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06/21/02 11:28:40 AM  
Your name: Ben Youmans, Secretary Treasurer 35th Assn
What is the title of your website? Cacti 35th Infantry Regiment
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? C 2/35th Infantry
When did you serve? 1968
Please enter your comments: Dear Fellow Cacti, It is only five weeks to the annual Cacti Reunion; a truly blessed gathering of some of the mightiest warriors ever. July 25-28, Doubletree Hotel Seattle Airport. The Association Officers are hard at work ensuring all involved will have as good a time as possible. As many of you may know, the discounted room rates are based on us delivering a previously agreed to occupancy rate. This year, we are running very close to that promised occupancy rate number and may have to decide to guarantee a smaller number. This would mean anyone wanting rooms after that date might have to pay the normal rate. We would really hate to see that eventuality but we must also protect the Association financially. So here is what you can do to help. Today, right now, make your reservations at the Doubletree and mail-in your reservation forms. We see updated lists of both weekly and I know several of you who are coming are not registered yet. By doing these two simple tasks, you will be doing a great service to the Cacti. See you all in Seattle! Form and more info at Cacti Forever Dick Questions/Information Dick Arnold - President Pete Birrow -- Reunion Chairman Jim Anderson -- Reunion Host Phone -- (360) 757-7562
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06/20/02 07:03:44 PM  
Your name: Ray MEDINA
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 65th Engr. A Co.
When did you serve? 2/.67 to 2/68
Please enter your comments: Combat Engineers: We were Builders, Destroyers,Tunnel Rats and Grunts.At one time or another We were attached to every Inf. unit in the Div. I just turned 55 and still see the year in The Nam as the most significant.
06/19/02 09:36:03 AM  
Your name: Alfred R.Gepfert
How did you find our site? Visit Often
What unit did you serve with? Co.E 725th Maint. Bn.
When did you serve? 12/9/68 To 7/9/70
Please enter your comments: To Jim Murphy from Clinton New Jersey. You posted A inquary on 2/10/99 Looking for anyone who remembered the battle for Cu Chi an the date. I was there it was the night of Febuary 25th 1969.You did not leave a E mail address. So I tried to call you in New Jersey,left you a message.Have not heard from you? If you see this or some one who knows Jim have him E mail Me or Call me at 518-674-5883 Thanks Al Gepfert
06/19/02 12:22:55 AM  
Your name: mark heberts
How did you find our site? surfed in
What unit did you serve with? 4bn 27th inf/ 25 inf div light
When did you serve? nov 91-94
Please enter your comments: looking for any of the medics from the 4/27 from 11/91-11/94
06/18/02 07:29:11 AM  
Your name: ronald f. anderson
How did you find our site? google search
What unit did you serve with? d co. 1/27 25th inf div
When did you serve? nov-dec 1967
Please enter your comments: wia-sent to japan and states
06/17/02 08:25:35 PM  
Your name: Anson Chong
What is the title of your website? Anson Chong
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 25th Infantry Training Battalion, Company C
When did you serve? June-Dec. 1956
Please enter your comments: We were the first all-Hawaii company recruited and trained under the Reserve Forces Act of 1956, the "Six & Six" -- six months active duty, six years ready reserve. Most of us were right out of high school. Our cadres were all combat vets from the Korean war and drove us hard. We were the BEST. Anyone from that company visiting the Big Island are welcome to our guest cabin. We're 35 minutes from the Hilo airport.
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06/17/02 02:43:10 PM  
Your name: William Hargraves
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What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: Thanks for all of your help guys. My father was glad to hear from u Norman . And he was named Sgt. John Slaughter by the guys in his squad(behind his back of course)
06/17/02 07:27:56 AM  
Your name: H. Kenneth Tatum
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? CSC 1/5th, HHC (G-3 TNG)
When did you serve? '82-'85
Please enter your comments: I served as the CO of CSC 1/5 from Aug'82 to Jun'84. After turning over command, I was assigned as the Div, Individual and Collective Training Officer, under Col. Bob Woods, Div G-3. The time I spent in the Div had to be the best time of my military career. The training was realistic, not window dressing, the soldiers were the best that ever wore boots.
06/16/02 10:59:45 PM  
Your name: Sharon
What is the title of your website? Sharon Adele's World
How did you find our site? Another guestbook.
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: God bless you!
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06/16/02 08:08:39 AM  
Your name: Anonymous Surfer
What is the title of your website? WELLCOME HOME TO ALL 25TH VETS
How did you find our site? DRAFTED !
What unit did you serve with? CO C 65TH ENGR BN 2ND PLATOON 3RD SQ.
When did you serve? AUG67/68
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06/15/02 04:17:01 PM  
Your name: george brockley
How did you find our site? friend
What unit did you serve with? 65th flame throwers
When did you serve? 1965-1967
Please enter your comments: it realy was nice i thought i could forget but i guess not. realy good sight
06/15/02 03:03:15 PM  
Your name: laird bradley /"starcluster"
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? Recon, Eco., 3rd/22nd; 25th Inf. Div.
When did you serve? 1968-1969
Please enter your comments: Looking for anyone who served atFirebase Buell,Firebase Washington Firebase ,Grant, French Fort... even the ARVN Airborne/ SF firebase at Trung Sap.... ? ..southeast of Nui Ba Den ? Also Tay Ninh, Dau Tieng...even Cu Chi...... Chao Anh laird ( Starcluster ) Bradley
06/15/02 11:55:14 AM  
Your name: Terry Reed
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? Aco. 25th. Aviation
When did you serve? 1986-1989
Please enter your comments: Looking for old friends from 25th Aviation. Where are you guys...Dave White, Brian Fancher, Gonzo, Maria, Bernard Taylor, Steve Diamond, Delacruz....anybody? Email me.
06/14/02 09:51:37 AM  
Your name: Samuel J. Sanders Jr
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? A company 4/9th Manchus
When did you serve? 1969-1970
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06/14/02 09:43:40 AM  
Your name: Harry T. Kiley
What is the title of your website? HHB 25th Infantry Division Artillery
How did you find our site? One of my favorites
What unit did you serve with? HHB 25th Div Arty
When did you serve? 1965 - 67
Please enter your comments: Happy Flag Day and Happy Birthday to the United States Army. These days, everybody is proud to call a U.S. Serviceman or U.S. Servicewoman their own. Whether it be a grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister, cousin, nephew, niece or just a friend or neighbor. I've always been proud to be an ex-serviceman of the U.S. Army, and especially the 25th Infantry Division. Good luck and may God Bless everyone out there who is in harm's way!!!
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06/13/02 08:05:57 PM  
Your name: Paul Prince
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? A Company 65th ENG 1st Platoon
When did you serve? December 1966 - December 1967
Please enter your comments: Looking for old friends...
06/09/02 11:12:02 PM  
Your name: LONNIE C. DILL
How did you find our site? BROWSING
What unit did you serve with? A CO. 65TH. ENGINEER BATTALOIN 1ST. PLATOON 2ND SQUAD
When did you serve? SEPT. 66 TILL SEPT.67
Please enter your comments: LOOKING FOR FRIENDS
06/09/02 01:51:36 PM  
Your name: Robert G. Kinzler
How did you find our site? Tropic Lightning Flash
What unit did you serve with? Hq. Co., 27th Infantry
When did you serve? June 24, 1940 o June, 1942
Please enter your comments: Once a Wolfhound, always a Wolfhound. I still hold to that to this day. I have spoken at several battalion events as well as a Christmas Dinner at the Officer's Club at Schofield Barracks. I was presented with the 1st Battalion colors at the Dinner. It is my prized possesion.
06/08/02 10:11:47 PM  
Your name: Deserae Pless
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What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: Hi! I am writing hoping that my husband will see this. It's hard with him gone. I was 18 when he left for bootcamp in September of 2001. He turned 25 in December...came home for Christmas, and we got married...then I turned 19 in March. He came home and stayed 2 weeks and then, OFF TO PARADISE! He's anxiously awaiting my arrival, and I am, too. I miss him so much, but love can withstand all measures and something that is meant to be always has trials and tribulations before lots of profit sets in. We're waiting! Hope y'all leave your loved ones a message...and I hope they see. Robert D....if you're reading....I LOVE YOU MORE THAN LIFE! See you, hopefully soon....bye sweetie!
06/08/02 10:56:57 AM  
Your name: Lorene Hughes
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What unit did you serve with? 65th Engineer Combat Battalion Baker Co, Korea
When did you serve? 6/51-5/52
Please enter your comments: Hello! My dad was stationed in Hawaii and served in Korea with the 65th Engineer Combat Battalion, Baker Co, and also when he rotated home was with the 77th Engineer Combat Company from 6/28/51 through early 5/52, attached to the 25th Infantry Div. I thought it would be a wonderful surprise to put him in touch with any of his buddies. He does not have email..please email me direct! I've been writing many of our current deployed Military Troops for a while and it is really rewarding to bring cheer from home to them. My dad is pretty proud of that and is just swelled with pride for his service to his country. Thank you all and God Bless our Vets, our current Military and God Bless America!
06/08/02 10:30:54 AM  
Your name: Ray Bows
How did you find our site? friend
What unit did you serve with? 3d Mmts Region - 25th DISCOM
When did you serve? 1968-1969
Please enter your comments: I just located original 25th ID unit crests in an old manufactrures warehouse in RI. Everything from HQS crests, to 2/34 Armor, 25th Avn Bn, everything but Wolfhounds. If anyone out there is interested you can e-mail me at I've only got a couple dozen of each, but if there is interest I'll try to track down more. I want $7 each which will cover my costs. E-mail me first and I'll give you all the particulars. Sincerely and in brotherhood, Ray Bows, M/Sgt USA (ret.)
06/06/02 11:37:21 PM  
Your name: John E. "Van" Fahy
What is the title of your website? NA
How did you find our site? Internet search
What unit did you serve with? 25th Inf Div, Hd & Hd Co.
When did you serve? Jan 1954 (Korea) -- Nov 1955 (Hawaii)
Please enter your comments: Looking to hear from or about some old buddies. Eddie Merrifield, Zalman Scherer, Gary Porus, Bernie Portman and/or anyone else who recalls the cold winter of 1954; the convoy move to south of the 38th parallel in the spring '54; the Div Officers Mess and Generals Mess; the attached Turkish Brigade; the typhoon that blew the Camp down the night before we shipped out of Inchon for Hawaii. Yikes. Col. Fr Rafferty (I think his name was) bought us champaigne from the Officer's Mess and as our party raged on the typhoon took all our tents down on top of us! We all got sick on the Landing Craft in the harbor in the morning. Hawaii was like another world -- like paradise of course. Lots of good memories. Been back several times with my wife but it is definitely a different place today. Hope to hear from anyone -- John "Van" Fahy
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06/05/02 06:14:19 PM  
Your name: Roy Waynick
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 65th combat engineers co. c attached to the 25th inf.
