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04/13/03 11:17:29 AM  
Your name: Michael B Bradley
How did you find our site? A fellow wolfhound
What unit did you serve with? 1st 27th Infantry "Wolfhounds"
When did you serve? October 1967-to-October 1968
Please enter your comments: God Bless America, our fallen comrades and their families.
04/11/03 05:06:40 PM  
Your name: BEAK
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? C/1/35 CACTI
When did you serve? 72-76
Please enter your comments: who else knows the beak
04/11/03 11:56:33 AM  
Your name: Rev. Kerry J. Collins
How did you find our site? browsing
What unit did you serve with? 1st Battalion 5th infantry charlie company Bobcats 2nd platoon
When did you serve? 1979 - 1982
Please enter your comments: Hello fellow tropic lighting comrades God Bless our troops, Lets pray for there soon return. I am a man of prayer and the Bible now for I am a pastor. I pray for our soldiers , our President , his leadership staff , our country of which I love. I will always remember the 25th infantry division seems like it was yesterday even. God bless you my fellow TROPIC LIGHTING COMRADES. Lord Jesus bless the U.S.A. Rev. Kerry J. Collins
04/10/03 05:08:03 PM  
Your name: David Gullans
How did you find our site? search engine
What unit did you serve with? 25th Admin Cu Chi
When did you serve? '68&69
Please enter your comments: Mechanic & acting motor sargent for 25th Admin at Cu Chi. Would like to hear from anyone from that time period.
04/09/03 07:01:28 PM  
Your name: John Moser
How did you find our site? Google Search
What unit did you serve with? 4th Battlion, 9th INfantry
When did you serve? Vietnam
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
04/09/03 06:44:18 AM  
Your name: Fred Allsen
How did you find our site? Just looked for the 25th
What unit did you serve with? 2bn 14th inf..Golden Dragons.
When did you serve? July 1969 to July 1970
Please enter your comments: anyone ready for a stand down?
04/09/03 05:03:12 AM  
Your name: Walt McDonald
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? A/1/14
When did you serve? 65-66
Please enter your comments: Time for veterans to stick together and let your congressman know that we oppose the FY04 Budget Resolution, that will cut $14.6 billion from our benefits over the next ten years. It also will cut another $14.2 Billion over the next ten years from VA health care needs, that by the way are already underfunded. Remember the Presidents hike in your copay fpr prescription drugs from $2 to $7? Well these budget cuts will increase that to $15, which is an increase of 350%.With the war in Iraq meaning we will have a new generation of veterans returning home with new health care needs, we must remind congress of their promises to the veterans and not let them renege on those promises. Tell your congressman that you want mandatory funding for the VA and that we will not stand by and watch our benefits be cut in order to fund their PORK projects. We must take action now before it is too late. Tell your friends and family members, tell your neighbors so they will know what is at stake. Don't delay, call or write your congressmen and senators today. Sincerely, Walt McDonald, GOD BLESS VETERANS
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04/08/03 10:17:36 PM  
Your name: Jerry Lee
How did you find our site? web surfing
What unit did you serve with? 25th infantry 29th artillery
When did you serve? 65 thru 66 & 69 thru 70 cu chi
Please enter your comments: Hello,I think this is a wonderful web site. God bless all of you, and all of our men and women in the Armed Forces who are fighting for our freedom and our rights as americans. {Yes; even for the ones that are whiney and toteing their little protesting signs. that is why they can walk the streets and wave their little signs because of you and all the others who came before and after}.
04/08/03 08:38:32 PM  
Your name: richard allen king
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 25th infantry division, 65th engineers
When did you serve? 06/27/1968 to 07/31/1971 Vietnam 08/29/1970 to 07/31/1971
Please enter your comments: Anyone out there who served with me? Also looking for a Richard Black, originally from St. Louis I believe. God Bless America as we pray for our troops overseas.
04/07/03 03:04:23 PM  
Your name: LUIS DAVILA
How did you find our site? from a buddy
What unit did you serve with? 125th signal battalion
When did you serve? 72-75
Please enter your comments: i was k quad, then my company moved a couple of klicks up the road to a base in the middle of the dole pineapple field, love to hear from anyone who served during that time,p.s. does any one know what happened to gen. brooks,gen.mooney[the looney]or the col.clyde brown
04/07/03 02:36:11 PM  
Your name: Kip Bauer
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What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: The History Channel is producing a series entitled "Operation Reunion." We are looking for veterans with combat stories who wish to reunite with other veterans or family members of veterans that they shared traumatic experiences with on the battlefield. The stories that we will feature in the program should meet the following criteria: 1. The veterans looking to reunite have not had any recent contact. 2. The veterans must have a very strong, compelling reason for wanting to reunite. Some examples might include wanting to return a personal item belonging to one of the veterans, wanting to bring closure to a combat event that resulted in PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and years of emotional, physical and mental torture, or corroborating a VA benefits claim. 3. The story must include combat, a rescue or any other war type action. We need to connect with interested veterans as soon as possible. If you know of a story that fits these criteria, please contact: Kip Bauer Indigo Films 415.460.4873
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04/06/03 03:45:37 PM  
Your name: Tom Chilson
How did you find our site? searched 25th infantry division
What unit did you serve with? 1st and 19th, the rock of chickamauga
When did you serve? 1972 - 1975
Please enter your comments: Anybody remember those little jaunts to the Big Island.
04/06/03 07:34:23 AM  
Your name: Ron Bowers
How did you find our site? just looking
What unit did you serve with? B Co, 725th Maint Bn (Tay Ninh)
When did you serve? Served from Feb 1970 thru Dec 1970.
Please enter your comments: Looking for anyone who was with me in Tay Ninh. Made a lot of trips to Cu Chi and other areas. I would like to return on a tour someday. Retired from the Army in 1988 (CW3-UH-1 Pilot) Love your site.
04/05/03 06:16:43 PM  
Your name: Don Roberts
How did you find our site? Search
What unit did you serve with? Bravo Company 3 / 22
When did you serve? 70 / 71
Please enter your comments: Like most other vetss I wish our troops luck and safety. They are doing what their country has asked them to do, and that makes them best.
04/05/03 05:44:14 PM  
Your name: bob Nissen
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 725th Maintenance 25th Div at Cu Chi
When did you serve? 9/67 to 9/68
Please enter your comments: Was at Cu Chi during Tet 1968. Served with 725th, manned PC's during Tet offensive. Looking for Theile(Bob) from Rochester, N.Y, Williams(Willie)from Lansing, Mich. Anyone who served with HQ and A company during 1967-68. Times were tough in latter 67 early 68 for all of us. Very proud to have served there!!!!! Very lucky to have returned home, as many around us did not. My email: Welcome home to all!!!!
04/05/03 07:47:02 AM  
Your name: Dennis Huston
How did you find our site? Google Search
What unit did you serve with? 3/4 Cavalry
When did you serve? 1974-1976
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
04/03/03 06:24:51 PM  
Your name: Dennis Evans
How did you find our site? yahoo search
What unit did you serve with? 2nd14th company B
When did you serve? 1968 to 1970 Vietnam
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04/03/03 04:06:54 PM  
Your name: Michael Coale
How did you find our site? Member
What unit did you serve with? 4/9 and 2/12 Recon
When did you serve? '67-'68
Please enter your comments: TO ALL those in the TRI STATE area: Please join us Saturday, April 12 at 10 AM "Support Our Troops" Event at the NJ Vietnam Veterans' Memorial & Vietnam Era Educational Center Holmdel, NJ (exit 116 off the Garden State Parkway) We hope this will be the largest "Support our Troops" event in the State. We would appreciate it if you would forward this on to anyone else who might be interested in joining us. If you have any questions about the event, please call (732) 335-0033
04/03/03 01:38:29 PM  
Your name: Bill McDill
How did you find our site? Visited many times
What unit did you serve with? 12th Evac
When did you serve? '67 - '68
Please enter your comments: Every four years we have a reunion of 12th Evac vets. The next one will be in Nov of '04. As usual, it will be in San Antonio. Former patients are welcome. I can also help individuals contact specific 12th Evac personnel. For more information on the next reunion or to contact someone who served with the 12th Evac, please email me.
04/03/03 05:58:03 AM  
Your name: Edward Rich
How did you find our site? Been here,still looking around
What unit did you serve with? 1-1/14-company C-25th inf div.
When did you serve? 1966 to Feb 22, 1967
Please enter your comments: Still looking for guys that were in 3rd plt, 3rd sq God Bless Us All.
04/02/03 08:37:03 PM  
Your name: Paul Pitt
How did you find our site? search
What unit did you serve with? USS Fletcher (DDE 445, Pearl & Nam -- WESPAC), 2100 tons, 1st in class
When did you serve? 59-63
Please enter your comments: We were often the "artillery" element for some infantry (close to the beach -- 5 miles). The FO would call it in, we'd give 'em all they wanted. God bless you guys in your current mission; God speed. Know that you are appreciated. A lot more Americans would die if those terrorist brought those weapons in Iraq to NYC or Washington. Your presence, your training, your professionalism really show when you annihilate 2 Iraqi divisions in 3 days!! Imagine if Burnside or Hooker could have done that in Virginia. Imagine if the Corps commanders at Anzio or Salerno had been able to do that to the German divisions a Monte Casino. It is not small feat, and no other Army ever existed that could do that. Amazing!! (from a "tin can sailor") VFE post 1308 San Juan Capistrano
04/02/03 06:34:26 AM  
How did you find our site? THROUGH VFW, SHAWNEE, OK.
What unit did you serve with? 3/22/25TH DIV. CHARLIE CO.
When did you serve? NOV. 1970-JAN. 1971
04/01/03 08:25:31 AM  
Your name: john Gebhardt
How did you find our site? search
What unit did you serve with? D-3-5 4th
When did you serve? 66-68
Please enter your comments: Need info for disability application. Larry Hammelman 25th admin co 25th inf div awarded bronze star for period 3 february 1969 to 10 March 1969. Need combat/action reports, comment regards this time period to establish PTSD, hepatitiis, hearing loss. Comment of agent orange in the area. Any assist you can provide will help this veteran.
04/01/03 07:54:06 AM  
Your name: Linda Molvie
How did you find our site? Browsing
What unit did you serve with? My brother served with 3/4 Cav in Cu Chi
When did you serve? 67-68
Please enter your comments: The war in Iraq brings so many memories of writing to my brother, Dave Seiler, who served 2 tours and wrote daily about the challenges of Vietnam. He passed away 10-4-1990, and his humor and perspective are greatly missed. For any of you who might have known or served with him, thank you for you service, bravery and courage.
03/31/03 10:14:25 PM  
Your name: John Colasurdo
How did you find our site? Google search engine
What unit did you serve with? Company C 1/27
When did you serve? 1966 - 1967
Please enter your comments: Lost for words at this time.
03/31/03 04:19:45 PM  
Your name: Sam
What is the title of your website? Support Our Soldiers Dedication Page
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments:
Just passing through~ I enjoyed my visit to your website!
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03/31/03 02:07:34 PM  
Your name: Ron Hanson
What is the title of your website? we lead the way
How did you find our site? 25th and 3/35th Assoc.member
What unit did you serve with? Hq.Co,3/35th P/A Plt.
When did you serve? 8/50-6/51
Please enter your comments: I went to the 35th from the 1st.Bn.29th Rct.Would like to hear from any of you that were with us in the P/A plt.There are only 3 of us left from the Plt that came from Okinawa in July 50.Check out my Web Site,maybe you might know me or the guys in the pictures.If you do or have any pictures or info please let me know.there are some Pic.of the 2/35th from Nam.that were taken at the 35th Reunion at Arington in 2000.
