25th Infantry Division Association Guestbook

Please sign our guestbook!

11/24/01 07:36:24 AM  
Your name: Bruce B Bergstresser
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? D Company 25 Medical Battalion
When did you serve? 18 February 1969 to 17 February 1970
Please enter your comments: in spite of what our children are being taught about our service during the Vietnam War I am proud to have helped stop communism from spreading off shore of Southeast Asia. I hope others who have served hold no hard feelings toward themselves for wasting their time in service. All who served helped the cause in the long run.

11/24/01 05:42:19 AM  
Your name: James Paul Womack
How did you find our site? Yahoo search engine
What unit did you serve with? 25th MI Company
When did you serve? October 1969-August 1970
Please enter your comments: Thanks for all the information. Can you inform me as to what awards the 25th MI Company may have won that I am permitted to wear on the right side of my uniform, or where to go find that information. Also, please send me membership information in the Association. Many thanks.

11/23/01 08:11:53 PM  
Your name: Jack B. Byers
How did you find our site? Surfing from a senior's site
What unit did you serve with? 89th Tank Battalion
When did you serve? Korea 1953-54
Please enter your comments: Supply Sgt., Headquarters Company

11/23/01 04:40:50 PM  
Your name: Frank N Kruczynski
How did you find our site? browsing
What unit did you serve with? med co 3th inf reg
When did you serve? 49-50
Please enter your comments: I was in Otsu and in Korea litter jeep driver aid station ist bn my asstwas frank Ciliberti who i think lives in commack new york if he is still around and anyone know his address and or email address please let me know

11/23/01 03:22:59 PM  
Your name: ROBERT (BOB) Graves
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve? Correction: July of 1944 thru August of 1946
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11/23/01 03:10:58 PM  
Your name: ROBERT (BOB) Graves
How did you find our site? looking for information about the division that I served with
What unit did you serve with? 161st Regiment, Company D, and Service Company, Luzon, and Regimental Motor Pool,Japan
When did you serve? July of 1945 thru August of 46
Please enter your comments: I registered earlier, however,a lot of others have registered since. This is an update. It seams as though there are very few of my vintage taking advantage of this site. I served in Combat on Luzon on Belete Pass and then went to Japan to serve in the Regimental Motor Pool as Motor Pool Sgt. until I was sent home in August of 46. Would like to hear from any of my old Buddys that served with me.

11/23/01 12:05:28 PM  
Your name: Larry W. Collins
How did you find our site? other member
What unit did you serve with? 1st Bn/5th(mech) infantry
When did you serve? 1966-1967
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11/23/01 05:44:59 AM  
Your name: Alan Wetzel
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? HHC 2/27
When did you serve? 02-67 thru 02-68
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11/23/01 12:55:37 AM  
Your name: Walt McDonald
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? A/1/14 3rd Bde (BASTARD BRIGADE)
When did you serve? 1965-1966 Hawaii, Pleiku
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11/23/01 12:55:28 AM  
Your name: Chester Ball 1Sgt Retired
What is the title of your website? Artillery
How did you find our site? Been here before
What unit did you serve with? 64th FA Bn, in Korea and 1/8 FA Bn in Veitnam
When did you serve? 1949-1951 1967-1968
Please enter your comments: Just wanted to wish everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING. The Korean Vets can remember having the Chinese for Thanksgiving Dinner in 1950.
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11/21/01 09:24:05 PM  
Your name: Ken Doc Blakely
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 2/12th inf.25th Div
When did you serve? 68
Please enter your comments: I would like to say to my brothers how thankful I am that you all came home. I thank God for you each and the support you give me and the others who pass this site. I haven't written in awhile. My health is improving, for which I am grateful. Many have prayed for me. God has been good again. Have a good Thanksgiving and be safe and at peace.If I can ever be of help please write. Ken the old Doc Blakely

11/21/01 08:41:12 PM  
Your name: William F "Bill" Johnson
How did you find our site? Life Member
What unit did you serve with? " E CO " 65th Engineers
When did you serve? Jan 66/Feb 67
Please enter your comments: Just wanted to say H A P P Y T U R K E Y D A Y to all

11/21/01 05:53:09 PM  
Your name: Sid Fullwood
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? Aco.2\22 25th mech inf.
When did you serve? nov.69 dec 70
Please enter your comments: Served with 25th inf.in Cu Chi Ta Ninh ect.{iron triangle} push into cambodia i believe it was called {operation fishook} hsve lost contact with all i served with. but have not forgotten. God Bless all and wellcome home!