When did you serve? 1953 & 1954 in Korea
Please enter your comments: I served in the 65th combat engineers co. c attached to the 25th inf. division in 1953 & 1954.Also served in the 801st aviation engineers in 1948 & 1949 in Goose Bay Labrador. Looking for someone who rem. me. Roy Waynick
06/05/02 10:52:29 AM  
Your name: Bernard J. Tatro
How did you find our site? Google
What unit did you serve with? CO, HHC, 1/21st Inf (72-73); Asst G1, 25 ID (73-75)
When did you serve? Approx. Oct 73 to Sep 75
Please enter your comments: Arrived Schofield Barracks after tour in RVN.
06/04/02 08:01:10 PM  
Your name: William Hargraves
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What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: Sorry for the mishap. My father, Tillman Ray Hargraves, served with Charlie Company 2/22 of the 25th.
06/04/02 05:00:46 PM  
Your name: GARY HARTT
What is the title of your website? WNAT TO TRADE BASEBALL CARDS?(MILITARY ORDERS)
How did you find our site? TRIPLE DEUCE &22ND INF RGMT MEMBER
What unit did you serve with? A/2/22MECH, 3RD BASTARD BDE OF 4TH& LATER 25TH INF DIV
When did you serve? DEC 65- SEP 67 ALPHA "BOAT" ORIGINAL
Please enter your comments: HI FELLOW COMPANY LOCATORS, I HAVE MILITARY ORDERS FROM 1967 WITH NAMES,SER.NOS.& SOME WITH HOME ADDRESS. If you have same for my unit, 2nd Btn,22nd Inf Rgmt., I will trade.By doing this, I have a list of some 350 names of guys from my Alpha co. and have located over 100 in a year's time.I have names for following units:2/12,3/22,2/77arty,1/5,1/23,4/23, 4/9,2/14,3/4cav, and of course the 2 wolfhound battalions. I will take legible mailed copies for all Vietnam years of 2/22. I also have names and companies from about 10 TROPIC LIGHTENING NEWSPAPERS-1967 EDITIONS. The Wolfhounds are the 2nd best Inf. Rgmt in the 25th after of course the 22nd RGMT.Best dam RGMT in ARMY. Please EMAIL ME WITH YOUR ORDERS THANK YOU GUYS AND WELCOME HOME.
06/04/02 12:38:19 PM  
Your name: Max Brewer
How did you find our site? Just kept looking
What unit did you serve with? 3/13th
When did you serve? January 1970 to November 1970
Please enter your comments: Would like to find anyone out of my unit.
06/04/02 06:38:14 AM  
Your name: Gary L. Huber
What is the title of your website? Wolfhound Alumni, Vietnam
How did you find our site? Life Member of Association
What unit did you serve with? Co. A, 1/27 Inf. Wolfhounds and Lightning Replacement Training Center.
When did you serve? Sept. 67-Nov. 68
Please enter your comments: All you Vietnam Wolfhounds, come and visit the Wolfhound Alumni website. I am working on collecting the names of everyone who served with the Hounds in Vietnam. At the present time I have over 8,500 names, arranged by company and battalion. Check to see if your name is there, and the names of your friends. If not, send them to me and I'll add them to the list. Check the unknown lists also, as there are quite a few names there which need to be placed in the correct company and battalion. Welcome home to you all, and thanks to everyone who has already provided names to me for the rosters. Wolfhounds Forever Gary Huber 1Lt. Inf. 67-68
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06/03/02 01:29:27 AM  
Your name: William Hargraves
How did you find our site? inquiring about 25th for father
What unit did you serve with? special forces
When did you serve? Desert Storm
Please enter your comments: Hello to everyone. I am looking for anyone who remembers my father. His name is Tillman Hargraves, then he was called Boy or Snuffy. Anyone who remembers him please let me know, he has had me searching for months. Thank you and welcome back to all you guys.
06/02/02 08:59:52 PM  
Your name: Peter Monzo
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? Wolfhounds
When did you serve? 73-75
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06/02/02 08:12:44 PM  
Your name: DEWEY C. HUGHES
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? Co. D 25th. Medical Battalion
When did you serve? May 69- May 70
Please enter your comments: Robert if you read this I tried to E-mail you but it would not go throuh. If you can try to send me your address through different channels.
06/02/02 09:38:00 AM  
Your name: Gordon B. Engen
How did you find our site? By Searching the net
What unit did you serve with? 69th Field Artillery, Forward Observer & Surveyer, also 14 Inf. Regiment, mortors.
When did you serve? Spring of 1955 thru Fall of 1957
Please enter your comments: Many fond memories of serving with the 25th, even tho it was peace time, I served with many Korean War vets and learned much from them, making me a better soldier.
06/01/02 09:31:25 PM  
How did you find our site? LOOKIN FOR PICS. OF TAY NINH
What unit did you serve with? COMPANY "D" 25TH MEDICAL BAT.
When did you serve? JAN.1967-JUNE 1968
06/01/02 08:03:01 PM  
Your name: harry justice
How did you find our site? 25th div website
What unit did you serve with? 1st inf div &71st avn co americal div
When did you serve? dec 69- nov70
Please enter your comments: was wondering if anyone knew or remembers charles wendell jennings from cullowhee, n.c. i didn't know him personally,but we only lived about 15 miles apart. i work with his brother olin, and was trying to help him find someone that might remember charles. he also was called chuck, and was with the 2/12 co B 25th inf. and was KIA 4/27/69. Thanks much. harry justice
06/01/02 05:33:45 PM  
Your name: Francis R. "Bob" Cawley
How did you find our site? revisiting. Found surfing years ago.
What unit did you serve with? D Battery, 3/13 ARTY
When did you serve? Aug. 68 - 69
Please enter your comments: Just checking back. Served in maint with Sgt. Dixon, Casey, Harry, Vires, Mullins, Degutis, and so many other great guys. Spent time at Godaha by the seabees, at Trang Bang, and of course, Cu Chi. Visited Trung Lap and did not like it. Anybody who remembers the big guns, drop me a line. I can't remember the names of the firebases we were at, but what bothers me the most, I can't remember the name of the young guy on #2 gun who was killed @ June of 69. I believe he was from Tennesee. If anyone can fill the holes in my memory I'd be grateful. Still thinking good thoughts about the CLAN.
06/01/02 03:16:04 PM  
Your name: Arnie Negrin
How did you find our site? Looking for div. & regt.
What unit did you serve with? 14th inf. regiment
When did you serve? 1951 - 1952
Please enter your comments: Served In Korea
05/31/02 08:34:49 AM  
Your name: Michael D. Huseth
How did you find our site? By accident several years ago
What unit did you serve with? C Battery, 2nd Battalion, 9th Artillery
When did you serve? December 23, 1963 thru September 15, 1966
Please enter your comments: Arrived in Hawaii afew days before Christmas 1963. Left Hawaii for Nam December 31, 1965, Left Nam September 15, 1966. Hung out with Walter G. Hyatt, Midland TX, Aubrey D. Ramsey, Pell City AL, Jerry W. Evans, Marshalltown IA. Would like to hear from those guys and any others from the 9th Artillery of that era.
05/29/02 08:44:15 AM  
Your name: Teresa A. Norton Mattison
How did you find our site? browsing
What unit did you serve with? 1st Lt. Robert L. Norton served with 25th Infantry
When did you serve? He was KIA in Korea, April 1951
Please enter your comments: My brother & I are creating a Memorial frame(s) for my fathers metals. I'm looking for information on the order of display of the four major metals. The distinguished Service Cross, The Bronze Star, The Silver Star and the Purple Heart. Also in other frames, a display of the tour metals, U.N Service, American Campaign, Army Good Conduct, Korean Campaign, American Defense Service, Asiatic Pacific Campaign, Victory WWII, and the National Defense Service metals. Also as a 1st Lt., What other insignia, citations or uniform adornment would my father have had? I have a bar pin with a rifle and a laurel above it but my husband says it should have a star added to it. ??? I am a bit overwhelmed with the protocol and I would like to get this (these) pieces right. They will be presented to my mother in August of this year. I would appreciate any information and help you can offer. Thank you, Tery Mattison
05/29/02 08:31:18 AM  
Your name: Bill Park
How did you find our site? Arty Intelligence
What unit did you serve with? Automatic Eighth
When did you serve? 66-67
Please enter your comments: Spent the Memorial Day weekend in D.C., Everything was great, the weather, Rolling Thunder, and the ceremonies at THE WALL. Hats off to all who contributed! Tropic Lightning was very much in evidence thru out the weekend. Volunteering at THE WALL(thanks Mike), laying of wreaths, and even treating everyone to the Wolfhound howl. Freinds were met, made and remembered, stories told, and tears shed. Till next time!
05/29/02 04:36:08 AM  
Your name: Don Toohey
How did you find our site? Frequent Vistor
What unit did you serve with? Recon-4.2 Mortars 2/12th Inf.
When did you serve? 5/70-3/71
Please enter your comments: The Massachusetts Vietnam Veterans Memorial will be dedicated on June 9, 2002 in Green Hill Park, Worester, Massachusetts at 2:00 P.M. The weekend is filled with events leading up to the dedication. The Memorial will list the names of the 1537 men and women from Massachusetts who lost thier lives in Vietnam. A number of them served in the 25th Infantry Division. I was wondering if the 25th Assocication was organizing any participation in this event and if so I would like to help out. If not I would be willing to organize something. Drop me a note if you would be intersted in attending. I know of 3 25th vets that will be listed on this memorial: George O'Neill KIA 9/28/66 I believe George was an FO for Arty. John Holman KIA 5/31/69 25th Avaition. Michael Buochard KIA 6/3/70 Recon 2/12th. For more info on this event the Web site is Peace Don
05/28/02 09:17:05 PM  
Your name: Joe Heieck
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? My grandfather served with in C Company in the 161st of the 25th Division
When did you serve? He served from 1943-1945
Please enter your comments: I am looking for anyone who may have served in C Company of the 161st whom might have known Max Heinz. He doesn't remember the 165 straight days of combat that he saw, but he remembers everything else. He wants to remember.
05/27/02 08:59:55 PM  
Your name: Edwin E Hill
How did you find our site? Newsletter
What unit did you serve with? Recon 1/35
When did you serve? 9/65-11/66
Please enter your comments: If their are any other members of Recon 1/35th around that survived the 6/24/66 Battle. I would like to hear from you.My ofc#937-298-3113 Res#937-291-9767
05/27/02 06:08:19 PM  
Your name: Sgt.Maj. Robert E. Murphy
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 3/13 HQ & Svc. Battery (Vietnam)
When did you serve? 1966-67
Please enter your comments: I would like to hear from anyone who remembers my father, Sgt. Maj. Robert E. Murphy (Murph or Bob) He was wounded in Trung Lap. Thank you, Iris Murphy Lumpkin
05/27/02 04:48:56 PM  
Your name: Nick Metes
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 4/23 Mech Inf.