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03/31/03 10:04:55 AM  
Your name: Howard W. Brosseau
How did you find our site? Surfing
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: Just checking in on behalf of my dad -- CSM (Ret) H. A. Brosseau -- former Wolfhound and Division Sergeant Major circa early 1960s AND Div CSM Vietnam -- 1968-69. Three war vet, he's doing well and living outside Seattle. Email me if you know him/want more info. -- just put "Checking on CSM Brosseau" and I'll try not to blow you off as spam. signed: Little Howie, LTC (USA, Retired)
03/31/03 10:04:55 AM  
Your name: Howard W. Brosseau
How did you find our site? Surfing
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: Just checking in on behalf of my dad -- CSM (Ret) H. A. Brosseau -- former Wolfhound and Division Sergeant Major circa early 1960s AND Div CSM Vietnam -- 1968-69. Three war vet, he's doing well and living outside Seattle. Email me if you know him/want more info. -- just put "Checking on CSM Brosseau" and I'll try not to blow you off as spam. signed: Little Howie, LTC (USA, Retired)
03/31/03 06:49:51 AM  
Your name: MSG Ralph D. Johnson
How did you find our site? Already knew of website
What unit did you serve with? 4/23 Inf.
When did you serve? Aug. 67-Aug 68
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03/30/03 11:58:32 AM  
Your name: kurt neumann
How did you find our site? browsing
What unit did you serve with? hhb 1-62 ada
When did you serve? 11-79 thru 11-82
Please enter your comments: recently joined assoc. and have good memories serrving in the 25th div.
03/30/03 06:26:32 AM  
Your name: Walt McDonald
What is the title of your website? GOLDEN DRAGONS
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? A/1/14 Hawaii then Pleiku
When did you serve? April 1965 thru Dec 1966
Please enter your comments: Support Our Troops. Iraqi"s should thank Allah or whoever those evil Ba_ _ ards pray to, that the Tropic Lightning ain't over threr whipping their A_ _.! Walt
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03/29/03 08:59:46 PM  
Your name: Joe Johnston
How did you find our site? Google search
What unit did you serve with? 25th Infaantry Division/4/9 Infantry Hq./Hq. Co. motor pool Tay Ninh
When did you serve? Apr 68-
Please enter your comments: Was assigned as a mechanic @ Hq./Hq co. on Tay Ninh base camp. Got in a hassle with some dumb ass motor sargent.Got shipped out to the boonies to Charlie Co. firebase outside Tay Ninh (half way to Cu Chi). Had tools in one hand and an old M-14 in the other. Got pressed into grunt duty doing point for a few weeks (scared out of my wits) until a duece and a half broke down that was going after ammo and beer. THAT got me out of point and back on wrenches! Wound up duty in 3 ord ammo dump on Tay Ninh--Cu Chi and Long Binh. Hope somebody remembers me as I recall a lot of troops with fondness--and some with venom.Eapecially that dumb ass sarge who screwed me into field duty!I'd LOVE to see you face to face,sarge!! Was lucky and I am sure God was watching out for me as I never got a scratch the whole time in the 'Nam.Lotta close calls--lotta buddies next to me wasted.Nary a scratch on me. Glad I served my country.Glad I was Army. Willing to do it again for my country. By the way--hailed from Mississippi.Anybody remember me?Drop a line to me!
03/29/03 12:35:53 PM  
Your name: George Barrowman
How did you find our site? I'm an assoc. member
What unit did you serve with? 65th Engr.Bn.
When did you serve? 1963-66
Please enter your comments: I served in echo co. (bridge) also line companies alpha and delta. Alot of good memories,also memories of being broke alot.
03/29/03 09:32:02 AM  
Your name: Anonymous Surfer
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What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: Subject: Fw: The Average Military Man >The average age of the military man is 19 years. > > He is a short haired, tight-muscled kid who, under normal >circumstances is considered by society as half man, half boy. Not >yet dry behind the ears, not old enough to buy a beer, but old enough >to die for his country. > > > He never really cared much for work and he would rather wax his own >car than wash his father's; but he has never collected unemployment either. > > > He's a recent High School graduate; he was probably an average >student, pursued some form of sport activities, drives a ten >year old jalopy, and has a steady girlfriend that either broke up with >him when he left, or swears to be waiting when he returns from half a world >away. > > > He listens to rock and roll or hip-hop or rap or jazz or swing and >155mm Howitzers. > > > He is 10 or 15 pounds lighter now than when he was at home because he >is working or fighting from before dawn to well after dusk. > > > He has trouble spelling, thus letter writing is a pain for him, but he >can field strip a rifle in 30 seconds and reassemble it in less time in the >dark. > > > He can recite to you the nomenclature of a machine gun or grenade >launcher and use either one effectively if he must. > > > He digs foxholes and latrines and can apply first aid like a >professional. > > > He can march until he is told to stop or stop until he is told to >march. > > > He obeys orders instantly and without hesitation, but he is not >without spirit or individual dignity. > > > He is self-sufficient. He has two sets of fatigues: he washes one and >wears the other. He keeps his canteens full and his feet dry. > > > He sometimes forgets to brush his teeth, but never to clean his rifle. > > > He can cook his own meals, mend his own clothes, and fix his own >hurts. If you're thirsty, he'll share his wat
03/28/03 06:56:30 PM  
Your name: Philip (Randy) Whitt
How did you find our site? Through 25th. Infantry 65th. Engineers Web Site Search
What unit did you serve with? 25th. Infantry Division 65th. Combat Engineers Company D
When did you serve? March 1969 to March 1970
Please enter your comments: My name is Randy Whitt and I served in Vietnam with the 25th. Infantry Div. 65th. Combat Engineers Company D from March 1969 to March 1970........My MOS was a demolition specialist but I also drove a jeep or light truck. When I first arrived in country I took my training in Cu Chi and a couple weeks later I was sent to Dau Tieng where I linked up with Company D of the 65th. Engineers and was stationed their for about 4 months. The 65th Eng. later transferred back to Cu-Chi where I finished out my tour of duty. I would like to talk or hear from anyone via E-mail who may have served with the 65th. around that time.
03/28/03 01:43:05 PM  
Your name: Nena Phillips
How did you find our site? didn't
What unit did you serve with? n/a
When did you serve? era vet and peacetime
Please enter your comments: From: Phillips, Nena [] My brother is James G. Goodluck, Jr. He was in Vietnam from January 15 1969 to January 14, 1970 the first time. He was assigned to the 25th Infantry Division. He can't remember names or places--I believe he chooses not to remember. He was a cook. The second time in Vietnam was from March 6 to December 11 in 1971. He was assigned to Company B, 504th MP Battalion, APO 96337. He was injured during both tours but the more serious injury happened when he was a Military Police. The Red Cross informed us that he was alive and recuperating in a Naval hospital in Japan. I searched the Naval hospitals by Internet but never got any response as to whether they had records on him. His DD 214 does not mention the Purple Heart(s) he got--a gun shot wound and shrapnel in his hip. Thanks so much for your help. Nena Phillips My brother, James, is sick right now and I'm trying to help change his non-service connected disabilities to service-connected disabilities for injuries sustained in Vietnam. His DD 214 does not reflect the receipt of a Purple Heart so I have to find someone who may know anything about him and his time in Vietnam. Again, thank you so very much. Nena Phillips (I, too, am a veteran but never served in any combat environment.)
03/28/03 04:55:49 AM  
Your name: Walt McDonald
What is the title of your website? Golden Dragons
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? A/1/14
When did you serve? 1965-1966
Please enter your comments: another site to send messages to our troops is Walt
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03/28/03 04:47:02 AM  
Your name: Walt McDonald
What is the title of your website? Golden Dragons
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? A/1/14 3rd Bde
When did you serve? 1965-1966
Please enter your comments: Brothers, You can send a message to our service men and women overseas by going to once at the site you can pick what branch you want. Show them support by letting them hear from us Veterans. Walt McDonald
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03/27/03 08:54:11 PM  
Your name: Rufus LaFleur, Jr.
How did you find our site? Keyword search AOL.
What unit did you serve with? HHC-1/27th Wolfhounds 25th Infantry Division
When did you serve? February 1969 to February 1970
Please enter your comments: Looking for comrades who served with me during Feb. 1969-70. Need photos, any witnesses of the Dau Tieng base camp being overrun during February 6-9, 1969.
03/27/03 07:21:11 PM  
Your name: Craig A. Bowersox
How did you find our site? hanging ten
What unit did you serve with? 1/62nd ADA
When did you serve? 77 - 80
Please enter your comments: Anyone who served w/ me in the Battalion 77-80, I would love a E-Mail, Aim High, didn't ever think I would miss going to East Range or the Kahuku's but I do!
03/27/03 02:03:23 PM  
Your name: Jack L. Zelsman
How did you find our site? search
What unit did you serve with? A CO 25th Avn Bn 25 Div
When did you serve? 1967-68
Please enter your comments: Little Bears were the best Avn Group in the service. We met all of the demands upon us, delivery of goods and services to the field, medical evac. saving countless soldiers in the field, adjusted fire on the gooks, straiffed the bushes, performed in an exemplarily manner upholding the highest honor of the 25th Div and the USArmy. I am very proud and grateful to be an American and saved by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
03/27/03 01:32:32 PM  
Your name: CRAIG PRICE
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? B1-27TH WOLFHOUNDS
When did you serve? JULY 77 TO FEB 79
03/27/03 11:39:36 AM  
Your name: Larry Falzone
How did you find our site? Looking for 4/23/ mech
What unit did you serve with? 4/23 mech 25 infantry div
When did you serve? 1 sep 1969 to sep1970
Please enter your comments: Tay Ninh, Rawlins and Hunter fsb, 30 days in Cambodia
03/26/03 09:27:05 PM  
Your name: Don Gough
What is the title of your website? My Fave Wavs
How did you find our site? search engine
What unit did you serve with? A 2/11 FA
When did you serve? 81-84
Please enter your comments: I've missed it from the moment I left it.
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03/26/03 11:37:01 AM  
Your name: Gary Hartt A/2 mech/22ndRGmt,3rdbde of 4th&25thID-12/65-9/67
How did you find our site? ROLLING A BEER AND RAN OUT OF ICE
What unit did you serve with? ALCHOLIC ALPHA of the TRIPLE DEUCE-DAU TIENG
When did you serve? AFTER MIKE MOSCHKIN got the VC all stirred up and angry
Please enter your comments: Hi Mike, Hope florida is agreeing with you. You know your Wolfhound group left too many VC for us.But after I left in Sept 67, the 5th,7th & 9th replenished VC Divisions gave you 25th ID replacements more than enough action to not be idle. I was lucky to leave Tay Ninh province before TET 68. WELCOME HOME ALL YOU 25TH 'GRUNTS'and I thank the 45th Surg for the outstanding medical care. To me, the staff of the 45th were the greatest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FTA ALL THE WAY
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03/25/03 05:19:19 PM  
Your name: Angela Goff
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? B Co 725th maintenance
When did you serve? 96-99
Please enter your comments: Excellent tour, I wish I was still in.
03/25/03 02:41:28 PM  
Your name: Gary Hartt A/2 mech/22ndRGmt,3rdbde of 4th&25thID-12/65-9/67
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When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: On thurs 3/20/03 CNN war coverage was showing video coverage of the 101stABN getting ready for deployment.Aaron Brown was interviewing GenWEsley Clark,ret. Supreme commander of NATO Forces. Clark commented How professional the 101 looked and how ready for battle. Next he followed with more praise of the soldiers and they all had helmets on and chinstraps down" so professional" NOT LIKE THE US SOLDIERS IN VIETNAM. I was alittle unsure of what I had just heard so emailed CNN requesting a transcript and complained about the obvious slam. i also wanted to know about Gen Wesley Clark's war record. The next nite on 3/21/03 CNN"s anchor Aaron Brown took 10 minutes out of his newscast to give Gen Clark a chance to clarify his remark. Aaron Brown portrayed the subect as sensitive and titled it "Helmets&Chinstraps" Clarks response was that he was a Captain in Vietnam in an infantry CO. of the 1st Div and got wounded during initial contact out front and his men advanced under heavy fire rescued him and his wound resulted in immediate return to the USA. But once again he had to explain that even these men would agree with him and recognize what great fighting men the Army now had.(inferring that these battle untested troops were better than combat Viet Vets) I happen to bem reading in the Sunday newspaper that this guy Clark is thinking of running for President as a Democrat. Even though i am a Democrat, he would never get my vote. Cnn on the other hand responded to my complaint and hope fully others by devoting 10-15 minutes during breaking news on the suject over a 5 second off the hand comment by Gen Clark. i will send a thank you note to CNN. Clark on the other hand, i will leave an entry in the 1st division guestbook about this guy I would not have saved.
