallace Craig 1/35th
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09/22/00 04:34:59 PM  
Your name: Jim Murphy
What unit did you serve with? A Co. 125th Sig. Bn.
When did you serve? 12/68 - 12/69
Please enter your comments: Looking for anyone from the 125th. I know you guys are out there, we're not dead yet!! Let's have a have a good Signal turnout in Hawaii next October.
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09/22/00 08:52:17 AM  
Your name: Mike Stepanski
What unit did you serve with? D Company 65th Engineers
When did you serve? April 68-Apr 69
Please enter your comments: Still looking for anyone that served with D Company 65th Engineers from April 68-April 69.Mike Stepanski 511Ingraham Bay City Michigan 48708 517-892-4895

09/22/00 08:33:10 AM  
Your name: BILL KELLY
How did you find our site? WWW,WARRECORDS.COM
What unit did you serve with? 1/5 MECH C COMPANY
When did you serve? JAN 67-JULY 67

09/22/00 08:00:13 AM  
Your name: W.T. Renfro
How did you find our site? From Paul North
What unit did you serve with? 25th MP Co.
When did you serve? 1952-1953
Please enter your comments: Got your E-mail telling me about this site. Knew you could do it!! Thanks a lot.

09/22/00 06:35:15 AM  
Your name: John C White
What is the title of your website? Charlie Troop
How did you find our site? E-Mail from Paul North :)
What unit did you serve with? C Trp 3/4 Cav.
When did you serve? 9/67-9/68
Please enter your comments: Looks Great - I may just add this to Charlie Troop.
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09/22/00 04:36:25 AM  
Your name: Steve Salisbury
What unit did you serve with? c 1/21
When did you serve? 79-82
Please enter your comments: Would like to hear from anybody that served in my company during the time i was there. Looking back there was a lot of fun but would not want to do it again.

09/21/00 05:29:45 PM  
Your name: Wallace Craig
What is the title of your website? Da Zoo.Com
How did you find our site? Thru the Graciousness of Computer Guru Mr. Paul North
What unit did you serve with? "B" 1/35th
Please enter your comments: Thanks for the new Guestbook, Paul, looks good! Still looking for CSM James Calvin Williams. Two tours with the 25th, 1st as a door gunner, 2nd as my Plt. Sgt. in B/1/35th. Last known duty station as CSM, Southern Command, Panama. Retired in the early 90's. Also SSG. Chuck Reddoor, SSG. Steve Beers, Sgt. Vernon Winston, and my RTO's Rodney Newburna and Jerry Caldwell. Best to all!
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09/21/00 04:56:10 PM  
Your name: Dave Foss
What unit did you serve with? 1st 27th Wolfhounds
When did you serve? March 1968-1969
Please enter your comments: (no comment)

09/21/00 04:37:27 PM  
Your name: Paul North
What is the title of your website? 25th Infantry Division Association
How did you find our site? webmaster
What unit did you serve with? 2/14th Infantry
When did you serve? '68-'69
Please enter your comments: I have given up on Guestworld/Guestgear. Their servers have been down for a week this time, and they have been down several times this year. If and when it comes back up, I'll archive the entries from it onto our own site. For the time being, Bravenet is our guestbook service.
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Guestbook courtesy of Bravenet Web Services - All FREE!

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Last modified 1-2-2001

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