When did you serve? 1968-1969
Please enter your comments: Thank you for taking the time to research and collect stories of the unit's history.
05/27/02 03:46:46 PM  
Your name: Alfred R.Gepfert
How did you find our site? Searched for the 25th inf.div.
What unit did you serve with? Co.E 725th Maint.Bn. Cu Chi Viet Nam
When did you serve? 12/10/68 to 7/10 70
Please enter your comments: Looking for anyone who remembers me or Richard G.Kitchen I was told by the V.A.he died in 1984 but they wont tell me anything more. I was on bunker guard with him when he shot an killed an American Officer sneaking up us. Someone has to remember this? Or the names of the two men from our Bn.who were wounded during enemy attack the night of Feb.25th or 26th 1969. Please I need help. Thanks Al.
05/26/02 02:51:04 PM  
Your name: George H. Veitch
What is the title of your website? 2/12th Inf 25th Inf Div
How did you find our site? Links
What unit did you serve with? 2/12 Inf Bravo & Echo
When did you serve? '69- '70
Please enter your comments: Thank you, you were there when I needed you.
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05/26/02 06:34:41 AM  
Your name: Larry C. Klein
How did you find our site? I was looking for the flag of the 25th Infantry.
What unit did you serve with? 2/34 Armor
When did you serve? Vietnam
Please enter your comments: Nice site.
05/25/02 08:51:23 PM  
Your name: Nolan Ezra
How did you find our site? Flashes
What unit did you serve with? 25th Med Bn/ DoD
When did you serve? 55 to 58/ 65 to April 26, 1975
Please enter your comments: Just wanted to wish all members a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend and to Vietnam veterans : try hard to forget the bad stuff but never forget our brothers who lost it all.
05/24/02 09:40:08 PM  
What is the title of your website? LOOKING FOR
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 25TH.MILITARY POLICE CO.
When did you serve? 1965 TO 1966
05/24/02 05:28:26 PM  
Your name: John Bailey
What is the title of your website? 4th Field Regiment - The Seventies Crew.
How did you find our site? Search Engine.
What unit did you serve with? 4th Field Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery.
When did you serve? 1973 - 1979.
Please enter your comments: I'm interested in hearing from any guys that served with the 2/11 FA during 1975. I trained with you guys during operation "Pacific Bond" in Hawaii. I have many fond memories from my time there. I was a Signaller in 107 Field Battery, 4th Field Regiment, RAA.
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05/24/02 03:01:20 PM  
Your name: Jeff Hinkle
How did you find our site? surfed in a few years ago
What unit did you serve with? B/4/23/25-HHC 4/23/25 (68-69)
When did you serve? 68-69
Please enter your comments: Just thought I'd drop a line to all of the tropic lightning on this " Memorial Day " God bless you all!!!!!! For those that didn't return I am humbled at your sacrifice! For those of us who did " Please remember those who didn't! " We are once again at a turning point in our history. I believe that there will be sacrifices ahead and hope that we have the grit to take them in stride. In some small way , we , the veterans of the most vilified war in our history have a chance once again to prove our mettle.we never lost a battle of any consequence, and accomplished all that our superiors asked of us.We complained, but did the job in keeping with the highest traditions of the military in any war that this nation has fought. I am proud to have been a member of the "tropic lightning" and even more-so as a member of the 4/23/25. Paul North is a wonderful guy, as well as all the men who make this site possible. Please support them with any and all help that is necessary to keep our service alive!!!!!!!!! God bless you all on this Memorial Day!!!!!!!!! Jeff H MohawkBravo 16/46
05/24/02 12:36:07 PM  
Your name: Jim Mowry
How did you find our site? surfed in
What unit did you serve with? Co D, 65th Engineer Battalion, 3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division
When did you serve? 1966-1967
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05/24/02 06:28:56 AM  
Your name: Jim Murphy
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 125th Sig. Bn.
When did you serve? Vietnam 12/68 - 12/69
Please enter your comments: I would like to wish all our veterans a happy Memorial Day. Lets us not forget those who made the supreme sacrifice for God and country. Murf
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05/23/02 05:47:56 AM  
Your name: Barbara Hill
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? Fiance served with 1/5
When did you serve? He served in 1969
Please enter your comments: I have a good friend who is looking for anyone who served with his uncle (last name de Galley) in the 2/14th. Please contact me if you knew his uncle or served in that unit.
05/22/02 06:29:09 PM  
Your name: Peter J Birrow
How did you find our site? link
What unit did you serve with? Bravo 2/35th
When did you serve? 9/68 to 9/69 (4th ID)
Please enter your comments: To all Tropic Lightning Cacti: From July 25th to 28th, the Seattle area will be full of Cacti Blue and Cacti Green because the Mighty 35th Infantry Association will be at the Airport Doubletree which is located five-minutes from the Sea/Tac Airport. A free shuttle runs 24/7. This is a first class hotel and we have negotiated a very reasonable $89/ night for rooms.There are too many attractions to list.There are three major shopping centers within ten miles, including the Super Mall of the Great Northwest. Within 15 miles are four golf courses. Seattle is also known for its microbreweries and wineries. For the adventurous, Mt. Rainier and Olympic National Forest are 70 miles away. There is plenty to do for the whole family; make it your summer vacation! If you would rather just hang in the well-stocked Hospitality Rooms, smoking and non, that is okay too. Many of you live in the area and have never attended a Cacti reunion; here is your chance to become part of the wonderful Cacti family, you'll feel like strangers for two minutes maximum! Please join us! AGENDA Thursday, 1500-Registration and Hospitality room opens. All photo albums to be displayed in the Nonsmoking Room. Dinner on your own in Company/groups locally. Many fine restaurants are available. Friday, -1300: Hospitality Room opens - Reunion registration available. The Annual Bravo Company 2/35th Infantry luncheon will be held at 1300 hrs, location TBD. Saturday, -0900 to 1200: Business Meeting. (Members only) -1300-Hospitality Rooms opens. Closed from 1700 until Banquet is over, reopens until--???; 1700- Assn/and individual Company/Unit Photos Location TBD. 1730-1815, Reception(Cash Bar). 1815-2130, Annual Memorial Service and Banquet. Sunday, -Informal gatherings and Departures. PLAN LOTS OF TIME FOR SHARING OLD FRIENDSHIPS! QUESTIONS? Contact Pete Birrow at 1-978-649-6562. E-mail: or, or Jim Anderson at 1-360-757-7562. E-mail
05/20/02 08:03:23 PM  
Your name: Jonathan F. Legg
How did you find our site? Lycos search
What unit did you serve with? 7/11th FA was F.O. Assigned to B-4-23 Mech
When did you serve? 9-1-66 to 11-30-67
Please enter your comments: Glad to find the site of the Division I served with
05/20/02 02:06:08 PM  
Your name: Mike Stepanski
How did you find our site? Knnown about it
What unit did you serve with? D Co 65th Enge Bn 25th Inf div
When did you serve? PR 68 TO aPR 69
05/19/02 09:05:54 PM  
Your name: former SSG. Frank R. Rice
How did you find our site? My son is with the 25th./ at present.
What unit did you serve with? First Inf. Div. and 28th. Inf. Div.
When did you serve? Germany and Viet Nam
Please enter your comments: Our son SSG. Christopher is now serving with the Wolfhounds. This is his second tour with the 25th. His first was with the Cacti.
05/19/02 09:19:57 AM  
Your name: Tony Cooper
How did you find our site? very familiar with it
What unit did you serve with? HHC 3rd Bde 25th Inf Div
When did you serve? June 67 to June 68
Please enter your comments: I return here occasionally to see if there is anybody out there that was stationed in either Tay Ninh or Dau Tieng during Tet with me. I was in Commo and have made one contact since, by the internet. On warm summer nights when the frogs and crickets are out, the ground is damp and I can smell the remnants of burning brush, I am transported back thirty five years to a place that holds many bitter-sweet memories. I find as I get older, I think about that time more often. I don't want to ever forget. Memorial Days seem to effect me more as the years go by. God Bless all of you.
05/18/02 11:41:11 AM  
Your name: edward swanner
How did you find our site? info about 25th reunion had it
What unit did you serve with? 1/27th WolfHounds
When did you serve? Schofield 1970~1971
Please enter your comments: The division was just back from 'nam and was rebuilding in case we had to go back. Company commander and all NCO's were vietnam vets as were most of the guys (awaiting to ETS). I listened to the storys about vietnam and my platoon sgt was Victor Cruz and favorite sgt was "Preacher Meeks" from Tennessee. Thanks you to all that served in country.
05/17/02 06:52:24 PM  
Your name: Thomas Allen
How did you find our site? surfin for the 25th
What unit did you serve with? HHB Div Arty
When did you serve? 75-78
Please enter your comments: Many good people and good times..
05/17/02 12:13:21 PM  
Your name: Jerry Holbrook
How did you find our site? vietnam buddy
What unit did you serve with? c troop 3/4 calvary 25th infantry
When did you serve? 69-70
Please enter your comments: Great site.Looking for former brothers, friends
05/16/02 11:31:00 AM  
Your name: Herbert F. White II
How did you find our site? Surfing
What unit did you serve with? 1st Platoon Alpha Company 2nd of 27th Inf 25th Inf Div
When did you serve? 1968
Please enter your comments: Would like to hear from anybody who served in my platoon in 68-Sgt Sam Spain, RTO Peter Leo Williams, Doc, Leecock or anyone who knows how I can reach them. Also Stinger 96-my call sign was Alpha 1-6.
05/16/02 02:22:45 AM  
How did you find our site? VISITING AGAIN
What unit did you serve with? 2/12 INF. C CO.
When did you serve? 1970
05/15/02 02:31:09 PM  
Your name: MANFRED HAHN, M.D.
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 25th Medical Batallion
When did you serve? Sept. 67 - Sept 68
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
05/15/02 12:25:54 PM  
Your name: Robert Dietzman
How did you find our site? Search Engine
What unit did you serve with? Co. D, 725th Maintenance BN.
When did you serve? Feb. 1969 to Feb 1970
Please enter your comments: Looking for anyone who served with me.
05/15/02 11:53:50 AM  
Your name: Robert Dietzman
How did you find our site? Search Engine
What unit did you serve with? Co. D, 725th Maintenance BN.