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03/25/03 05:20:05 AM  
Your name: Jim L. Stafford Jr.
How did you find our site? surfing the web
What unit did you serve with? HHC 1/21 INF.
When did you serve? 84-85
Please enter your comments: I had a lot of fun in HHC if you where there you should remeber a kid named David Bacon or top alexander, the big island or P.I. e-mail me later....... peace .
03/25/03 04:48:52 AM  
Your name: Walt McDonald
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? Co A Pavnhunters, 1st BN 14th Inf
When did you serve? April 1967 thru Jan 1967
Please enter your comments: Brothers, Stop letting Congress cut our benefits. Stand up for your fellow Veterans and write your displeasure to your representatives. You fought for the right to speak up, start using it. New Veterans will be coming home soon, and we need to make sure that the Government takes care of them. Walt
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03/23/03 07:36:51 PM  
Your name: Martin Espinoza
How did you find our site? Internet
What unit did you serve with? 3rd Platoon, Delta Co., 3rd Bn., 22nd Inf., 25th Inf. Div.
When did you serve? July 1968 thru July 1969
Please enter your comments: Attempting to locate some of the good men that I served with.
03/23/03 06:55:55 PM  
Your name: Alden Whalen
How did you find our site? Browsing
What unit did you serve with? 7th Inf Div
When did you serve? 1959-61
Please enter your comments: Very nice web site, Ready and Forward.
03/23/03 01:49:10 PM  
Your name: KATIE
How did you find our site? SURFING
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
03/23/03 06:33:17 AM  
Your name: Mike Moschkin
How did you find our site? member
What unit did you serve with? A1/27
When did you serve? 3/65 to 12/66
Please enter your comments: I totally agree with the sentiments expressed by 1/14th Golden Gragon Walt MacDonald, sincerely Wolfhound Mike Moschkin
03/22/03 07:07:54 PM  
Your name: Jim Osterman
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 2/27 "Wolfhounds" FO
When did you serve? 67-68
Please enter your comments: Served with all the companies because I was an FO with the 4.2. Each night I was assigned to go out with the LP. Every night it was with a different Co. I got to know a large number of you "Wolfhounds" and to this day I put my VVA jacket on every time I go out.If you have not fought for it You can never know the true taste of freedom...........We know the taste....God be with all of you....Yes, I said God.........
03/22/03 08:03:29 AM  
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? CO.C 1ST 35TH
When did you serve? 1964 THRU DEC. 1966
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
03/22/03 07:06:13 AM  
Your name: Walt McDonald
How did you find our site? here everyday
What unit did you serve with? Company A (Pavnhunters), 1st BN 14th Inf (GOLDEN DRAGONS)
When did you serve? April 1965 Hawaii thru Jan 1967 Pleiku
Please enter your comments: Whether or not you support the war in Iraq, we must support out troops!! Don't let what happened to us Vietnam Vets happen to our fellow service men and women that are now serving. The present administration is quick to cut VA benefits even as we are in combat. The Government has problems coming up with money to keep the VA programs going, but they can always find money to bribe other countries to let us use their space to launch attacks on Iraq. I urge all you Veterans to start standing UP for us and our future Veterans by writing your Congressmen and Senators and let them know that we are not going to stand back any longer and let them use us when needed then forget us when they are through using us. After doing some research, it is concluded that only about 35% of Veterans nationwide vote! This needs to be taken care of! After all we fought to have the right to vote and I am dumbfounded to understand why we have such a terrible turn out at the Voting Booths. With the millions of veterans, we CAN make a difference in how the elected officials fund our VA. As for me, I am tired of getting slapped in the face by cronies in DC that talk big about taking care of veterans to get elected only to quickly forget their promises as soon as they get in office. Lets stick together as we did on the battlefield and make some positive changes. I am a veteran and I vote!!!! God Bless Our Troops and bring them home safe. TROPIC LIGHTNING FOREVER, Walt McDonald
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03/21/03 03:44:55 PM  
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? B3/13FA-FO`S
When did you serve? `71-74
03/20/03 11:02:00 PM  
Your name: Denzil Lile
How did you find our site? through vet links
What unit did you serve with? 61st IPCT, 1st Inf. Div.
When did you serve? 1968-69
Please enter your comments: I think what you have done is great and WELCOME HOME BROTHERS. I lost a very good friend that was with the 2/27th. He was KIA in Aug.68. I finally got up the courage to go to his grave a few years ago. I was wondering if anyone out there knew him. His name Was Billy Smith and he was from Edomoton, Kentucky. He got in country late April 68. I was working the Iron Triangle the time he was killed on the Black Widow Mountain. e-mail me at
03/20/03 08:28:30 PM  
Your name: Joe Kurtz
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? HLM 725th Maint Bn
When did you serve? 75 - 78
Please enter your comments: Drop a line if you served during this time. The Company commander was Cpt. William Brethorst and the First Sgt. was Daniel D. Chillous
03/20/03 08:18:14 AM  
Your name: Spc. Ralph E. Stitt, Percussionist: Division Band 1955
How did you find our site? google
What unit did you serve with? Div Band
When did you serve? 1954 - 55
Please enter your comments: would very much like to know if 25th Div band association exists and make communication with any of these men in the band. They were some of the finest people and finest musicians I have ever met.
03/20/03 04:47:26 AM  
Your name: Mike Moschkin
How did you find our site? member
What unit did you serve with? A1/27th
When did you serve? 3/65 to 12/66
Please enter your comments: The Wolfhounds lost Mr. Wolfhound when Sgt. Eduardo Conde passed away March 18th, 2003. Sgt. Conde served 11 years in the Wolfhounds and of those 5 years were with Alpha Company 1st Battalion. He was a highly respected member of Alpha having served at every level including to achieving the rank of platoon sergeant of the 3rd platoon in Vietnam. He was a veteran of the Korean War having served with the 3rd Infantry Division. It is indeed a sad day as our ranks slowly diminish. Rest In Peace Sgt. Conde you have served your country vallantly through two wars. Respectfully Mike Moschkin A1/27th
03/20/03 02:18:52 AM  
Your name: Kevin Kreider
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? A co 1/21 Inf
When did you serve? 1994-1997
Please enter your comments: I was in the warpig plt. I remember SGT. Sanchez being my squad leader. Some of the guys were McCormick,Deel,King,Maturni and many others oh yeah SGT. Cook. Just trying to find someone I remember. Thanks.
03/19/03 03:17:19 PM  
Your name: Roger A. Mc Gill
What is the title of your website? WELCOME HOME VIETNAM VETERANS
How did you find our site? Association Member
What unit did you serve with? 3/4 Cav HHT HQ5B HQ5 Track
When did you serve? '65-'66 Hawaii & Vietnam Cu Chi
Please enter your comments: Let's all remember our Troops in Harms way that are begining to step off tonight. God Keep them safe. Let's all remember that Us as veterans, never forget those that have come after us, and never let us forget to help them in whatever their needs may be. God Bless the USA and our Troops in Harms way.
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03/19/03 10:11:01 AM  
Your name: jennifer mossell
What is the title of your website?
How did you find our site? with key words 25th infantry div
What unit did you serve with? i do not know
When did you serve? i am not positive but i believe it was 1942-45 maybe even earlier
Please enter your comments: I am the proud daughter-in-law of milton mossell who served with the 25th infantry div during wwII. i am looking for anyone who served at that time and might have known him or could give us some info about that time and place. my children have a rich history and i hate to see it die out with the last of these great american heroes...
03/19/03 07:23:52 AM  
Your name: William D Reynolds
How did you find our site? 3/4 cav news letter
What unit did you serve with? B Trp 3/4 Cav
When did you serve? Apr 66 - Apr 68
Please enter your comments: just want to say hi to all members of the 25th Inf Div. and lets keep all men and women in uniform in our prayers.
03/19/03 05:00:31 AM  
Your name: Donald F. Hall, Jr.
How did you find our site? search for 25th roster on 12/07/41
What unit did you serve with? Hq. & Hq MP Co.
When did you serve? Oct. 9, 1941 to Sept. 1943
Please enter your comments: Initially, I joined the 25th as a clerk typist in the JA office, then assigned to division operations office as an operations map technician. My immediate superior was Staff Sgt. Raymond Lanterman who, after the battle of Guadalcanal in Jan. 1943, attended OCS in the Engr., and being cited for bravery in Europe, and awarded a Silver Star. I have tried, without success, to locate Ray, and would appreciate any help you might give to me. 50558969b2
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03/19/03 04:56:48 AM  
Your name: Mike Moschkin
How did you find our site? member
What unit did you serve with? A1/27th Infantry "Wolfhounds"
When did you serve? 3/65 to 12/66
Please enter your comments: On the eve of the approaching battle I pray that our troops will achieve swift victory and that they all return home safely. When others have forgotten their deeds that we will be there to comfort them in our open arms as one veteran to another. With the pride of victory in their souls let them walk proudly in our midst. Wolfhounds forever !! Mike Moschkin
03/18/03 01:21:04 PM  
How did you find our site? surfing the net
What unit did you serve with? C Btry 2nd BN 77th FA
When did you serve? October 1967 to February 1968
Please enter your comments: I served with this unit during the Assault on Firebase Burt January 1-2, 1968. I was awarded the Purple Heart and a Bronze Star for Valor during the defense of this base. I am proud to have served with such a Division and unit.
03/17/03 09:30:59 PM  
Your name: Martin Espinoza
How did you find our site? internet search
What unit did you serve with? Delta Company, 3rd BN., 22nd Inf., 25 Infantry Division
When did you serve? July 1968 to july 1969
Please enter your comments: Just trying to locate some old friends.
03/16/03 03:24:03 PM  
How did you find our site? GOOGLE search
What unit did you serve with? E COMPANY, 65TH ENGINEER BN
When did you serve? 68-69
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
03/16/03 09:33:20 AM  
Your name: Loren Tomblin
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? C 2/14th Inf
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: Michael Cohen, NYC, 65-66. get in touch with me.
03/15/03 04:30:19 PM  
Your name: Paul E. Brockman
How did you find our site? Surfin' and searchin'
What unit did you serve with? CSC 1st 5th Scout Platoon
When did you serve? 1975-1977
Please enter your comments: Hey Bobcats! You guys from Combat Support need to drop me a line. I have heard from Dave Langston, and Will Murray, but waiting for the rest of you.
03/15/03 10:07:53 AM  
Your name: Terry Ellefson
How did you find our site? friends
What unit did you serve with? Co A 65th Engr Bn, Chu Chi and Tay Ninh
When did you serve? 1968
Please enter your comments: I am finding that alot of guys have type 2 disabetes that were in or around the hobo woods. The Hobo woods were sprayed alot with Agent Orange. If you were there and have type 2 diabetes, you need to contact the V.A. for help. Also please e mail me and let me know how you are doing? Good luck.
03/14/03 06:47:58 PM  
How did you find our site? WEB SEARCHED
What unit did you serve with? VIETNAM 25TH 65TH ENGINEERS B COMPANY
When did you serve? 1969 - 1971
03/14/03 01:08:08 PM  
Your name: Ernie Wells
How did you find our site? Lucky I guess
What unit did you serve with? 25th MID
When did you serve? 67 -68
Please enter your comments: Looking for any members of the 25th MID - era of Bob Wheeler, Det Cmdr, CG Mearns, or anyone who may have known Gail Goodloe, Manny Roth, Chuck Jackson, Rick Goetz, Matt Jackson, Ray Fernandez-conte, Please forgive me the name are tough to recap, to many years have gone by. Gives us a heads up if you have made contact with anyone from the MI Detachment, Thanks.