When did you serve? 1969-1970
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
05/14/02 07:12:43 PM  
Your name: David Bernard Mendez Perez
How did you find our site? serching the net
What unit did you serve with? 2nd /12th 25th Infantry Division
When did you serve? 1966/67
Please enter your comments: we went to nam by boat (the USS Bucner)saile from Seatter Washington 18 days, first stop at Okinagua for overnite and fallowing day to Cam Ram Bay.Replace the 630MP Company for about 3 month and then reasing to the 25th infantry at DAW TIENG Base.If I recall (Michelling Rubber Plantation-Boilowoods-Hutchimingtrail-CampCaroline-Tayning-IronTriangle)- 90% we were left & picup by helicopters
05/14/02 08:31:12 AM  
Your name: William Ulmer
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? Charlie Co. 65th Engineering Battalion of the 25th Inf
When did you serve? 65
Please enter your comments: I am just looking for any information about Charlie Co. 65th Engineer Battalion in 65. My father was a Sgt at the time.
05/13/02 07:40:24 PM  
Your name: Kris Gamet
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: I am looking for anyone who served with the 25th Inf. Div between May 28, 1968 and June 19, 1968 in Gia Dinh. I would like to find anyone who served with my brother, Michael (Mike) Johnson.
05/13/02 03:18:00 PM  
Your name: James C. Storey
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? CO D 27TH WOLFHOUNDS
When did you serve? 1949-1952
Please enter your comments: E-MAIL me if you served with 1ST SGT.Eddie Abbla or Joe Clark
05/10/02 12:30:37 PM  
Your name: Sophia
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: I'm not a vetran of the Vietnam war but my grandfather is and I was looking for his batallion, which was the 2nd/35th infintry batallion B company but I couldn't find anything. Your website was very helpful with my report though. Thanks
05/10/02 10:10:27 AM  
Your name: Paul Revekant
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? Bravo, 2/22 Inf
When did you serve? 1967
Please enter your comments: Would like to hear from others from B/2/22 Inf
05/09/02 07:43:56 PM  
Your name: John Clark
What is the title of your website? A Btry 7th BN 11th FA
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve? 68-69
Please enter your comments: I am looking for a copy of the 1970 25th Div. Yearbook from Vietnam. I am looking to buy a copy please get back to me. Thank You
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05/09/02 10:05:58 AM  
Your name: gary w roshto
How did you find our site? local newspaper
What unit did you serve with? 2d battalion 14th infantry
When did you serve? April 1968-January 1969
Please enter your comments: anyone serving during this time please e mail me.
05/08/02 12:38:50 PM  
Your name: Gustave Hunkele
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? company L, ,14th Infantry
When did you serve? 1952-1954
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
05/07/02 09:08:20 PM  
How did you find our site? Vipers
What unit did you serve with? HHD 125th Sig Bn
When did you serve? Apr 5, 67-Apr 5, 68
Please enter your comments: I am looking for any one who served with me during that time frame
05/07/02 09:42:20 AM  
Your name: Robert Barrett
How did you find our site? my son found it for me
What unit did you serve with? A/3/13 FDC OF THE 25TH "artillery"
When did you serve? HAWAII 64'- 66' CU CHI
Please enter your comments: Looking for anyone that i served with.
05/06/02 09:15:53 PM  
Your name: Wallace Craig
What is the title of your website? We Were Soldiers
How did you find our site? Shot an azimuth
What unit did you serve with? 1/35th
When did you serve? Various
Please enter your comments: Just a note, and a word of congratulations for my good friend, and former 25th Div CG, LTG. Tom Hill, who has been nominated for promotion to General Officer [4 star] and Command of Southern Command!

And if you are trying to locate a buddy, keep posting those messages. I received an email off of a message I posted 4 years ago on "Grunt Space" which directed me to my old 1st Sgt. in the 35th, Benny Enriquez. I talked to him Sun. night on the phone.....first time in over 30 years! Thanks to Ben Youmans for passing it on to me!!
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05/06/02 03:06:34 PM  
Your name: Jack Ewart
How did you find our site? word of mouth
What unit did you serve with? 2/27th
When did you serve? Vietnam
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
05/06/02 02:21:54 PM  
Your name: Aubrey D Ramsey
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 1st and 35th cacti
When did you serve? Sept 1965 - Sept 1966 Pleiku
Please enter your comments: My first tour was as a doorgunner, number 8 from Nov 1964 until March 1966. Returned to Pleiku in Sept 66 as a Recon Sgt with the 1st and 35th infantry regiment. Would like to hear from anyone that was a doorgunner or anyone who served with the 1st and 35th cacti at Pleiku. Yours Truly, Aubery D Ramsey. Pell City, Alabama
05/06/02 12:59:28 PM  
Your name: Kirk D. Stott
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? Hq. & Co. A, 25th Medical Bn.
When did you serve? 7/65 thru 1/67
Please enter your comments: I would really like to hear from those of you who deployed from Schofield Barracks to CuChi in 1965-66
05/05/02 11:32:38 AM  
Your name: JOHN " CICCO " OFIVUS
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 27TH CO G WOLFHOUND
When did you serve? 1941 -1945
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
05/04/02 11:03:39 PM  
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 25TH.M.P. CO.
05/04/02 02:53:38 PM  
Your name: Jeff Hinkle
How did you find our site? surfed in yrs ago!!!!!
What unit did you serve with? B/4/23/25-hhc4/23/25 B/1/52/23rd
When did you serve? late1968-1969 1972-1973
Please enter your comments: Just wanted to say hello to all the men who tried so hard to do the right thing. Was startled to see a post about Col. Richard Rescorla and his untimely demise at the WTC. This man was my Sr. Tac at OCS and we had learned to respect his knowledge,his intense belief in America, but most of all, his undying belief in us!!!!!!! His loss is a loss to all of America. He was truly an American hero in every sense that one can imagine. I must say that I hold the memory of Lt. Rescorla as a beacon for all that wish to become Americans. He was truly " Better than best "" I refer to him lovingly as Lt.Rescorla, for he taught me to lead. May he rest in peace! God Bless him an dhis family!!
05/03/02 08:57:30 PM  
Your name: Stan Adams
How did you find our site? Member of the 25th Infantry Div. Association
What unit did you serve with? 4th/9th (Manchu) Bravo Company
When did you serve? 11/68-12/69
Please enter your comments: Wanted to update everyone & let them know that due to my wife's detective work & an angel named Cliff that work's for the US Gov. we were able to locate where David Deitch-fellow B Co. Manchu, is laid to rest. David is buried in Beth Israel Cemetary in Woodbridge, NJ, Block 25, Row EE, Plot 65, Grave 1. Unfortunately we discovered that David's Father, Paul died 1/2/75 & his Mother,Mae 8/31/00 and they are buried alongside David. We are still trying to locate any of David's extended family to possibly visit them while in NYC. Appreciate everyone's prayers & assistance. God Bless, Stan & Rita Adams PS Thanks also to Michael Coale who we met @ a 25th Reunion a few yrs. ago & who lives in Jersey & near Woodbrige,for offering to go to David's grave & say a prayer!
05/03/02 06:36:19 PM  
Your name: Paul Kuehn Jr.
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? C company 1/27th
When did you serve? 1970
Please enter your comments: Would like to contact other grunts from my unit, from May to July 1970. I think I was with 2nd platoon, but not sure.
05/03/02 09:50:53 AM  
Your name: Jim Johnson
How did you find our site? msn search
What unit did you serve with? B company 4th 9th
When did you serve? March 1967- 1968
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
05/03/02 08:00:46 AM  
Your name: Robyn Marye Loving
How did you find our site? research
What unit did you serve with? My grandfather served with the 25th infantry division "Tropical Lightning"
When did you serve? WWII
Please enter your comments: I am the granddaughter of Maxwell Loving. He served with the Tropical Lightning in the Pacific Theater in WWII. Unfortunately, he died in a car accident when I was only five, so there are very few things I remember about him. After reading "The Greatest Generation" trilogy, I wanted to know more about my grandfather and who he served with and what he went through. If anyone knew my grandfather, please write to my e-mail address. Thank you.
05/03/02 06:09:27 AM  
Your name: CHARLES MOY
How did you find our site? Yahoo search
What unit did you serve with? 2/12th inf. and 1/16th inf. Big Red One
When did you serve? 1961-1964
Please enter your comments: The message board for The Society of the First Infantry Division At is up and running.
05/02/02 04:58:50 PM  
Your name: Jerry Gokee
How did you find our site? Search
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve? 1970-1973
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
05/01/02 08:59:37 PM  
Your name: Dennis Harris
How did you find our site? searching for 25th Div
What unit did you serve with? 4th&23rd
When did you serve? 1966-1967
Please enter your comments: Met a guy that was in Nam in 1966-1967 his name is David Moore if somone is looking.
05/01/02 08:03:05 PM  
Your name: Tommy Morr
How did you find our site? searching the web
What unit did you serve with? 6 BN/11 Inv, 'C' company
When did you serve? Dec. 67/Dec 68
Please enter your comments: I was in Bo Tuk, Tay Nihn,and Duc wa. I was firing the 155 hwz and would love to hear from someone. I would like to attend a reunion, any suggestions. I am living in Bryan, Ohio.
05/01/02 09:06:02 AM  
Your name: Stan Adams
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 25th Infantry, 4/9 (Manchu)
When did you serve? 11/68-12/69
Please enter your comments: Need help in locating where my buddy David Deitch, KIA 6/19/69 is buried. David was from the NYC area, Jewish faith. We are going to NYC for the 1st time May 20-24 & would like to visit his gravesite. Also would like to visit with any of David's family members while there. Any help anyone can give on how to find out where he is buried & learning his parents names & home town would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much! Stan & Rita Adams
04/30/02 05:52:35 PM  
Your name: Ronald Ray Shields (094245)
How did you find our site? Newspaper article announcing annual reuniion
What unit did you serve with? 2nd Battalion 9th Arty
When did you serve? July 1962 to April 1965
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
04/30/02 04:58:00 PM  
Your name: Al Iller
How did you find our site? Was aware of your web site previously
What unit did you serve with? Co A, 502d Avn Bn (Outlaws)
When did you serve? 8/64-9/65
Please enter your comments: Seeking all Door Gunners (Machine Gun Platoon) from the 25th Inf Div and attached units who served with Co A, 502d Avn Bn (Outlaws) at Vinh Long, Vietnam anytime during the period 8/64-9/65. We are having our second reunion 4-7 Oct '02 in San Antonio, TX. ALL former members of the Outlaws and attached units are invited to attend. Request assistance from anyone who will help us identify those Door Gunners from the 25th Inf Div who served with the Outlaws during the stated period. The Outlaws armed platoon were the "Mavericks". For futher information contact Al Iller, or telephone 870-423-3737. THANKS ! You have a great web site.