03/14/03 04:28:18 AM  
Your name: Walt McDonald
How did you find our site? been here from day one
What unit did you serve with? A/1/14 Golden Dragons
When did you serve? April 1965-Dec 1966
Please enter your comments: Just keeping in touch. Best wishes to all my Tropic Lightning Brothers, Past and Present. Walt
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03/13/03 09:12:32 PM  
Your name: Rob
What is the title of your website? Thank you American Servicemen
How did you find our site? very nice
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: thanks US
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03/13/03 07:53:15 PM  
How did you find our site? WEB SEARCH
What unit did you serve with? VIETNAM 25TH 65TH ENGINEERS B COMPANY
When did you serve? 1969 TO 1971
03/13/03 02:36:22 AM  
How did you find our site? yahoo!!
What unit did you serve with? 1-21Inf "GIMLETS" SCOUTS OUT!!
When did you serve? 1998-2002
03/13/03 02:32:25 AM  
Your name: Jim Bisson
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? Company A, 2d Bn, 12th Inf, 3d Bde, 25th Infantry Division
When did you serve? Jul 67-Jul68
Please enter your comments: Looking for Lieutenants Hansen and Renker from A-2-12Infantry, 67-68.
03/10/03 04:28:56 PM  
Your name: Charles R. Zimmer
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 3/22 25th Infantry, Apache Squad
When did you serve? 1969 -1970
Please enter your comments: Tay Ninh, fire support base Crooks, FSB King, Cambodia. Swanlock, Cu Chi,
03/10/03 02:34:54 AM  
Your name: Jim Bisson
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? Company A, 2d Bn, 12th Inf, 3d Bde, 25ID
When did you serve? Jul 67-Jul68
Please enter your comments: Looking for a Lieutenant Bobby Bates who served in Company A, 2d Bn, 12th Inf during 1967-1968 and who was commanding the company on 25 Oct 67 when the company was involved in a major combat action. Anyone who knows how to contact Lieutenant Bates please let email me that information.
03/09/03 07:18:57 PM  
Your name: Randy Holton
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: Thanks to everyone who e-mailed me. Received many emails of assistance for locating a 14th Inf. Rgt. Pin. Order going out in the morning. No doubt about it..... You can always count on the 25th when you need help. Randy Holton (20th Engr Bde 68-69)
03/09/03 06:49:33 PM  
Your name: SGT BEAK
How did you find our site? luck
What unit did you serve with? co c 1/35
When did you serve? 72-76
Please enter your comments: whats with the change with 1-35 to 2-35
03/09/03 05:52:32 PM  
Your name: Anthony E. Valteau
How did you find our site? google search
What unit did you serve with? CoB, 1st Bn, 19th Inf, 25th Inf Div, Wpns Plt
When did you serve? April 76 - May 78
Please enter your comments: Decided to look up a few of my old units, ran across this page and figured I'd sign up and see if anyones out there from my stint with the 25th Inf Div. Feel free to email me.
03/09/03 05:17:50 PM  
Your name: Walt McDonald
How did you find our site? been here almost everyday
What unit did you serve with? CO A (Pavnhunters) 1st Bn 14th Inf 3rd Bde(Bastard Brigade)
When did you serve? 4/65 thru 12/66 (Hawaii-Pleiku)
Please enter your comments: Just a Hello to all my Tropic Lightning Brothers and a SPECIAL Hello to all GOLDEN DRAGONS!!!Walt
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03/09/03 05:04:24 PM  
What is the title of your website? MSN
How did you find our site? SEARCHING
What unit did you serve with? B COMPANY 65TH ENGINEERS
When did you serve? 1968 + 1969
03/09/03 12:40:46 PM  
Your name: Terry Ellefson
How did you find our site? surf in
What unit did you serve with? Co A 65th Engr Bn
When did you serve? 1967-1968
Please enter your comments: Please e mail me if you serve in and around the Hobo woods from 1966-1970 and have type two diabetes?
03/09/03 10:49:38 AM  
Your name: Randy Holton
How did you find our site? Google Search Engine
What unit did you serve with? Seeking Assistance for Vet of 1/14 Inf Rgt "Golden Dragons"
When did you serve? I served with the 20th Eng Bde in '68-'69
Please enter your comments: PLEASE !!!! I need assistance. I'm a Service Officer (At Large) for the VFW in Kenosha, WI and am trying to find a 14th Infantry Regiment shoulder flap pin for a Veteran of 1/14th Infantry, "Golden Dragons", 25th Division in Viet Nam. His name is Roy Beals and he was one of the former members of the 4th Division that was transferred to the 25th. He's a Past Commander of our VFW Post and a great Veteran for helping other Vets. I am trying to find a Regimental Pin to purchase to surprise him with. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Please e-mail me directly if anyone can help. My e-mail address:
03/09/03 05:10:41 AM  
Your name: David & Connie Spicer
How did you find our site? Wolfhound search-Looking for David's fathers' history
What unit did you serve with? Not sure which unit he was with at present
When did you serve? Early 50's Korea
Please enter your comments: We would love to hear from anyone in the Wolfhounds who migh remember Lester Spicer. Les passed on in 1995 from cancer, and never really talked about his stint with the Wolfhounds. Thanks for taking the time to respond. Paul, this is a wonderful site, and we'll be sure to visit again. Would love to see unit-specific rosters, as searching for names might be made easier that way. Anyone else? David and Connie Spicer
03/08/03 01:49:50 PM  
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? BRAVO CO. 3/22 Dau Tieng
When did you serve? 3-17-67 to 3-13-68
Please enter your comments: Looking for Ernest R. Rice from Bravo co.3/22 Dau Tieng
03/08/03 12:59:03 PM  
Your name: John "Big John" Quintrell
What is the title of your website? Wolfhounds 2nd 27th C Company
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 2nd 27th C Company, 2nd Platoon
When did you serve? August 1968 - August 1969
Please enter your comments: I have recently started a search for brave men that I served with and created a website honoring those that gave their best. Please visit our website that is dedicated to these brave men. Thanks, John "Big John" Quintrell
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03/07/03 10:02:11 AM  
Your name: Phil Nelson
How did you find our site? Searching for an old friend
What unit did you serve with? Co. E 2/39, 9th Infantry
When did you serve? 68/69
Please enter your comments: Great site! I stayed around to look it over and was really happy I did. I especially enjoyed the response to the french person concerning the "war lover" comment they made. I just figured they were french and would never understand the feelings someone has after actually fighting for their country and it's people. Good job, and well done.
03/06/03 09:48:54 PM  
Your name: Richard C Sanders
How did you find our site? William "EASY" Smith told me about it
What unit did you serve with? C Btry 1 st Battalion 8 th Arty
When did you serve? 64-66 3/65 schofield barracks -Cu Chi in 1/66-9/66
Please enter your comments: I'm looking for the guy's in C Btry Buddy Summerville,Thomas Lowe Terry Witherington willy williams,Woodrow Wilson
03/06/03 07:32:46 PM  
Your name: Ray Medina
How did you find our site? MEMBER
What unit did you serve with? 'A' CO. 65th ENGR.
When did you serve? 2/67 TO 2/ 68.
Please enter your comments: CHECKING IN.
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03/06/03 06:42:08 AM  
Your name: Mike Moschkin
How did you find our site? member
What unit did you serve with? A1/27th
When did you serve? 3/65-12/66
Please enter your comments: I want to mention that we will have a 25th Infantry Division AO set up at the Melbourne, Florida Vietnam Veterans Reunion in Hickham Park May 1-4, 2003 contact John Cristalli (C1/27)at(850-934-6742). Beautiful weather and even better company can't beat that with a stick.
03/05/03 10:31:26 PM  
Your name: Katie Smith
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: I am searching for anyone who may have served in Vietnam in the 25th Inf Division with my uncle MICHAEL LAVERN SMITH. I never knew him, i wasn't born until 1984. Here is his info: Michael La Vern Smith Specialist Four 25 INF DIV Army Of The United States 22 September 1948-12 April 1969 killed in Binh Duong Prov. Sumner, MI MILITARY DATA Service: Army Of The United States Comp: Selective Service Grade: E4 Rank: Specialist Four ID No: 54981103 MOS: 11B20 - Infantryman LenSvc: Between 1 and 2 years Unit: 25 INF DIV Please reply if you knew him or can help me get in touch with someone who may have. Thanks, Katie Smith
03/05/03 06:14:36 PM  
Your name: Micheal O'Grady
How did you find our site? Tropic Lightning Flashes
What unit did you serve with? 125th signal 25th Infantry
When did you serve? January 1968 Medivaced November 1968
Please enter your comments: I served with A company and I'm looking for a few of my buddies: Lavery from Boston,Sargeant Stafford,Sargeant Dean,Stien was with me in cu chi and on Nui ba dien. If any one recognizes my name please get in touch .[:)s]
03/04/03 03:59:03 PM  
Your name: Terry Ellefson
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?Co A 65th Engr Bn
When did you serve?1967-1968
Please enter your comments:I serve with the 65th Engrs and would like to hear from any of my old friends. I now live in Vancouver Washington.
03/04/03 02:14:48 PM  
Your name: Robert L. Muzzy
How did you find our site?Surfing the web
What unit did you serve with?35th Infantry Regiment
When did you serve?1942-1945
Please enter your comments:Any 25th Infantry Division Survivor interested in attending our 2003 Louisville, Kentucky, Reunion being held August 6th, 2003, through August 10th, 2003, please contact Robert L. Muzzy, President, at 3 Richview Court, Potomac, Maryland, 20854. We will be happy to send you a Reunion kit. This is our 30th Anniversary Reunion and we hope to see you there.
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03/03/03 05:09:54 PM  
Your name: fwillard
How did you find our site?been here
What unit did you serve with?Co C 35th Inf
When did you serve?1961-1966
Please enter your comments:this is for Woodfin R Cooksey tried his email did not work Try 27th an 14 in therer site it was one of those two also checkout the 35th site in our link is a link called the tropic lighting silver the books it talk about the whole life of the div you can find links to 27 an14 there to Good Luck SFC F Willard USA RET CACTI ALWAYS
03/03/03 02:12:15 PM  
Your name: Harry Collins 1SG (ret)
How did you find our site?Surfing
What unit did you serve with?M Company 14th Inf Regt.
When did you serve?1951 to 1952
Please enter your comments: Served as a Foreward Observer for 81 Mortar Platoon
03/02/03 08:28:09 PM  
How did you find our site?YAHOO
What unit did you serve with?HQ BTRY 7TH BN 11TH ARTY
When did you serve?FEB 1962 TO JAN 64
Please enter your comments: ANY ONE HAVE INFO ON 25TH GOING TO THAILAND IN MARCH OF 1963 TO JUL 63, CALL 334-756-7693 ROGER COOKSEY 1072 LEE RD 268 VALLEY AL.
03/02/03 07:43:28 PM  
Your name: Dan Marquardt
How did you find our site?I visit often
What unit did you serve with?B Company 2/12 INF.
When did you serve?Oct. 68-Dec. 69
Please enter your comments: Hi Guys, all the plans for the reunion are made. Now itís up to all of you to make it a reality. Hotel- Hawthorn Suites Indianapolis East. Indianapolis, IN. 317-322-0011 Dates August, 22-24, 2003 They are holding a group of 35 rooms for us, but you must make your reservations by July 22, 2003. Mention that you are with "B Company 2/12 INF. 25th INF. Div. Vietnam" to get the special group rate of $89.00. We need at least 10 rooms to get a free hospitality suite for the 22nd and 23rd. Hopefully we will have a good turn out. Bring your pictures and your choice of beverages and snacks. There is an indoor pool and you get a free hot breakfast buffet. If you have any questions or want a list of the names and addresses that I have,you can e-mail me. We are mostly from 68-70 time period and mostly 3rd platoon, but anyone who served with B Company is welcome.
03/02/03 07:06:23 PM  
Your name: Chuck Brittain
How did you find our site?browsing
What unit did you serve with?Aco 1/21st INF (L) GATORS WHOO-HAA!