04/30/02 08:57:53 AM  
Your name: Jerry Berg
How did you find our site? newspaper
What unit did you serve with? 7th Battalion 11th Artillery
When did you serve? 1967-68
Please enter your comments: Your site is great!!!I found more info here than I even knew there was....I was 19 when I got drafted in 66 and and had no idea what or where Vietnam was. Thank You. Also Was tring to find fellow commrades from my outfit. I have some pictures and afew names,but so far no luck finding anyone....anyhelp would be greatly appreciated. FROM THE WEBMASTER: Jerry, I tried to send you an email but got a message from your mail server that it was refused because you had exceeded your storage allocation. Here's the note I was trying to send: I saw your note in our guestbook, and wanted to make sure you knew about the only 7/11th site I know of: John Clark was there after you, but may have contacts from your era. His email is
04/27/02 08:36:09 PM  
Your name: John Halchak
How did you find our site? Web search
What unit did you serve with? Writing this for Robert W. Adams
When did you serve? 27th Infantry - Wolfhounds
Please enter your comments: Former PFC Robert W. Adams, K COmpany, 3rd Battalion, 27th Infantry, 25th Division, passed away after a long illness on April 9, 2002, at age 80. Bob was at Schoefield Barracks on December 7, 1941 and later fought on Guadalcanal where he was wounded and picked up a nasty case of malaria. Bob lived in Southern California, near Los Angeles for the past 50 years. He is survived by his wife, Rita, four children, two grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.
04/26/02 09:24:09 PM  
Your name: Carl Burns
How did you find our site? surfin
What unit did you serve with? Co.A 1/5 mech 1st platoon (medic)
When did you serve? sept 68-69
Please enter your comments: great sites and bringing back lots of memories
04/26/02 07:26:19 AM  
How did you find our site? REFERRED BY A FRIEND
When did you serve? 66-67
04/25/02 05:00:50 PM  
Your name: CHARLES MOY
How did you find our site? search engine
What unit did you serve with? First INF. Div. Big Red One
When did you serve? 1961-1964
Please enter your comments: Former: Sgt,E5, Squad Leader 106MM,R.R. Served: 1961-1964,Ft. Riley, Kansas Units: Co.A, 2 Bg. 12Th. Inf. Reg. 1961-1963 Co.E, 1St Bn. 16Th. Inf. Reg. 1963-1964 Both these Units were part of the 1St. Infantry Division"THE BIG RED ONE". During this...Cold War Era..period. Would greatly appreciate any information about, or responses from former members of either of these units. The 2/12Th. was disbanded at Ft. Riley, shortly after I left. The 1/16Th. went to Vietnam after I was discharged in 1964. Fellow members of that outfit would have been there 1965,66, possibly 1967.
04/25/02 11:05:48 AM  
Your name: Mr Leaviness
How did you find our site? Search 25th Div
What unit did you serve with? Mr Leaviness serviced with HHC Co E. 4thbn,9th inf.25th Div .,Ch Chi and 16thRCAT MACV 11,Vinh Long
When did you serve? Apr.1970> Oct 1970,Tranfered to !6th RCAT MACV 11 May 1971
Please enter your comments: Mr.Leaviness would like to contact any personel who might serviced with this unit at this time. would like to know the were about of Sp/4 Willie T.Curtis who service with Mr. Leaviness at this time. Mr. Leavinees was E-4,11C10 the time as was Mr. Curtis.Both service together in Nam. Any information would be appricated. POC is You
04/25/02 02:39:28 AM  
Your name: Charlie Frazier
How did you find our site? been there many times
What unit did you serve with? HHC 4/23 (Mech)
When did you serve? July 1967 to August 1968
Please enter your comments: Memorial Day is fast approaching and I wanted to say hello to my soul brother Steve Stickley who has been feeling down. Cheer up bro. We still got alot of livin to do. Charlie.
04/24/02 07:47:22 PM  
Your name: Richard L.Jones
How did you find our site? Rome News Tribune paper
What unit did you serve with? 14TH Infantry Regt.
When did you serve? 1952-1954
Please enter your comments: I served in the Koren War
04/23/02 07:38:25 PM  
Your name: denny mcgeady
How did you find our site? vet friend
What unit did you serve with? 725th maint delta co.
When did you serve? feb 69 feb 70
Please enter your comments: interested in finding anyone who may have served at this time. dau tieng or cu chi
04/23/02 05:48:13 PM  
Your name: Joseph R. Finch
How did you find our site? Netscape search engine
What unit did you serve with? A Co, 25th Aviation Battalion
When did you serve? Jan 1969 to Jan 1970
Please enter your comments: I would like to contact the Division Historian, and also your administrators of the tropic Lightning Non Profit foundation/ Organization. Also, I have written a book about my tour with the 25th in Vietnam. Read the reviews of Angel's Wing on You may call me on the phone (703) 830-0145 at home, or on my cell phone (571) 215-2589, or at my office in Woodbridge VA (703) 490-6022. Thank you.
04/23/02 05:02:47 PM  
Your name: Ronald J Grocki
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? C 1/8 FA
When did you serve? dec 82-dec85
Please enter your comments: I am looking for any pictures that were taken during my tour of duty from c 1/8 fa
04/23/02 01:33:33 PM  
Your name: Sam Romo
How did you find our site? Search, search, and research
What unit did you serve with? 25th Infantry Div. 3/22nd "Regulars"
When did you serve? 1970
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
04/22/02 01:22:23 PM  
Your name: clarence andersen
How did you find our site? vietnam memorial wall
What unit did you serve with? 7thbatallion 11th arty
When did you serve? june 1966-aug 1967
Please enter your comments: I was a medic with the 7th/11th a&c battery.called me Andy or Doc.hope to hear from someone who knew me.
04/21/02 08:44:52 PM  
Your name: Randy Kirschman
How did you find our site? Surfing
What unit did you serve with? 1/62 ADA
When did you serve? 1984-1987
Please enter your comments: Looking for anyone who served with the "duckhunters" in mid to late 80's. Drop me a line let me know what's up.
04/21/02 08:37:39 PM  
Your name: BILL NAPIER
How did you find our site? LOOKED ARROUND
What unit did you serve with? CO B 35TH INFRANTRY (UNCLE)
When did you serve? 1930-1945 UNCLE
04/21/02 06:33:30 PM  
Your name: Milton J. (Joe) Carter
How did you find our site? Association Member
What unit did you serve with? 25th S&T
When did you serve? 1968 and 1969
Please enter your comments: I am interested in establishing contact with any 25th S&T members who served in Vietnam. I am especially interested in reestablishing contact with CPTs Bob Thompson and Alan Devney, and LTs Bill O'Connor and Joe Halla. Send me a response at the listed e-mail.
04/21/02 11:34:11 AM  
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? A/2/27 AND 25MP.
When did you serve? 1964 TO 1966
04/19/02 01:13:09 PM  
Your name: Jeff Hinkle
How did you find our site? surfed in by chance 3 yrs ago
What unit did you serve with? B/4/23/25 - hhc/4/23/25
When did you serve? Jan 68 - Jan 69
Please enter your comments: Just wanted to say hello and wish the best to those that served and gave their best.I want to take the time to acknowledge the efforts of " Paul North " a truly special guy who spends his time doing what we all take for granted. Paul, I will buy you a drink of your choice anywhere in the Flourtown area. Matter of fact, Ilive pretty close by so that is more than an idle threat. Tropic Lightning is more than just a symbol, it's burned in my heart.
04/18/02 10:11:21 AM  
Your name: Clinton L Lounsbury
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 14thInf,J.G.W.T.C.,LRRP,CRIP
When did you serve? 1960-1963 1966-1969
Please enter your comments: I would like to fine information on th unit stationed in Gotaha VietNam 1968 combined reconnaissance intelligence patrol was there a morning report with my name on it ? what was the unit commander name ?or how can I get this information ? next is there a year book of personal for the year of 1961 1962 1963 of the 14th Inf unit Troop F if so can I buy a copy to day or can it be downloaded ?
04/17/02 11:00:21 PM  
Your name: Frank Peeters
How did you find our site? Surfing net for 1/27th 25th Div.
What unit did you serve with? D company 1/27th 25th Div. "Wolfhounds"
When did you serve? June 1967 to June 68
Please enter your comments: Just want to say hi to fellow "Hounds". I still say prayers for my fallen buddy Michael DeBusk, I will not ever forget you. I have blocked out much of my Nam experience, I don't remember the date you fell, but I have never forgotten that you were my friend.
04/17/02 10:27:10 PM  
Your name: Charles Tickle
What is the title of your website? Designed Wood Products
How did you find our site? Search
What unit did you serve with? A troop 3/4 Cav
When did you serve? 1965-66
Please enter your comments: Served as a medic on track 30 of A troop 3rd platoon.
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04/17/02 08:37:46 AM  
Your name: Jim Chaput
How did you find our site? Library reference
What unit did you serve with? 1st/5th (Bobcats)
When did you serve? Vietnam - 1966-1967
Please enter your comments: Based in CuChi, spent most of my tour in the field in the M113 APCs. Sent home just before Tet began.
04/17/02 06:23:02 AM  
Your name: Phil Wisda
How did you find our site? surfing the web
What unit did you serve with? HQ&HQ Battery 25th Inf Div Arty
When did you serve? 1967 &68
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
04/16/02 12:45:38 PM  
Your name: kenton jundt
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? HQ CO 725TH MAINT BN.
When did you serve? 2-29 -68 TO 3-1 -69
Please enter your comments: looking for any old friends that served in cu chi with me in tank recovery 725th maint bn.
04/15/02 04:34:25 PM  
Your name: Nolan Ezra
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 25th Med Bn.
When did you serve? 55 to 58
Please enter your comments: Just heard on Yahoo that one GI killed and three wounded during a live fire exercise near Schofield. They reported that it was a grenade explosion but didn't indicate if it was a hand grenade or from a launcher...both tricky to use at night.
04/13/02 11:35:15 AM  
Your name: Russ Dearmore
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? Hq. Co. A 725th Maintenance Bn
When did you serve? Mar 1969 - Feb 1970
Please enter your comments: Looking for anyone in the 725th or those I met in the field. Note new e-mail address;
04/13/02 08:43:15 AM  
Your name: Michael Bornschein
How did you find our site? Surfing the web
What unit did you serve with? HHC 1st Bn. 5th Inf. - Medical Platoon
When did you serve? 1975 to 1977
Please enter your comments: I'm originaly from Brooklyn N.Y. but now live in Bakersfield, CA. Thanks for all the great memories !
04/12/02 04:46:17 PM  
Your name: jim claypool
How did you find our site? surfing the web
What unit did you serve with? 4-27INF WOLFHOUNDS
When did you serve? 1991-1994
Please enter your comments: Looking for b co. 4-27 buddies!
04/12/02 10:16:10 AM  
Your name: Shirley
How did you find our site? in searching for the 21st Infantry
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: Sorry about posting to a different Infantry but can someone please help me help a friend find his old army buddy from the 21st Infantry, 70th Armour - Munich, Germany 1962 - 1964. He would like to reconnect with a Jackie C. WILLOUGHBY, who was from Kentucky. Jackie C. WILLOUGHBY drove a truck in the armour division and had a friend called VANCE. Does anyone know him or where I can contact his division? Thank you. Shirley
04/12/02 07:06:38 AM  
Your name: John J, Kollmer
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? D copmany 2nd/14th
When did you serve? 1967-1968
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
04/11/02 06:51:58 PM  
Your name: Norman Moore
How did you find our site? browsing
What unit did you serve with? Co.A 33rd Transportation Bn.