When did you serve?Aug 87- May90
Please enter your comments:Wow, this is great! I hope to hear from anyone who i served with. I'm still in touch with Andy Blankenbeckler (2nd plt.) and 1st Sargent Berno Borja (Ret.) I was very active in company sports and also a member of the All Pacific Softball Team. If anyone can remember, please e-mail me. Also lets all say a prayer for those about to give the ultimate sacifrice for our country, me included. I,m currently on orders for either sandland or mamasanland. Wish me luck and to all fellow Tropic Lighting troops, thank-you for your sacifice and honor. It will not be forgotten. Sgt. Brittain
03/02/03 06:15:24 PM  
Your name: Phillip V. Shortman
How did you find our site?Searching
What unit did you serve with?A. cp. 2/27th
When did you serve?July 1969 to June 1970
Please enter your comments:Trying to find some info for the VA for my PTSD claim. Guess that a Distinguished Service Cross and CIB is not proof enough. Need to find some people I was with over there to verify that I was in a sqirmish or two!! This is a great website.
03/02/03 12:24:07 PM  
Your name: Louis Torino Jr.
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?HHB 3/13 Arty
When did you serve? March 67 to March68
Please enter your comments: no comment
03/01/03 02:33:27 PM  
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?BRAVO CO. 3/22 Dau Tieng
When did you serve?3-17 - 67 to 3-13 68
Please enter your comments:Looking for Ernest R. Rice from Kansas City
03/01/03 02:31:45 PM  
Your name: Susan Van Trease
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?A BTRY 7/11 ARTY, 25TH INF. (My brother did, 1Lt. Larry (Sylvain) White "The Nomad"
When did you serve?KIA 5/27/68 in Tay Ninh
Please enter your comments:Seeking any information concerning my brother, 1Lt. Larry (Sylvain) White. KIA on May 27, 1968 in Tay Ninh. Interested in any information on Capt. John W. Knox and the battle at Tay Ninh on 5/27/68. During Larry's short stay in Vietnam he was also pulled in as FOO for: B Co 1/5 (M) INF (Cannon 62) C Co 2/34th Armor (Cannon 62) B Co 4/9 INF (Cannon 42) C Co 2/14 INF (Cannon 53) A Co 4/23 (M) INF (Cannon 61) Leaving for Vietnam on March 20, 2003. Would appreciate and be grateful for any responses. God Bless.
03/01/03 02:29:47 PM  
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?BRAVO CO. 3/22
When did you serve?3-17 - 67 to 3-13 68
Please enter your comments:Looking for Ernest R. Rice from Kansas City
02/28/03 05:31:13 PM  
Your name: Roger G. Montgomery
How did you find our site?Member / Come here often
What unit did you serve with?242nd ASH Co., 269th CAB
When did you serve?8-67 / 8-68
Please enter your comments:To Paul and all. Hey to all. Just a note to let you know my doins these days. I got married on 2-22-03. Sandra Ann is her name (Sandy), and we met years ago when I came home from Vietnam (she wrote to me / a Highschool project). We remet on "" and the rest is history. My new address is 4511 Pineville Lane, Spring, Texas 77388. New Phone # is(281) 288-4152. Please update my membership records.
02/28/03 09:19:31 AM  
Your name: Jeff Hess
How did you find our site?Been here before. Good site
What unit did you serve with?HHC 2/12th 25th Div.
When did you serve?1967-1969
Please enter your comments:Still looking for old 4 Duce's friend's out of DauTang,
02/27/03 04:49:30 PM  
Your name: doyle splawn
How did you find our site?friend
What unit did you serve with?125th sig bn,25th inf div.
When did you serve?66-67
Please enter your comments:trying to find friends that served at cu-chi,1966,was wounded on 7-26-66 at cu-chi. would like to find others wounded at that time,need names and pictures,lost mine to a house fire. thanks,doyle
02/27/03 01:23:58 PM  
Your name: Craig A. Bowersox
How did you find our site?Surfing
What unit did you serve with?1/62nd ADA A Battery
When did you serve?1978 - 80
Please enter your comments:Hoping to hear from anyone I served with back then to shoot the breeze and get their sit-rep for the last 23 plus years.You had to love serving on the ROCK!!!!!
02/26/03 06:25:23 PM  
Your name: COL(Ret) John C. Chapman
How did you find our site?From Tropic Lightning Flashes
What unit did you serve with?64th FA Bn. (Svc Btry & B Btry) & Hq. Div Arty ( Lno w/ Turk Artillery)
When did you serve?9 July 1950 to 16 Oct 1951
Please enter your comments:Just discovered the web site. Learn something new everyday.
02/26/03 02:11:24 PM  
Your name: mark speakman
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?co a 1/35th inf.weapons plt/1st plt
When did you serve?1976-1979
Please enter your comments:greetings cacti,hope to here from some old buddies.these years make up a time in my life that is now realized as best years of my military service.take care and email me,CACTI FOREVER.
02/26/03 06:29:40 AM  
Your name: Charlie Teague
How did you find our site?Surfing
What unit did you serve with?25th S+T Armorer
When did you serve?Feb69-Feb70
Please enter your comments:Just sitting here working on a .45 1911 and got to thinking back, and just realized how long its been.
02/25/03 03:09:54 PM  
Your name: BILL NAPIER
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
02/25/03 01:48:34 PM  
Your name: greg savold
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?1951-1953
Please enter your comments:proud!
02/25/03 01:19:22 PM  
Your name: Robert E. Smith
How did you find our site?through other people
What unit did you serve with?Company "C" 1st BN 23rd Inf there from 1966-1967
When did you serve?"C"of the 60 inf in Alaska.
Please enter your comments:I was in Co "C" when it was still Co "C"of the 60 inf in Alaska. Then we were changed to the 23rdinf and went on to Hawaii,then Vie Nam. I would like to hear from anyone that was in that unit at the same time.
02/25/03 11:51:15 AM  
Your name: Daryl Brewer
What is the title of your website?The Lawman
How did you find our site?Checking some old outfits I was with....
What unit did you serve with?25th Inf. Div. 118th Assault Helecoper Unit.......
When did you serve?1971-1974
Please enter your comments:I was a door gunner.....SP/5....I was with the 25th Inf. Div. 118th Assault Helecopter Unit. I ETS in Jan. 74 and then joined the U.S. Navy in March of 1974.....Stayed until 78 and then came into Law Enforcement and have been a cop ever since. Any of my old pals and door gunners and crew chiefs, please look me up. Go to my web page and sign my guestbook when you can. Keep up the good work .....25th Inf. Div. was the best.....Stay Safe...SGT.Brewer
 E-mail    Website   My Guestbook
02/25/03 10:25:19 AM  
Your name: James Phillips
How did you find our site?through 4th Infantry Guest boo
What unit did you serve with?4th Infantry
When did you serve?March 1967-March 1968
Please enter your comments:FLORIDA'S VIETNAM VETERAN'S REUNION - Our annual 16th annual reunion will be held May 2nd, 3rd, & 4th 2003 at Wickham park in Melbourne, Florida. Make your plans now to attend! For further information on lodging, schedule of events and more go into following site:
02/24/03 04:47:38 PM  
Your name: Fred A. Bergan
What is the title of your website?Tomahawks 4th 23Inf Mec
How did you find our site?Drop By All Most Every Day
What unit did you serve with?4/23 Inf
When did you serve?April 66 April 67
Please enter your comments: Robert E. Smith Jr. E-mail me and I can get you in tuch with some of our brothers that serve in Alaska and Viet Nam. Fred A. Bergan A. Company 4th. Battalion 23d. Infantry Cu Chi South Vietnam 1966 - 1967 Scout ALL GAVE SOME - SOME GAVE ALL. 02/21/03 07:41:03 AM Your name: Robert E Smith Jr How did you find our site? 25 Inf Div Site What unit did you serve with? Co C 4th Bn 23rd Inf Weapon Plat. When did you serve? from when it was still C CO of the 60th Inf then changed to C 4th of the 23rd Please enter your comments: I would like to hear from anyone in the unit that was in alaska , then to Viet Nam
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02/24/03 03:16:39 PM  
Your name: Gregory Kendrick
How did you find our site?Looking for this site, sincerely looking for this site
What unit did you serve with?Americal, 48th Trans. Group
When did you serve?December 1969 - July 1971
Please enter your comments:I have been trying to find anyone who could tell me about two soldiers who died in Vietnam, who were both in the 25th. I understand that this is not a very big deal except that they were both from Byromville, Ga. What you have to know is that in the time frame tat they died, Byromville's population was all of 347. I was one of the those 347 and they were my heroes as I never had a brother and they represented that to me.When they were both killed it not only deverstated my town, but me moreso. So much, that with the help of a friend and the willingness of a quota conscious recruiter, I altered my birth certificate and join the Army when I was sixteen. My plan was to make them pay,but it never worked out that way; as I am the one who has been paying for the last thirty four years. No matter how many I did, it was never enough because I never knew if this was the one. Consequently it's cost me dearly. I have been in and out of VA hospitals what seems like forever. So much so, I don't even know if it's worth it anymore. All I want is for someone to tell me that they at least knew them, and just maybe can tell me what happened. They were: Tommy Lee Brown, KIA, 5/14/69, Ty Ninh and Freddie James Byrant, KIA, 3/8/68, Hoa Nghia. If there is anyone there who can, please help me. Please!
02/24/03 01:09:53 PM  
Your name: Donald G. Cayer
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?25th Aviation Battalion A. Co.
When did you serve?March 1966 to March 1967
Please enter your comments:flew as shotgunner on a HU1B Home base Cu-Chi
02/24/03 09:37:13 AM  
Your name: Bill Schaefer
How did you find our site?Tropic Lightning Flashes
What unit did you serve with?HHQ 125th Signal Bn
When did you serve?10-69 to 9-70
Please enter your comments:Would enjoy hearing from anyone of that era.
02/23/03 07:58:29 PM  
Your name: Louis Torino Jr.
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? HQ. 3/13 ARTILLERY
When did you serve? March 67 March 68 Cu Chi
Please enter your comments:
02/23/03 06:30:23 PM  
Your name: Doyle W. Smith
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?Co. E, 65th Engr. Bn.
When did you serve?Janruary to December 1970
Please enter your comments:(no comment)
02/23/03 07:55:01 AM  
Your name: JIM MALONEY
How did you find our site?surfing
What unit did you serve with?1 Bn 8th arty B Brty
When did you serve?Jan 67-68
02/23/03 03:02:11 AM  
Your name: Brieuc Cudennec
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments:Sir, my name is Brieuc Cudennec,I am eighteen years old and I am French.Like many countries,France and United States have suffered because of the war. I have learned a lot about this period and I am very interested of al the points of history during the Second World War.But I do like to go on my studies and want to be very specialized.I would like to correspond with persons who knew well the war and may be who was a soldier in that time.I would like to have with these people a correspondance for speaking and writing about these memories. BEST REGARDS BRIEUC CUDENNEC My address is: BRIEUC CUDENNEC 4,rue Jacques Cartier 22190 Plerin FRANCE My E-mail is:
02/22/03 01:28:20 AM  
Your name: mark speakman
How did you find our site?splunking
What unit did you serve with?a co 35th inf 25th div
When did you serve?1976-1979
Please enter your comments:greetings to all fellow cacti members present and email add is,aka mark speakman.i served from jdec 76 to dec a co started in 1st plt wound up in weapons in toe.i would like to find old friends,and email with past and present cacti's.ssgt moeler ssgt rackley,sgr gore,cpl lewis,jerry killgore lt sullivan, cpt cook,jay wilson,david brown,robert manifold,ect all email me please.
02/21/03 05:00:46 PM  
Your name: MSG Loren Tomblin
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?Co C 2/14th Inf
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments:c-2 14th sitrep time
02/21/03 07:41:03 AM  
Your name: Robert E Smith Jr
How did you find our site?25 Inf Div Site
What unit did you serve with?Co C 4th Bn 23rd Inf Weapon Plat.