When did you serve? 1960__1962
Please enter your comments: Sure would like to hear from someone that was in the 33rd.
04/11/02 06:35:21 PM  
Your name: skip bayly
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? bco.2/12
When did you serve? 69/70
Please enter your comments: just looking for old buddies
04/11/02 11:18:42 AM  
Your name: Alex G. Beacham
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? HHC, 1st .14th, 25th Inf Div.
When did you serve? 1970-1972
Please enter your comments: Got a computer and researching my old units.. Thks Guys
04/11/02 08:45:52 AM  
Your name: philip lagomarsino
How did you find our site? another vet
What unit did you serve with? 1st bn 27th inf coA 25 div
When did you serve? june 69 to june 70
Please enter your comments: trying to find info on a seal unit i was assigned to for part of my tour can anyone help me?
04/10/02 02:15:24 PM  
Your name: Dennis Kenney
How did you find our site? 25th Div web site
What unit did you serve with? HHC 2BDE
When did you serve? 1972 - 1974
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
04/10/02 12:45:05 PM  
Your name: Frank Salcido
How did you find our site? surfin'
What unit did you serve with? 25th Infantry
When did you serve? 1964 - 1966
Please enter your comments: I am trying to help my dad find some of his Army buddies. He went from Schofield Barracks, HI to Viet Nam as part of "Shotgun 12". He was in Nam twice from Jan.1965-Jun.1966. Especially wants to find, JOSEPH POLK(both of them),JOHN ATANZIO, MANUEL FLORES, JACOBSON, DE LA ROSA.
04/10/02 10:56:12 AM  
Your name: Jeffrey D. Newman
How did you find our site? Google Search Engine
What unit did you serve with? HHC DISCOM (71U40)
When did you serve? December 1972 through December 1974
Please enter your comments: Want to contact old buddies! Would like to buy some division pins and HHC pins!
04/09/02 08:38:14 PM  
Your name: James E. Faddis
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 4thBn. 23rd Infantry A Co. & HHC Co.
When did you serve? Nov. 1967 to Nov. 1968
Please enter your comments: Would like to hear from anyone that served with me; especially anyone that I would remember.
04/09/02 10:31:43 AM  
How did you find our site? SEARCH INTERNET FOR 25TH
What unit did you serve with? 3/4 CAV
When did you serve? 1968
04/09/02 08:08:13 AM  
Your name: tom seuffert ( son of raymond seuffert )
What is the title of your website? looking for friends/info on my father
How did you find our site? search engine
What unit did you serve with? 236th quartermaster company
When did you serve? jan. 1943 to jan 1946
Please enter your comments: hi looking for anyone that would have served with or knew my father. i have a small list of names obtained off of photographs if you know any information on them it would also be appreciated: john murray burt (al) wilcox jack dalton frank presutti harry weaver bob layton mike finitz i believe most if not all of these men where from the upstate new york area (rochester,buffalo,syracuse and watertown). also would appreciate any info about/from men in his company, thanks
04/08/02 09:49:07 PM  
Your name: Jack Giza
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 14th RB&L Bn USARPAC and HQ G3 25Div
When did you serve? 1956 - 1958
Please enter your comments: Wife and I just returned from a visit to the islands after 45 years. We were married at Ft. Shafter in '57. Boy has Honolulu changed!! Went to Pearl and then to Ft. Shafter. That is very different too. Met some impressive soldiers there, and had fun describing the place as was back in '56. Sorry wasn't time to get to Schofield. Went on to Big Island and then Maui.
04/08/02 09:11:24 PM  
Your name: Thomas S. Nichols
How did you find our site? Browsing
What unit did you serve with? HHB 3/13 Arty
When did you serve? March 1967 to March 1968
Please enter your comments: Like to hear from anyone that served with me in the 3/13th Arty 67-68
04/08/02 10:36:10 AM  
Your name: Jim Parker
How did you find our site? Surfing and the help of Bonnie
What unit did you serve with? HHC< 1/14th recon, 25th infantry
When did you serve? 63-66
Please enter your comments: I was in Vietnam as a door gunner for 9 months from 64 to 65 and I went back to Nam when the Division deployed in December of 65. Sure would love to here from some of my friends from that era. I'm just now getting to the point in my life that I can talk about Vietnam. Thanks to all. Jim
04/08/02 04:04:34 AM  
Your name: David E. Brown
How did you find our site? I'm a member of the 25th Infantry Division Association
What unit did you serve with? HHC/1/14Inf. Mortar Plt. Atached to Co. A, B, C.
When did you serve? Oct.1966 to Nov. 1967
Please enter your comments: I'm looking for any and all former members that remembers or served with me during that time frame.
04/07/02 12:15:19 PM  
How did you find our site? JUST LOOKING
What unit did you serve with? G.CO.35TH REGT 25TH DIV
When did you serve? 1951&1952
04/06/02 09:43:55 AM  
Your name: Al Sever
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 116th AHC
When did you serve? 68-69
Please enter your comments: Was with you guys in BIG firefight 4 March, 69. Unit report says it occured at coordinates XT 548250. Anyone know where that is? Book is coming out in July--Xin LOi, Viet Nam--mentions excellent troops of the 25th--best I served with. Book can be seen at
04/05/02 06:42:10 PM  
Your name: Walter Westbrook
How did you find our site? From my Tropic Lightning Flashes
What unit did you serve with? 25th Infantry Division
When did you serve? 19 Jan. 1968 - 16 Jan. 1970
Please enter your comments: I served in vietnam under Captain Holt, during my 1968-1970 tour of duty. I was wounded over my right eye at an aera out from cu-chi, near the black vergin mountain. I received a Bronze Star Medal and a Purple Heart Medal signed by Major General Ellis W. Williamson.
04/05/02 09:39:31 AM  
Your name: James E. Faddis
How did you find our site? VFW Mag.
What unit did you serve with? A CO. & HHC Co. 4th Bn. 23rd Inf. 25th Inf. Div.
When did you serve? Nov. 1967 to Nov.1968
Please enter your comments: Would like to hear from any guys I served with in Cu Chi & Tay Ninh.
04/04/02 11:25:55 AM  
Your name: eugene l. carter
How did you find our site? a friend
What unit did you serve with? 25th s&t bn.
When did you serve? 1967-68
Please enter your comments: i left a message on this site a few months ago.i`ve been in and out of the hospital since then.i`m looking for anyone who was in the 25th s&t bn. from 67 to 68. thanks,and welcome home. Eugene L. Carter
04/04/02 10:29:11 AM  
Your name: Roger A. Thiessen
How did you find our site? Cacti website
What unit did you serve with? Bco. 1/35
When did you serve? Dec. 65-Dec.66
Please enter your comments: Served in Nam as FO and Mortar squad leader and Plt. Sgt before rotating back to states. Lost a lot of good friends. Hope to hear from the remaing few. God Bless the 25th.
04/04/02 10:22:12 AM  
Your name: John Dingle
How did you find our site? Another site
What unit did you serve with? C co 1/14
When did you serve? 82 to 83
Please enter your comments: First time sigining in, send me a note if we served together.
04/04/02 06:37:58 AM  
Your name: TOM BENTLEY
How did you find our site? SURFING
What unit did you serve with? CO. L 14TH INF REG
When did you serve? JUNE '53 TO OCT'54
04/02/02 01:14:30 PM  
Your name: Joseph Vernon Green
How did you find our site? found on some v.a. papers
What unit did you serve with? A 77th arty.BTRY. A3D BN13TH ARTY.USARPA
When did you serve? 3/29/68-3/16/69
Please enter your comments: I would like to see if i could find some of my buddys that were in my company.I was move around alot while i was over there.So if you could help me it would be great.If there is picture or some body to talk to i would like that very much.THANK YOU
03/31/02 09:41:54 PM  
Your name: Ray Medina
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? A Co.65th Engr.
When did you serve? 2/67 to 2/68
Please enter your comments: Roy Thompson if your browsing, get in touch.
03/31/02 04:12:05 PM  
Your name: Anthony Panichelli
How did you find our site? On the internet
What unit did you serve with? 1st bn 5th inf mech ACo.
When did you serve? 1970
Please enter your comments: Looking for friends with whom I served with in Vietnam from 1970. You can contact me at my E-mail adress or at 103 Willow Oak Dr. Vanceboro, N.C. 28586. My phone is 252-244-3591. Thank you! A.Panichelli
03/31/02 02:27:09 PM  
Your name: Larry D. Cote
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 3rd Brigade (Cu Chi--Radio Teletype)
When did you serve? Feb 1970 to Jan 1971
Please enter your comments: Email is This didn't register before. Would like to hear from a few guys. I live in Seabeck whcih is west of Seattle about 25 miles across the Puget Sound.
03/31/02 02:09:09 PM  
Your name: James Winters
How did you find our site? search enigine
What unit did you serve with? 25th Admin Co
When did you serve? May 69 - March 70
Please enter your comments: Like to hear from anybody that served in 25th Admin Co. in my time I was there. If anybody knows where Dan Braun is please let me know.
03/31/02 02:02:12 PM  
Your name: Larry D. Cote
How did you find our site? Browsing
What unit did you serve with? 3rd Brigade (Radio Teletype)
When did you serve? February 1970 to January 1971
Please enter your comments: Anybody out there I know anymore?
03/31/02 11:54:02 AM  
Your name: Michael J Flanagan, CPT-FA, USAR
How did you find our site? VFW
What unit did you serve with? 7/11 FA, 1/8 FA, 1/5 Inf (Mech)
When did you serve? 1970 - 1971
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
03/31/02 01:17:50 AM  
Your name: Bob Offerdahl
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? B 3/13Arty, 25th Infantry Division
When did you serve? 1970
Please enter your comments: Thanks to this site, I have found two of the guys I served with in Vietnam. Two and maybe the three of us are meeting at The Wall in D.C. the end of April. If there is anyone that would like something said there, I would be glad to do it.
03/30/02 04:52:15 PM  
Your name: W . Hayden Griffin
How did you find our site? Suffering
What unit did you serve with? 173rd Airborne Inf.
When did you serve? 1969 _ 70
Please enter your comments: A novel by W. Hayden Griffin entiled! "Vietnam! Tears of a Crimson Odyssey" Note: Must be 18 years of age or older..... ! A must read by anyone wishing to know the facts of a front line "Combat Infantry Parachutist" Note: E-mail
03/30/02 10:20:23 AM  
Your name: Maurice Murphy
How did you find our site? Flashes
What unit did you serve with? Company E, 35th Inf
When did you serve? Jul-Aug 1950
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
03/30/02 10:08:04 AM  
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? B313FA
When did you serve? `72-`74
03/30/02 09:28:26 AM  
Your name: R. W. Young
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? HHC 25th S&T Bat.