When did you serve?from when it was still C CO of the 60th Inf then changed to C 4th of the 23rd
Please enter your comments:I would like to hear from anyone in the unit that was in alaska , then to Viet Nam
02/21/03 04:53:39 AM  
Your name: Walt McDonald
What is the title of your website?
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?Co A (PAVNHUNTERS), 1stBn 14th Inf 3rd Bde (Bastard Brigade)
When did you serve?April 1965-Jan 1967
Please enter your comments:Was looking through my 25th Div Vietnam book, (by Turner Publications) and am still trying to understand why so VERY LITTLE was included about the 3rd Bde in Pleiku!!! And to top that off they didn't even include the dead comrades of mine from A company during 1966. So i figure that maybe some of them are listed in the wrong year so I started scanning through them and what a shock when on page 172 they have me DEAD in I guess 1968. Needless to say this really upsets me. There is not even a mention about the old WW2 record for "longest continious operation" that was broken by the 3rd Bde in 1966. So I will fill you in. The old record was 165 days and we broke that record in operations Paul Revere 1,2,3and 4. The new record was set at 230 days. Walt McDonald, GOLDEN DRAGONS
02/20/03 09:03:25 PM  
Your name: William H Schwindt
How did you find our site?Visit often
What unit did you serve with?C company 3rd Battalion 22nd Infantry
When did you serve?66-67
Please enter your comments:The ninth national C3/22 reunion is in Portland OR June 25-29th 2003 at the Holiday Inn Airport. This reunion covers all years that C3/22 served in Vietnam, 66-71. Details at our website under the "registration" icon. Two pages of registration form tell almost everything that will happen at the reunion, dates, times, even menus. All supporting units are very welcome to join us. We already know of some 2/12th guys, and 2/22nd guys, and artillery support 2/77th and 7/11th who will be joining us in Portland. Some other company 3rd/22nd members will be joining us too. Especially if you live in the Northwest or CA, come join us. Any questions? E-mail me, Bill Schwindt in Portland
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02/20/03 12:34:06 PM  
Your name: Marcel Shangle
How did you find our site?A friend
What unit did you serve with?25inf.div. 65combat engr. h&sco.
When did you serve?1952-1955
Please enter your comments:(no comment)
02/20/03 10:55:46 AM  
Your name: Jim Marley
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?2/34 cu chi
When did you serve?1970 to they went home than went to americal 1/1 cav
Please enter your comments:It would be nice to hear from some of the guys.
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02/19/03 07:56:59 PM  
Your name: Jesus M. Medrano Jr.
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?25th Transport and Supply 25th Inf. Div. Company B Med Truck
When did you serve?January 1, 1970
Please enter your comments:Looking for Infromation on 25th S&T Battalion 25th Inf. Div. Company B Med Cu Chi. Looking for my buddies, info on Reunion with any one how served with 25th in 1970 in Cu Chi. Have not found any infromation at all on 25th S&T Battalion 25th Inf. Div. company B Med Truck. Can Someone help. Thank You.
02/19/03 07:55:44 PM  
Your name: Wren Thomas
How did you find our site?A friend
What unit did you serve with?lst Air Cav
When did you serve?68-69
Please enter your comments:I am trying to find anyone that may have known Robert Wilson..He started out as a 94B, but I understand he pissed someone off, and ended up in the bush...I don't even know his unit..He was there from 68-69..Any help would be greatly appreciated Thank You- We are all brothers, no matter the Division we were in ! Hoo-Ah~~
02/19/03 01:10:33 PM  
Your name: Scott Carver
How did you find our site?Been here before
What unit did you serve with?Great-Uncle WWII 35th Regiment C Company
When did you serve?1940-1945
Please enter your comments:I am still looking for anyone who knew Sgt. Stanley Ciemiega from Lowell Mass. Stanley was in C Company, 1st Platoon 35th Infantry Regiment. Stanley joined the Army on December 6, 1940 and was killed in action on April 17th, 1945 at a place called Kapintalan, Luzon, Philippine Islands. stanley was 25 at the time of his death. He fought at Pearl Harbor, Gudalcanal, Vella Lavella and on Luzon. I know he was friends with Marion Hyder. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Also, I do have rosters and photos pertaining to the 35th and C Company. Please feel free to contact me.
02/19/03 10:04:13 AM  
Your name: Tony Cooper
How did you find our site?been here before
What unit did you serve with?HHC 3rd Bde 25th Commo, formerly with the 4th
When did you serve?June 67 to June 68
Please enter your comments:Can someone tell me where I can pick up a replica of the three soldiers memorial? Getting older and more melancholy. As I get older, those days seem to recurr more often. Can't figure out why, but maybe it's a good thing.
02/19/03 07:32:25 AM  
Your name: Frank Humphreys
How did you find our site?Search Engine
What unit did you serve with?9th Inf Div: 3rd Bde, E/3/39
When did you serve?Vietnam 11/67-09/68
Please enter your comments:Welcome home, brothers! I am hoping to connect with anyone who knew Sgt. E-5 Grey Wagner who was KIA Jan. 10, '68 near Cu Chi. The funeral bulletin says Grey was with 1/27 and was KIA while on night perimeter defense. Grey and I were stationed together in 67 at Ft. Belvoir, VA as Infantry Weapons & Tactics instructors at Engineer OCS. Grey was my first friend KIA in Nam. It took me until Jan 99 to visit his grave in north central Iowa (I live in Minnesota and had just been diagnosed with PTSD). I left a letter at his parent's home, letting them know how they or any members of his family could get in touch with me. A couple of days ago, his daughter Tori -- who was 6 years old when her dad was KIA -- finally called and wanted to talk about her dad. To help Tori, I'd like to connect with any guys who served in-country with Grey. You can email me at and know that I'll respond promptly. Thanks for your help, brothers. Frank Humphreys, Echo 6, 3/39
02/17/03 10:34:14 AM  
Your name: James William Hart, Jr.
How did you find our site?Search engine
What unit did you serve with?25th Infantry, I Corp
When did you serve?Korea, 1953-July 1956
Please enter your comments:(no comment)
02/17/03 07:21:19 AM  
Your name: Ron Craw
How did you find our site?Just Surfing
What unit did you serve with?25th Trans., NCO Acadamy
When did you serve?1984-1987
Please enter your comments:Might be interested in joining 25th ID Association
02/17/03 05:36:04 AM  
Your name: Maurice Blacher, Major (Ret)
How did you find our site?search
What unit did you serve with?HQ/125th Signal
When did you serve?1994-1995
Please enter your comments:The soldiers were some of the best I ever served with. Deployed with the 25th to Haiti, it was the best thing that could have happened to this unit. It gave them the chance to show what they were capable of doing. Wish them all the luck-Godís Speed.
02/16/03 08:21:04 AM  
Your name: Ken (groovy) Graham
How did you find our site?Tropic Lightning Magazine
What unit did you serve with? HHT 3/4 Cav
When did you serve? April67-April69
Please enter your comments: I visit this site often,just thought I would drop in and say hey to all.If there is anyone out there that may remember me,drop me a line.I was with Sqd Maint.on HQ89 VTR
02/15/03 11:50:04 PM  
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?25TH.M.P.CO.
When did you serve?65 TO 66
02/15/03 01:00:10 PM  
Your name: Micheal O'Grady
How did you find our site?Aol search
What unit did you serve with?A Company 125th signal 25th infantry div. Cu Chi
When did you serve?1968
Please enter your comments:LooKing for contacts. Looking for more photos of people hoping to recognize some. Medavacted Oct. 68.Retired same year.
02/15/03 09:27:22 AM  
Your name: Michael Bluemel aka "Blue"
How did you find our site?surfing
What unit did you serve with?Co. A 2nd BN 22nd Mech. 25th Inf Div.
When did you serve?Jan 1970 to Nov. 1970
Please enter your comments:I REMEMBER: * Triple Duece at Cu Chi and Tay Ninh * Cambodia campaign with blown engine pack and had to limp back to fire base - scarey. * Extended laterals and "busting" a road in the morning. * Rescuing tankers (2nd of the 34th?) off a ridge above the Mekong River in the wet season. * Mechanical ambushes. * Once in awhile I remember those who did not make it back home. * cooking "C's" with C-4. * Nui Bau Dinh B52 strikes at night.
02/14/03 09:44:29 PM  
Your name: John "Big John" Quintrell
How did you find our site?surfed on in
What unit did you serve with?C co 2/27 wolfhounds 2nd platoon
When did you serve?1968-1969
Please enter your comments:Have recently started to research my Vietnam roots and would love to hear from anyone who served at the same time. Remember firebase crocket, reed, jackson, diamond? Remember SSG Glover, SSG Marquez, Ray Bourgeois, Larry Lamere,Russ Bruns, Lt. Jamie Baker, Sugar Bear Taylor, Paul Naso, Enrico Galli,Tommy Kemp, Joel Brown , Buck Buchannan, Sneeker, Big Joe, Hacker, Ketchum, Little Joe, Willy? Remember being in Cambodia when Nixon said we were not there?Please write and let me know if you remember... Big John
02/14/03 09:26:53 PM  
Your name: Terrence M. Anderson
How did you find our site?Just logged onto the 25th Division
What unit did you serve with?This is about my uncle. He was in Hq Co 3rd Bn, 161st Inf Regt, 25th Div
When did you serve?December 1941 to August 3, 1943
Please enter your comments:I would like to correspond with anyone who was in this outfit or knows anything about it. There are so few WWII vets now that I almost despair of finding anyone who was in the 161st regiment, and searching this website is getting very frustrating.
02/14/03 05:11:06 PM  
Your name: Jim barrett
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?B 1/35 25th Inf 12-65 / 1-67, B 1/506 101st Abn 1967, HHC 1/508 82nd Abn recon/lrp 1968
When did you serve?1965-1968
Please enter your comments:All of you 25TH Inf Vietnam vets go to ( and check out this web page. This concerns all of you that have made many air assaults from choppers, clik on each page and review the story about the origional airassault badge that you all have earned. The February issue of Vietnam Magazine mentions this web site in a story they did on the awarding of this origional badge. Click onto Stakeholder also and see that the 25th Inf Association has been invited to attend the Stakeholder Meeting. The 25th Inf Association needs their repesentation to be there also to help get it done for all the vets, so all can proudly wear these wings that was earned many times over. Never officially approved by the Army it is still worn proudly by many from General Harry Kinnard on down and he said he personally authorizes this. Lets get behind this and help make it official and retroactive; the awarding of the Air Assault Badge for all Vietnam vets who helped develope the real air assault fighting. Show your support and log on this web pages guestbook.
02/14/03 01:09:16 PM  
Your name: Daniel Streit
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?Co D 2/22
When did you serve?1969
Please enter your comments:I was a welder at Dau tang and Tay Nin. If you were in D Co pleast E-Mail me.
02/12/03 06:03:56 PM  
Your name: David P. Matosky
How did you find our site?forgot
What unit did you serve with?Division Artillary, Headquarters Battery, 25th Inf. Div.
When did you serve?Feb '66 - Jan '67
Please enter your comments:Great Web site, thanks for everything, glad to have served my country.
02/12/03 03:12:05 PM  
Your name: Paul Gargis
How did you find our site?Thru the 3/22 assoc site
What unit did you serve with?3/22
When did you serve?68-69
Please enter your comments:I joined the assoc for the 2nd time recently and have not recieved a newsletter. Hope to get on your mailing list!
02/11/03 06:29:18 PM  
Your name: Thomas Jan Hunt
How did you find our site?surfing
What unit did you serve with?A Battery 3/13th Artillery
When did you serve?1968-69
Please enter your comments:I have found several of my Brothers in Arms and would like to find more who survived FSB Maury May 9, 1968. Also would like to find Toby Simmons daughter (Rhonda). I just cant except that he died in February 1999.
02/11/03 05:57:33 PM  
Your name: Charles Welby Green
How did you find our site?Terry McConnell
What unit did you serve with?Wolfhounds
When did you serve?Korea: D/1/27 (50-51) , Vietnam: C/2/27 (66-67) and D/1/27 (69)
Please enter your comments:The Tri-State 25th Infantry Div reunion at Key Bridge Marriott on Veteran's Day 02 was a great get-together. The Wolfhound Pack reunion in Indianapolis , Aug 14-17, 03 should be equally terrific. I sure would like to hear from any Hounds out there who served in the unit listed above, or who would like further information about the Wolfhound Pack reunion. Charlie Company's "Top", Delta Company's "Sgt Rock"
02/11/03 01:33:46 PM  
Your name: Dale E. Klindt
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?44th IPSD Scout Dogs
When did you serve?1970-71
Please enter your comments:I was the platoon Vet. Tech. at Chu Chi in 1970. When the Brigade stood down I moved to the 38th IPSD at Camp Frenzel-Jones near Long Binh. Memories of VN are vivid, even after more than 30 yrs. Thanks to all who serve! For those who knew him: The 25th lost one of it's own when Wolfhound (2/27) Raymond D. Elliott passed on to the Big Meadow. He is missed.
02/11/03 06:51:12 AM  
Your name: Joe Guchek
How did you find our site?Terry McConnell
What unit did you serve with?Charlie Company, 2/27 Infantry, 25 Division, 1st Platoon
When did you serve?March '67 - March '68
Please enter your comments:In the past three years we have found about 25 charlie Hounds from 66-68 alumni classes.
02/11/03 05:39:01 AM  
Your name: Robert Eugene Vaughn son of Private First Class Ronnie Vaughn
What is the title of your website?n/a
How did you find our site?google search
What unit did you serve with?my father served in Veitnam with the 25th Infantry Division
When did you serve?I think he served in 1968-1969 wounded, received purple heart
Please enter your comments:Ronnie passed away in April 1995 of natural causes. He never discussed his time in the U.S. Army very much. However, I am interested now to know some of the things that happened while he was in Veitnam. It would help me to understand the struggles he experienced for the rest of his life after the war. If you can help me I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks, Robert E. Vaughn (Bobby)
02/10/03 09:59:20 PM  
Your name: Hershel Hall
How did you find our site?Search Engine
What unit did you serve with?25th Infantry
When did you serve?1951-1952 Korea
Please enter your comments:Looking for contact for Joseph A. Reed. Please email with any information. Thanks.
02/10/03 07:31:00 PM  
Your name: Lawrence N. Martin
How did you find our site?yahoo search engine
What unit did you serve with?Co E 725 Maintence Battalion Support command
When did you serve?1964 -1966
Please enter your comments:Was with the 2nd Brigade at CuChi Jan to Sept of 66. Went from Hawaii on the troop ship USNS Walker.
02/10/03 05:35:20 PM  
Your name: Doug Holston
How did you find our site?Terry McConnell 2-6 X-Ray
What unit did you serve with?C/2/27th 2nd plt
When did you serve?Sept 67 - July68
Please enter your comments:Welcome home Bro's
02/10/03 08:53:36 AM  
Your name: Terry McConnell
How did you find our site?Looking for Wolfhounds 1967-1968
What unit did you serve with?C 2/27 Wolfhounds
When did you serve?Fed 1967 to Feb 1968
Please enter your comments:I am looking for All 67-68 2/27 Charlie Company Hounds so we might get together. Charlie Company has had two Reunions (11/02 and 1/03) Please email me .....Wolfhounds Forever!
02/09/03 09:23:51 AM  
Your name: Alfred R.Gepfert
How did you find our site?Been hear befor
What unit did you serve with?Co.E 725thMaint.Bn. CuChi VietNam
When did you serve?12/9/68 to7/10/70
Please enter your comments:Looking for anyone who was at CuChi Base camp on Feb 25/26 1969 an remembers the Battle on Base camp.
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02/08/03 05:29:58 PM  
Your name: John Quintrell "Big John"
How did you find our site?Ask Jeeves
What unit did you serve with?2/27 wolfhounds C co
When did you serve?68-69
Please enter your comments:Looking for any buddies I served with. Remember firebase Crockett, Diamond, Keene, Jackson? Remember SGT Glover? SSG Marquez? Ketchum, Rambo, Naso, Galli, Buck Buchanan, Kit Carson Scout Trung Van Than? Cambodia missions and going into underground hospital? Anyone heard from Mike "the kid" Lozon? Dwenick, Butler, Lamere (60mm gunner, the greks bring gifts!)Big Joe, Mom and Dad Hacker? Willie? Cucchinni from NY? Russ Bruns lives in Illinois."Hedgy" Van Arc? I don't know if anyone will see this but I am trying to find out what happened to those fine men I served with in Vietnam.
02/07/03 07:28:49 AM  
Your name: michael t. daly
How did you find our site?25th div.web site
What unit did you serve with?25th military police co.
When did you serve?cui chi &dau tieng
Please enter your comments:looking forward to the in philadelphia in sept. 2003.welcome home to all!!!!!!
02/05/03 06:27:07 PM  
Your name: Jeff Dickman
How did you find our site?surfed in
What unit did you serve with?A co. 1/19 Inf.
When did you serve?76 - 79
Please enter your comments:Looking for " Big Joe " Francisco. Former M.P tranfered to infantry line dogs. Originally from SAMOA ..... Contact me ....... J.D.
02/05/03 02:54:12 PM  
Your name: Kent bringhurst
What is the title of your website?N/a
How did you find our site?Surfed in
What unit did you serve with?E -troop 1/9 air cav
When did you serve?aug 70 thru aug 71
Please enter your comments:I was with E-Troop 1/9 Cav our unit was formed in Lai-Kay the unit was D-co227 AHB.our unit mainly operated Hunter killer ops through out most of Viet Nam since we were air mobile, I was a Cobra gunship mechanic 67y20,and also worked on the uh1h,oh-58 and the oh-6a. I also did some door gunner ops and scout observer, and was a crew chief for a short while,Im looking for fellow trooper that were in my unit during my tour,if anyone has an info please give me a holler.
02/05/03 03:30:56 AM  
Your name: Ian M. MacEachen
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?1st Battalion, 14th Infantry
When did you serve?0ctober, 1996 to July, 2000
Please enter your comments:Very pleased to see a site and association for the 25th! My wife and I will always have warm memories of our time spent with Tropic Lightning.
02/03/03 07:03:33 PM  
Your name: Roy Capps
How did you find our site?searching
What unit did you serve with?725th Maintenence Batallion Co B
When did you serve?1-64 to 2-66
Please enter your comments:Looking to find anyone that served in my unit. Especially anyone that went to Thialand in '64 to build up motorpool. Wondering if anyone else has diabetes that served in Thialand from AO.
02/03/03 12:58:11 PM  
Your name: Mike Fulmer
How did you find our site?on a DOD site
What unit did you serve with?Alpha 3/22, at Schofield
When did you serve?1986 to 1987
Please enter your comments:I am looking for anyone that was there and remembers a Sgt. Calvin Grubbs, he was my squad leader, was about 5'2" tall, a really good man and one heck of a friend. If anyone remembers this man please have him contact me at, I was discharged with a bcd in January of 1987 and lost contact with him but would love to talk to him just to let him know that everything worked out ok. Our Platoon Sgt. was named Houser, and he later was the acting first sgt., and was replaced by an Ssgt. named Smith. Please, if anyone knows this man please have him get ahold of me, my best friends name was Hurst, he was a spec 4 and wore glasses all the time. thank you. Sincerely, Michael Anthony Fulmer II
02/02/03 09:47:24 PM  
Your name: Dan Marquardt
How did you find our site?I visit frequently
What unit did you serve with?B Company 2/12 INF. 25th ID.
When did you serve?Oct 68- Dec69
Please enter your comments: Hi Guys, all the plans for the reunion are made. Now itís up to all of you to make it a reality. Hotel- Hawthorn Suites Indianapolis East. Indianapolis, IN. 317-322-0011 Dates August, 22-24, 2003 They are holding a group of 35 rooms for us, but you must make your reservations by July 22, 2003. Mention that you are with "B Company 2/12 INF. 25th INF. Div. Vietnam" to get the special group rate of $89.00. We need at least 10 rooms to get a free hospitality suite for the 22nd and 23rd. So far Phyllis and I are the only ones registered. We are arriving on the 21st to get things organized and leaving the 25th. Hopefully we will have a good turn out. Bring your pictures and your choice of beverages and snacks. There is an indoor pool and you get a free hot breakfast buffet. If you have any questions or want a list of the names and addresses that I have,you can e-mail me. We are mostly from 68-70 time period and mostly 3rd platoon, but anyone who served with B Company is welcome.
02/02/03 04:51:18 PM  
Your name: skip bayly
How did you find our site?surfing
What unit did you serve with?bco.2/12
When did you serve?oct.69-nov.70
Please enter your comments:looking for old buds
02/02/03 02:06:48 PM  
Your name: Dean Springer
How did you find our site?surfing
What unit did you serve with? 1st Plt. Ldr. B Co. 2/22 Mech. & Brigade S-5
When did you serve?9/67---9/68
Please enter your comments:(no comment)
02/01/03 03:40:03 PM  
Your name: Philippe Saunier
How did you find our site?Visit here often
What unit did you serve with?Bco 2/35th
When did you serve?65-Schofield to Pleiku Left Jan 67
Please enter your comments:Enjoy this website. Am trying to locate old friends, Roger Stavely, Otto Caudle, John F Ayala. Have joined the 35th Inf Assoc. and have hooked up with several old buddies and would love to find others
01/31/03 10:18:18 PM  
Your name: Michael F. Bortel
How did you find our site?google
What unit did you serve with?1 st / 5 th Mech
When did you serve?1969-70
Please enter your comments:doing fine sir
01/31/03 08:27:01 PM  
Your name: Greg Tarlton
How did you find our site?Da Kine! surfing Bra!
What unit did you serve with?A Co. 1st Bn. 21st Inf. Gimlets
When did you serve?75 to 78
Please enter your comments:Cold and raining! Wet T-shirts and combat boots we pounded the pavement every morning before all the whimp Quads even woke up! 1st Sgt Edi Amin! ran us into 3 straight 25th Div. 5 mile timed 1st places. He ran us threw the mountains of New Zealand and South Korea. "The Running Brothers" Hey! remember the 25th Div.joke about you being the guy who will end up marrying a Samoan! Don't laugh! I've been eating like a King for years! Never forget those open Bay quads!
01/31/03 07:38:38 PM  
Your name: Charles Moy
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?Big Red One
When did you serve?1961-1964
Please enter your comments:Hi Folks, There is an online petition being taken to urge the D.O.D. to award a medal to those who served during the Cold War Era. I personally feel that we (I served 61-64) deserve some recognition for our service to our country. The Congress approved the issuance of the medal and the money is already in the budget, but D.O.D.(Sec. Rumsfeld) for some reason has decided not to do it. I would appreciate it if you would think it over,and if you agree with me,go to the site and sign the petition. You DO NOT have to be a Cold War Veteran to sign,just a citizen of the U.S.A.. Thanks, Charlie Moy..A,2/12TH..61-63 ..E,(later B) 1/16th..63-64 Big Red One The Website....... Please pass this on.
01/30/03 04:10:51 PM  
Your name: Rick Muenz
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?A Co. 25th Avn Bn
When did you serve?68-69
Please enter your comments:I've been back since 69, But am wondering do they still have "Diamond Heads" and "Little Bears" or did they change names? Just wondering.
01/30/03 03:34:27 PM  
Your name: Donald J Morehouse
How did you find our site?friend
What unit did you serve with?27th reg. wolfhounds Co. I
When did you serve?1953
Please enter your comments:trying to get in touch with Korean War Vets who were near or around Panmunjorn,Imgin river or Kumhawa VAlley on the MLR CPL. Don Morehouse
01/30/03 10:26:16 AM  
Your name: James A. "Bink" Mooney
How did you find our site?American Legion
What unit did you serve with?1st Brigade C Co 5/20
When did you serve?Aug 1996-April 1999
Please enter your comments:I wish I was still there and able to serve my country. Please send merchandise catalog to me at: P.O. Box 54 Hugheston, WV 25110 You have permission to send me any reunion information or personal inquiries to this address.