When did you serve? 66-67
Please enter your comments: Like to hear from anyone that was with HHC S&T during the 66-67 era.
03/30/02 12:45:38 AM  
Your name: Ed Lyons (DoorGunner)
What is the title of your website? Welcome To Diamond head 25th.Aviation Battalion Co.B Assault Helicopter
How did you find our site? off my links
What unit did you serve with? Co.B 25th.Avn.Bn. 25th.Infantry Division Nam
When did you serve? Feb.67-Sept.68
Please enter your comments: Injoyed the site have it on my Links page. TET OFFENSIVE 1968 January 31,1968 God Bless Troop C 3/4 Cavalry 25th.Infantry Division,For out them Tan Son Nhut Air Base. Would have been over Run.I'm Honored to Have Supported them There Co.B 25th.Avn.Bn Diamond Head Gunship Doorgunner As Gen. MacArthur Said old Soldiers never Die,they just get a computer!!!!!!than go nut's and go around signing guestbooks LOL and I shall return. Ed :)
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03/29/02 11:49:52 PM  
Your name: Jack Douglas Sumner
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? HHC 2nd 12th Infantry
When did you serve? January 1970 thru december 1970
Please enter your comments: Interested in members of the old unit
03/29/02 09:59:59 PM  
Your name: Mike Hodo
What is the title of your website? Vietnam Era Fort Polk
How did you find our site? Search Engine
What unit did you serve with? HHC 2/22inf and 1/22 Inf 4th Div
When did you serve? 1971-73
Please enter your comments: Thanks to all for serving our Country. I'm searching for information about the suicide at Fort Leonard Wood MO in June 1971 Co A-3-2 any info will help. Also searching for Alan W. Hall, Roger Honerkamp and SSG Jim Law.
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03/28/02 02:24:44 AM  
Your name: Joe E. Rios
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? Bravo Co. 4\23rd Mech Infantry, 25th Inf. Division
When did you serve? March 1969-March 1970
Please enter your comments: Looking for some closure.
03/27/02 10:37:32 AM  
Your name: RALPH BELL
How did you find our site? Looking for family or friends of Micheal E Wade,
What unit did you serve with? B company 229th ASHB 1st Air Cav
When did you serve? 04/68 thru 05/1969------- 12/1969 thru 12/1970
Please enter your comments: Micheal was killed in Dau-tieng on the 23rd of Feb. 1969 friends or family i would love to contact.
03/27/02 07:49:21 AM  
Your name: Bruce Cole
How did you find our site? Looking for 25th Division
What unit did you serve with? 69th FA Battalion
When did you serve? September-1953 thru October-1954
Please enter your comments: Travelled around Korea for about(13)moths starting right after the armistace. Was a tracker of artillery using the Q-10 Radar, senior signal message clerk. Transferred to the 10th FA, 3rd Inf when the 25th rotated to Hawaii. Would have had to extend for (6) months to go. Looking for Iowans from the old days
03/26/02 03:01:47 PM  
Your name: Ron Middleton
How did you find our site? Linked through
What unit did you serve with? Co E 2/12 4.2
When did you serve? Jan 70 to Dec 70
Please enter your comments: Just returned from a reunion in DC with 3 men I served with. We all have been looking for others from our unit who served from May 69 to Dec 70. I had not seen these men in 31 years. We had an incredible time. Please visit the 212 web at
03/26/02 02:37:13 PM  
Your name: M.Hornbuckle
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? HHC 2/5 Inf. 25th ID
When did you serve? Jan 97 - Aug 99
Please enter your comments: Found the site to be very interesting. Alot of history ! If you served with HHC 2/5 during the time I served, I'd like to here from you.
03/26/02 02:27:14 PM  
Your name: Richard B Rosser
What is the title of your website? POW/MIA
How did you find our site? Son come across & sent to me
What unit did you serve with? 36th Signal Bn CMBT A, 25TH INF DIV
When did you serve? 1963 TO 1971
Please enter your comments: Hi Bros Basic @ Ft Jackson S.C. Signal School, Ft Gordon Ga, 125th Signal Battalion in Hawaii, Schofield Barracks. 46th & 50th Sig Bn @ Ft Bragg N.C. 36th Sig Bn Tay Nihn & Cu Chi, 1966 1967 Back to Ft Bragg N.C. then discharged Can only remember 1 name from Nam, Joe Chumbley, I think out of W Virginia. Ride with the Viet Nam Vets Motorcycle Club. I hate I can't reember the names, if anyone remembers me, please write. and by the way " Welcome Home"
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03/25/02 04:07:13 PM  
Your name: sgt kurt e neumann
How did you find our site? surfin
What unit did you serve with? 1-62 ada "aim high"
When did you serve? 1979-1982
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
03/25/02 03:19:07 PM  
Your name: Charles C. Contato
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? My father served with CO A 1/27 INF. 25 INF. DIV.
When did you serve? 1968-1970
Please enter your comments: My father served with CO A 1/27 INF 25 INF DIV. from 1968-1970. My father passed away in May of 1988 from complications caused by the exposure to Agent Orange. The purpose of this entry is to find out any information about what kind of man, soldier and/or friend my father was. I do have a recorded interview of my father discussing a few of his experiences, but I would like to hear from anybody that associated with him. My father's name is Charles Richard Contato, he resided in Port Washington, New York, and his nic-name was Chuck. You can email me by clicking below, or send an instant message using AOL Instant Messenger to ChuckCiv314. Any information will be deeply appreciated.
03/24/02 09:51:30 PM  
Your name: cassandra
How did you find our site? Searching Veteran's sights for a Vietnam History Class
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
03/24/02 07:36:25 PM  
Your name: Edward Dickinson
How did you find our site? brousing
What unit did you serve with? Hq. 25th Div. Arty
When did you serve? 1952
Please enter your comments: I was recalled to active duty in 1951. When I arrived in Korea in '52,Gen.Waters asked me to go with the Turk Arty.Bn. as Div. Arty Liaison officer for three months.I liked the assignment and stayed my full nine months until rotation. Other than my crew of four enlisted men and the Div. Arty Fire Direction people, I knew mostly Turks. I served in WWII in the 7th Div.through four landings and the occupation of Korea in 1945.
03/24/02 07:54:22 AM  
Your name: Jim Stewart
What is the title of your website? Military Police of the Vietnam War
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? 552/560/300/527th MP Companie
When did you serve? Oct. 66 - Oct. 68
Please enter your comments: Please visit my tribute to the Military Police of the Vietnam War.
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03/23/02 03:55:11 PM  
Your name: Charles C. Contato
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? My father served with the 25th Infantry
When did you serve? Vietnam in the late 1960's
Please enter your comments: My father served with the 25th infantry during the Vietnam War. I don't know exactly what years he served, but I do know that he served in the late sixties. My father passed away in May of 1988 from complications caused by the exposure to Agent Orange. The purpose of this entry is to find out any information about what kind of man, soldier and/or friend my father was. I do have a recorded interview of my father discussing a few of his experiences, but I would like to hear from anybody that associated with him. My father's name is Charles Richard Contato, from Port Washington, New York, and his nic-name was Chuck. Trying to find somebody that knew my dad with only a name will probably be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Any information will be deeply appreciated.
03/22/02 10:40:38 PM  
Your name: Chuck Wigley
How did you find our site? typed in 23rd Inf.
What unit did you serve with? 52nd Sig Det, Hq & Hq Co. 4th Bg 23d Inf.
When did you serve? 2/63 to 11/64
Please enter your comments: Looking for anyone who served with me in the nickel deuce.
03/22/02 04:38:39 PM  
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? ACO. 4TH BN. 9TH INF. 25INF. DIV.
When did you serve? CHUCIE
03/22/02 07:46:07 AM  
Your name: Chester Ball
What is the title of your website? Artillery
How did you find our site? Been here before
What unit did you serve with? Hq. Btry 64th FA Bn and A Btry 1/8 FA Bn
When did you serve? Japan , Korea and Vietnam
Please enter your comments: Been here before and just checking if any of the old 64th members had signed in. Would like to hear from any one who served in Nara, Japan and later in Korea from 49 to 51. Have a nice day.
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03/21/02 05:51:39 AM  
Your name: LOIS GLICK
How did you find our site? SEARCHING ON INTERNET
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve? DIDN'T
03/20/02 07:49:28 PM  
Your name: Alfred D. Smith
What is the title of your website? N/A
How did you find our site? looking through the veterans web pages
What unit did you serve with? C TROOP 3/4 CAV
When did you serve? 67/68
Please enter your comments: I was known as Smitty.3rd platoon c troop I was there 31st of Jan.
03/20/02 07:00:41 PM  
Your name: David Marable
How did you find our site? Friend & fellow member 25th
What unit did you serve with? 25th Admin / finance
When did you serve? Nov. 1969 to May 1970
Please enter your comments: I was stationed at Cu Chi from November 1969 until May 1970.
03/20/02 06:07:07 PM  
Your name: Jim Burr
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? B Co & HHC, 2nd Batt , 14th Inf. , 25th Div.
When did you serve? approx. 5/66 - 8/67
Please enter your comments: Started with the Golden Dragons about 3 months prior to that date at Schofield Barracks. Then went by boat to Nam. Was in B Co for a fue months as a RTO until i was hit 3 times ..then sent to HHC as a message center /switchboard clerk until discharge. Had to extend a month to get it . Wanted to say WELCOME HOME..GUYS AN GIRLS
03/20/02 05:09:35 PM  
Your name: Jim Burr
How did you find our site? Surfing
What unit did you serve with? B Co. 2/14th Inf. 25th Div.( also HHC )
When did you serve? approx.5/66--8/67
Please enter your comments: Looking for old friends from the unit at that time period. spent 6 months in B co then after being hit was sent to HHC Message Center/switchboard
03/19/02 12:38:07 PM  
Your name: george corneail
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? 3/4 cav
When did you serve? sept. 69 sept. 70
Please enter your comments: just looking to see if i know anybody here
03/19/02 11:03:15 AM  
Your name: Pete Fairchild (USA ret.)
How did you find our site? 25th Inf Div Assn Life Member
What unit did you serve with? A Co., 4/9 Inf.; 3/4 Cav
When did you serve? 1967-68
Please enter your comments: Seeking soldiers of B Co 4/9 Inf. 1966-67 who may have known 1LT Ruppert L. Sargent. He was KIA 15 March 1967, and 15 months later awarded the Medal of Honor, posthumously. Ruppert Sargent is the only MOH recipient who was born and raised in his hometown of Hampton, Virginia. On 5 October 2002 we will dedicate a new city office building here in his honor. We wish to invite to this event veterans of B Co 4/9 Inf. "Manchus" who may have served with and known 1LT Sargent in 1966-67 during service in Vietnam.
03/18/02 08:15:00 PM  
Your name: Briana Bargmann
How did you find our site? Searching
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: I am looking for anyone who may have served with Gilbert Bargmann. He was my uncle and he served in Vietnam in 1969. He died at Tay Ninh. If anyone has any information please email me.
03/18/02 06:18:24 PM  
Your name: CHARLES MOY
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? 2/12 co a and 1/16 co b 1st div ft riley
When did you serve? 1961-1963
Please enter your comments: former sgt e-5 106mm rr sqd ldr. discharged before vietnam. would like to hear from you if we served together email
03/18/02 04:40:46 PM  
Your name: Charles M Hurley
How did you find our site? Surfing the web
What unit did you serve with? Co "A" 1st Bn 14th Inf Regt
When did you serve? 1954 to 1957
Please enter your comments: Left Korea after the war and served at Schofield Quad "C"
03/18/02 09:35:54 AM  
Your name: DUMOND, ED
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? D BTRY, 3d Bn 13th FA
When did you serve? MAR 67 - MAR 68
Please enter your comments: Found your site by accident. Glad to see there is a voice out there
03/18/02 06:28:36 AM  
Your name: Steve Salisbury
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? C 1/21 Inf
When did you serve? 79-82
Please enter your comments: Was in weapons plt. Looking to make contact with anyone who served with me.
03/17/02 08:22:20 AM  
Your name: Robert W. Piatt
How did you find our site? I was looking for the 25th Infantry Division.
What unit did you serve with? 25 S&T
When did you serve? Feb. 1966 to Feb. 1967 Cu Chi
Please enter your comments: I believe I was with the first group of replacements set to Cu Chi. (The middle of February 1966) There were about 300 of us. About 40 of us ended up as support troops. A sergeant at the replacement unit read off a list of names. I went to the 25th S&T. They need drivers for 18 wheelers, but I didn?t want to drive a truck. Two of us were sent to the supply company. The other man could type, and he became company clerk. They didn?t know what to do with me. I ended up with Graves Registration. Six months later I found out I was in a volunteer unit.
03/17/02 06:46:06 AM  
Your name: gary schuler
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: does any body out there know a joe marshall who did lrrp with the 25th around 67 to 69? he lived in runnemede new jersy.
03/16/02 11:09:47 PM  
Your name: Joseph J. Veres
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? Co. A, 25th AVN. BN.
When did you serve? 1972-1974
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03/15/02 07:54:28 PM  
Your name: George L. Eyster II
How did you find our site? Visiting for two years now
What unit did you serve with? 1Bn. 27th Inf. "B" Co.
When did you serve? 1/7/67 to 1/7/68
Please enter your comments: Happy to see the guest book is back in service. Updating e-mail. Always happy to hear form other Wolfhounds of the 1967 era. Also, how about that "We were soldiers"? Great stuff. Take care everyone, and be well.
03/15/02 07:05:06 PM  
Your name: george corneail
How did you find our site? searching
What unit did you serve with? 3/4 cav
When did you serve? sept.69 to sept.70
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03/15/02 03:30:25 PM  
Your name: Larry Mitchell
How did you find our site? been here before
What unit did you serve with? B/4/9th
When did you serve? 1967/1968
Please enter your comments: For Dwight D. Davis - Go to and you may find some of your 4th Bn 9th Inf. buddies from 1968. See the website for info on the Manchu reunion in Las Vegas this September.
03/15/02 10:46:20 AM  
Your name: Ben Youmans, Secretary Treasurer 35th Assn
What is the title of your website? 35th Infantry Regiment Assn
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? C 2/35th Infantry 1968
When did you serve? 1968
Please enter your comments: Yo, all Cacti!! The Spring 2002 Newsletter is in the mail. The news from here on will only be provided to Members in good standing. If you have not joined or sent in your dues then you probably will not get the newsletter. On the label is your current status. We have Annual Members from 2000 and 2001 who still have not renewed. If in doubt email me and ask. You should have a Membership card except for the last 135 of you whose cards are being mailed on this Saturday. Remember No Dues, No News, No Reunion. If you dont pay your dues, you lose.. The Assn cannot afford to pay the costs for newsletters to all. Please consider sending in your financial support. Cacti Forever
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03/15/02 07:15:54 AM  
Your name: Marvin Smith
How did you find our site? MSN Search
What unit did you serve with? 3d Bn 13th FA
When did you serve? 1967
Please enter your comments: Any history or points of contact for that unit during that time period.
03/15/02 01:46:56 AM  
Your name: GREG ADKINS
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? B CO. 25TH MED. BN. DAU TIENG VIETNAM
When did you serve? JUNE 1968-- JUNE 1969
03/14/02 11:50:31 PM  
Your name: john schumer (RA)
What is the title of your website? hello all 2/27th wolfhounds 4 duce
How did you find our site? was in the 25th 68-69
What unit did you serve with? 2/27th e company
When did you serve? 1968-69
Please enter your comments: would like to here from 2/27th e company members
03/13/02 09:00:39 PM  
Your name: Derryl Johns
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: Bruce Swander, my e-mail is I could not link to your address.
03/13/02 12:45:09 PM  
Your name: Mike Stepanski
How did you find our site? Surfing
What unit did you serve with? D Co 65th Engr Bn
When did you serve? Apr 68-Apr 69
Please enter your comments: If anyone knows the whereabouts of the guys I served with pls contact me. WM (Doc) Bradburry, Leroy Visor, Richard Pickney, Tom Costill, Alvin Schneider all were members of D Co 65th Engr Bn Sure would like to get in touch Have found two members of this unit already Tks Mike Stepanski
03/13/02 12:26:23 PM  
Your name: hobart zitto
How did you find our site? tropic Lightning--25th div publication
What unit did you serve with? 27th inf regiment---Wolfhounds
When did you serve? 1953----1954
Please enter your comments: Both my twin brother and I arrived in Korea three weeks after the truce was signed. We we with the 40th infantry division regimental hdqtrs Intellegence and Reconnasance squad stationed on an observation post on the newly formed DMZ. when the 40th went home we then joined the 25th inf div.If anyone we served with recognizes the name I would love to hear from them . My brothers name is Bob and we were originally from New jersey. After almost 50 years have gone by it is hard to remember that much but I remember seeing the Marilyn Monroe show and I thought that was quite memorable.
03/13/02 10:53:01 AM  
Your name: dwight d davis
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 4/9 25th inf
When did you serve? 1/68 7/68
Please enter your comments: just looking for old buddies///will never forget1968
03/13/02 10:13:42 AM  
Your name: Rocco 'Doc' DeRosa
How did you find our site? Surfing
What unit did you serve with? B 2/35th 3rd BDE 25inf Div
When did you serve? April 1966 to April 1967
Please enter your comments: I was with HHC company but was assigned to B company as there Medic. While surfing ran across Philippe E Saunier signed in. Dug many fox holes with Saunier,George Wallace, and John Lorts.
03/13/02 02:51:41 AM  
Your name: johnnie collins
How did you find our site? just looking
What unit did you serve with? co. a 3/22
When did you serve? 1-68 to 1-69
Please enter your comments: served at tay ninh, cu chi, nui ba den, saigon
03/12/02 08:30:15 PM  
Your name: David Nugent
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? HHC 5/14 inf ,HHC 2/5 inf
When did you serve? 1992-96
Please enter your comments: Hello all!! I was a medic in the 5th of the 14th (right of the line) and 2/5 inf (I'll try sir) from 1992 - 1996 anyone who knew me please email me I would love to hear from you. SGT. Rizzo where the heck are you?
03/12/02 01:40:09 PM  
Your name: Bruce Swander
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: Looking for anyone that remembers Gary Hobbs, A/3/4 Cav, KIA on 27 Jan 70. Also trying to locate Derryl Johns and Robert Rahnefeld as their email addresses are no long valid. Pls email me.
03/12/02 01:29:15 PM  
Your name: Allen Suydam
How did you find our site? 25thInf.Div.Assoc.
What unit did you serve with? 2/12th
When did you serve? 7/68-7/69
Please enter your comments: Spent most of my time operating out of FSB Pershing. Bravo Co. Anyone out there at Pershing same time?
03/12/02 12:48:51 PM  
Your name: Bill Chiaramonte
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? D Trp (Air), 3d Sqdn, 4th Cavlary
When did you serve? 11/68 to 11/69 RVN
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03/12/02 10:50:46 AM  
Your name: Dennis B. Harvey
How did you find our site? found it long ago
What unit did you serve with? C Co. 1/27 Wolfhounds
When did you serve? November 1968- September 1969
Please enter your comments: Served out of Fire Support Bases Mahone 1&2 and Dau Tieng in the infantry. Remember a lot of it, good times and bad. Wounded June 21,1969 West of Dau Tieng at area called the crescent, along with the rest of the platoon. Around August 69 I was offered a job off line to work at Division Headquarters as a waiter at the Command General's Mess. Didn't have to ask me twice. Anyone out there ever work there? After seeing the movie Mash, thats what it reminded me of. It was a whole new world after coming out of the field. Give me an e-mail if you think you remember me.
03/12/02 09:08:59 AM  
Your name: Walt McDonald
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? A/1/14 Alpha Army Pavnhunters-GOLDEN DRAGONS
When did you serve? April 1965-Dec 1966 Hawai and Pleiku
Please enter your comments: Glad everything is back to normal! Thanks Paul!!!!
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03/11/02 09:40:04 AM  
Your name: edwin l moor
How did you find our site? put in 25th inf div
What unit did you serve with? 3 battalion 2nd 9th artillery
When did you serve? july1966 july1967
Please enter your comments: Looking for any others
03/11/02 06:30:22 AM  
Your name: Gary Gray
How did you find our site? Web Search
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: I'm researching my Uncle, a Vietnam Veteran from the 25th Infantry, circa 1968. I don't have much to go on. All I know is that he was awarded a Silver Star & Purple Heart among other commendations. He was in Vietnam in 1968. His name was Chester (Chip) Lowery. He was a Staff SGT when he came back. He was from Nicholasville, Kentucky. I don't know his unit. I know he was stationed at Ft. Bragg prior to Vietnam and Fort Sill, OK afterwards. If anybody may know of this individual, please contact me. He's passed away and I'm doing a research project for my mother (his sister) as a comemorization. Thank you, Gary Gray Denver / Colorado
03/10/02 11:07:27 PM  
Your name: Paul North
What is the title of your website? 25th Infantry Division Association
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 2/14th Infantry, "4 deuce" mortars
When did you serve? '68-'69
Please enter your comments: I've archived the entries in our guestbook so that they could be searched with our search engine. You will find them on our View Guestbook page.
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