01/30/03 07:21:39 AM  
Your name: MSG Loren Tomblin
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments:Just checking in for a sitrep. C 2/14th '66
01/29/03 06:57:19 PM  
Your name: bobby e johnson
How did you find our site?browsing for information
What unit did you serve with?hqs co. 1st battle group 14th us infantry
When did you serve?1960 to 1962
Please enter your comments:Ive often wondered what happened to the guys I served with, Im sure a lot of them went on to vietnam
01/29/03 04:56:28 AM  
Your name: Ted Howard
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?3rd Bn, 13th Artillery, and later with the 159th Medical Detachment (Dustoff)
When did you serve?May 1966 to Nov 1967, and from October 1969 to October 1970
Please enter your comments:I moved with the Division from Schofield Bks. When we arrived at Cu Chi, all I could see were 3 flat-bed transport trailers and tractors, loaded with ammo and surrounded with concertina wire. I remember the sandbags, and I can still remember the taste of the ice cream (made from "reconstituted" milk) served over canned peaches when it was served the first time in the chow line.
01/28/03 11:04:20 PM  
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?25TH.M.P.CO.
When did you serve?65 TO 66
01/28/03 08:44:23 PM  
Your name: Ed Heavner (Son)
How did you find our site?History Search For 25th I.D. during Korean War
What unit did you serve with?Father Served In Headquaters & Service Co. 35th Inf. Reg. 25th In. Div.
When did you serve?My Father Served From 1950-1951
Please enter your comments: My Father,Donald E. Heavner MSGT (Retired) Has Always Had Me Curious About His Time In Korea Because He Never Talks About it. After Researhing Your Site, He Told Me His Actual Company and His CO Cpt.Henry G. Fisher (Hammering Hank). After Telling Him About Your site He Seemed Interested And Open To Some Basic Questions. I Hope To Find Someone That He Knew That He might Want To Get In Contact With. Thank You Very Much. Gratefully, His Son Ed Heavner.
01/28/03 02:31:25 PM  
Your name: danny breeding
How did you find our site?visiting again
What unit did you serve with?2/12 inf C co
When did you serve?1970
Please enter your comments:anyone rem ssgt Hanna? He was mess sgt in Dau Tieng 2/12 INF 1970. Would like to get in touch with him. He served up good chow for us grunts when we were in the rear, and ocassionally a hot meal in the field. thanks,
01/28/03 11:08:43 AM  
Your name: Earl G. Mack
How did you find our site?joined the association and surfing
What unit did you serve with?25th recon,repodepo and div Hq. Med detatch
When did you serve?early 1951 toearly1952
Please enter your comments:Is there an easy way to find vets that were in Korea when I was. By easy I mean by not wading through the sign -in postings Also..what is the bravenet guestbook?Is it the listings in the sign-in?
01/28/03 09:01:43 AM  
Your name: Douglas Gray
How did you find our site?searching 3/17 web site
What unit did you serve with?B troop 3/17th Air Cav attached to 25th Div
When did you serve?Attached April through July 1970 for Cambodian Offensive
Please enter your comments:Staged out of Tay Nihn. I was the Gun Platoon Sgt for the unit. Flow door gun and night hawk in support of 25th Division missions.
01/27/03 07:17:28 PM  
Your name: Richard Gill;
How did you find our site?Just surfed in
What unit did you serve with?A Co 4/9th Inf and HHC 1st Bde
When did you serve?Nov 69 - Nov 70
Please enter your comments:Still have memories good and bad of Vietnam and only good memories of the great people I served with.
01/27/03 09:36:10 AM  
Your name: Tom Bogucki
How did you find our site?curiosity
What unit did you serve with?71 st chemical 1986-87
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments:Was assigned to 71 st chem on Dec.7 1986
01/27/03 09:12:03 AM  
Your name: Colbert L. Boyd
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?CoA, 2nd 22nd (Triple Deuce) Mech Inf
When did you serve?Jan1- May15 or so..1970 around Cu Chi areas
Please enter your comments:I have met some great veterans from the 25th
01/26/03 10:20:47 PM  
Your name: Kenneth Golden
How did you find our site?suff on
What unit did you serve with?Blry C, 1st Bn 8th Arty
When did you serve?Jan 68-Jan 69
Please enter your comments:trying to find anyone whos knows my dad in nam if so e-mail me at
01/26/03 08:07:08 AM  
How did you find our site?FRIEND
What unit did you serve with?BRAVO CO. 3/22
When did you serve?MAR. 67- MAR. 68
Please enter your comments:Looking for Ernest R. Rice from Kansas City.
01/26/03 07:28:09 AM  
Your name: roger a fiftal
How did you find our site?SEARCHING
What unit did you serve with?B BATTERY 1/8 ART.25TH INF DIVISION
When did you serve?1967-1968 WAS THERE FOR TET
Please enter your comments:JUST SEARCHING FOR PEOPLE I KNEW...
01/26/03 06:28:06 AM  
Your name: Tom Tobey
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?DMMC
When did you serve?78'-82'
Please enter your comments:Looking for old friends who I served with
01/25/03 06:42:56 PM  
Your name: Martha Yslas-McKay
How did you find our site?Searching for information on father
What unit did you serve with?Father served with 25th INF. 14th INF REG.
When did you serve?Korean War Era
Please enter your comments:I am looking for anyone with first hand information that served with my father Sgt. Modesto Orozco Yslas in Korea or during assignement in the "Hawaii Territory" prior to deployment to Korea. Anyone knowing of, or possessing photographs is strongly encouraged to respond. Martha Yslas-McKay
01/24/03 02:38:23 PM  
Your name: Donald J Morehouse
How did you find our site?search engine
What unit did you serve with?25th division-27th regimen/wolfhounds I company 1953
When did you serve?1953
Please enter your comments:interested in making contacts with fellow infantrymen that served in Korea in 1953.
01/22/03 10:58:51 PM  
Your name: Gene Underhill
How did you find our site?FRIEND
What unit did you serve with?c. company H.H.C. 2/27
When did you serve?67/68
01/21/03 09:39:23 PM  
Your name: Jeff Dickman
How did you find our site?surfed on in...... from the "North Shore" !!
What unit did you serve with?A co. 1 bn. 19th inf.
When did you serve?passing thru 1976 - 1979
Please enter your comments:Nice site !! Looking to link up with old buds from 2nd & 3rd plt.s as well as others from company A 1/19 inf. I have not seen too many listed ?? Thought I'd at least see Ken Tuttle, Thomas Royals, Mark Ingram, Mark McCarty, Jerry Mielke, Mitch Weldon or others post something by now ..... It's been awhile !! Yes Mitch, " Dickman" road was named after my grand father..... HA !!! Looks like most of us ended up in the 101st A.B. after we rotated stateside eh ??? Well guys, feel free to drop a line or two ..... JD ( Dickey Bird )
01/21/03 04:16:11 PM  
Your name: roger a fiftal
How did you find our site?SURFING
What unit did you serve with?B BTRY 1/8 ARTY 25TH INF DIV
When did you serve?APRIL 67---APRIL 68
01/21/03 01:15:03 PM  
Your name: Tim Cross
How did you find our site?Surfing
What unit did you serve with?HHC1-14 INF
When did you serve?96-99
Please enter your comments:looking for anyone that was in the TOW Platoon
01/21/03 08:26:15 AM  
Your name: Rodney Alderman
How did you find our site?Been here before
What unit did you serve with?CSC 1/14th Infantry "Golden Dragons"
When did you serve?'80-'83
Please enter your comments:Still remember my first day walking into "C" Quad; units were on Alert, concertina wire and guards across the entrances. At the time, the Combat Support Company had a T.O.W. Platoon, to which I was assigned, a Scout Plt., 4.2 Mortar Plt. and a Redeye Anti-Air Plt. I noticed on the 25th I.D website that there no longer is a C.S.Co. Would like to get in touch with anyone who served with me during that time, in particular, Jeff Profitt from KY (thanx for sneaking that 'shine back from leave), Paul Blevins, the Harvey boys, Jeff Shoefner, KC(who had to marry the BC's daughter!)or any one else...Keep up the good work on the site. Right of the Line!
01/21/03 07:04:06 AM  
Your name: George Ryan
How did you find our site?link from offical 25th Infantry Div site
What unit did you serve with?Divison Support Command
When did you serve?dec 69 to nov 70
Please enter your comments:I was on the CMMI team.
01/20/03 08:13:15 PM  
Your name: SSG. KIRK DAVIS
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?HHC 1/21
When did you serve?1989-1992
Please enter your comments:Still looking for old friends. Will never forget the good times and bad times spent in Hawaii. Still wondering what ever happened to my first squad leader and best leader ive ever known (sgt. Izzy) where are you sgt.Izzy. Rangers lead the way...........
01/20/03 07:10:56 PM  
Your name: Sgt John Hubbard
How did you find our site?Looking for photos of ch chi base camp
What unit did you serve with?25 Sig cu chi vietnam
When did you serve?69-70
Please enter your comments:just looking for some photos,, also I have some bunker line photos I can share if you give me info how to do so
01/20/03 05:18:40 PM  
Your name: Chad Newman
How did you find our site?Just typed in 25th INF Division on Google search site
What unit did you serve with?Bco 1/21st INF, 3rd Platoon
When did you serve?Jan 04 1990 to Jun 29 1993
Please enter your comments:I would like to be a apart of your organization, especially now that its been almost ten years since I have been to Schofield. Thanks, Chad Newman
01/18/03 05:58:34 PM  
Your name: Joseph B. Dissicini
How did you find our site?surfing
What unit did you serve with?C Co 65 engineer Battalion
When did you serve?Sept 65 to Aug 66
Please enter your comments:Looking for anyone that served in C Co 65th Lot of years gone by. Would be great to hear from old service buddies. E-Mail me.
01/18/03 02:31:42 PM  
Your name: Verle Holland
How did you find our site?search
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments:Need information of where to go to find information on AntiAircraft 124 Battallion D Battery of WWII. My father, Edwin Holland of Oklahoma served and is hoping to get information/contacts.
01/18/03 07:06:07 AM  
Your name: Mike Blades
What is the title of your website?The Patriot's Inn / Pennsylvania's POW/MIAs
How did you find our site?Google Search Engine
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?1991 - 1197
Please enter your comments:Looking for an unit/division patch images to display on webpage biography for PFC Robert James Wells. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
 E-mail    Website   
01/17/03 05:40:24 PM  
Your name: MSG Loren Tomblin
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments:Ezra can sleep at night even though he sez he copped my rats card. Carlings Black Label is the nectar of the Gods. His leaving the Carlings at Nui Ba Din was and act of courage. He is forgiven. This sight has re-connected me with my former CO, Larry G. Turner. Thanks.
01/17/03 05:26:26 AM  
Your name: nathaniel l. morgan iv
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?a 2-35 in.
When did you serve?10 dec 98- 07 dec 01
Please enter your comments:I had a nice and interesting time in Hawaii. I am in FT Knox KY now freezing in the month of January. I wish i was back at Schofield Barracks now.I wish to thank 2-35 for alot of permanent memories that i shared most of them with co-workers already. God Bless, Take Care, and Take Arms.
01/17/03 03:28:01 AM  
Your name: SPC Robert (Bobby Joe) Paar
How did you find our site?surfing the net
What unit did you serve with?B BTRY 1/62 ADA schofield HI
When did you serve?July 85- July 89
Please enter your comments:Looking for friends/roomate James Harold Winfield, and William Puckett. Talk about sgt half a head, and sgt neal, just catch up on old times.
01/15/03 08:12:24 PM  
Your name: John Schroeder
How did you find our site?surfing
What unit did you serve with?25th Aviation Bn
When did you serve?October of 68 to July of 69
Please enter your comments:A very interesting site. I would like to hear from Murphy Smilardo, I think that he was from the East Coast, maybe New Jersey. We arrived together and left together. I was with a mechanized infantry outfit.

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Last modified 4-13-03

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