11/20/01 04:57:18 AM  
Your name: John Estes
How did you find our site? links
What unit did you serve with? USARMY CO E 5 Cav USARV
When did you serve? 69-70
Please enter your comments: I am signing in for John, E Co. 2/5th, 1st Cav he needs help. He has Hep C and liver cancer, PTSD, all of it. He's found himself unemployable and homeless. Please help me. I am his ex-wife and don't know where to turn.

11/19/01 08:22:44 PM  
Your name: Roy Whatley
How did you find our site? searching
What unit did you serve with? B Troop 3/4 cavalry
When did you serve? Feb to Sept 1968
Please enter your comments: Like to hear from some of the guys

11/17/01 09:24:31 PM  
Your name: Robert Pangburn
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 12th inf.
When did you serve? 1969 1970
Please enter your comments: Looking for Ray Spencer, Thies, Vouge, Cima, Flow. Bravo Co. 2nd Battalion 12th infintry. 25th div. Hope your all ok.

11/15/01 08:14:44 PM  
Your name: Larry Knowles
What is the title of your website? 1952 Korea 1
How did you find our site? friend
What unit did you serve with? C Company 89th Tank Battalion
When did you serve? March-June 1953
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11/15/01 04:30:50 PM  
Your name: Anthony H. Silvio [ SPC-4 ]
How did you find our site? From word of mouth
What unit did you serve with? HHS 125th MI Bn [ Maint. Platoon ]
When did you serve? 1987-1990
Please enter your comments: The best time of my life,....almost.

11/15/01 12:38:04 PM  
Your name: mike strong
How did you find our site? yahoo
What unit did you serve with? 2/11th F.A.
When did you serve? 1980-82
Please enter your comments: Do you have any info as to whether one can tour schofield barracks? Am planning a visit in june and would love to see the old post! thanks

11/15/01 11:13:18 AM  
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? A,CO 2/22 INF.(MECH.)
When did you serve? NOV,1969 OCT.1970
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11/14/01 09:11:57 PM  
Your name: Wallace Craig
What is the title of your website? We Were Soldiers
How did you find our site? Diligence
What unit did you serve with? 1/35th
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: I had the honor of attending the Ia Drang '65 1st Cav. survivors reunion in Wash. D.C. for Veteran's Day. Attending were members of the cast of "We Were Soldiers", the movie of the book "We Were Soldiers Once..and Young". Producer Randall Wallace pledged that the movie will finally get the story of soldiers in Vietnam right.....I saw clips from the movie. You're gonna' like this one! Coming in March. Best Wallace Craig
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11/14/01 08:43:33 PM  
Your name: Roland J Langlois
How did you find our site? Surff web
What unit did you serve with? Co,B,125th Sig,Battalion 3rd Brig,25th Inf,Div
When did you serve? 1969-1970
Please enter your comments: This is a great site it only took me 32 years to find my way home.Thanks guys

11/14/01 06:54:52 PM  
Your name: Ray Medina
How did you find our site? regular
What unit did you serve with? 25th Inf. A Co. 65th Engr. & 3rd Inf. 10th Engr. Germany
When did you serve? Nam 2/67 - 2/68 & Germany 7/65-1/67 1049 for Nam
Please enter your comments: Haven't visited for awhile

11/13/01 08:41:34 PM  
Your name: James F. Pfefferman (Puff)
How did you find our site? A friend from Flordia
What unit did you serve with? 2nd of 14th infantry
When did you serve? 69-70
Please enter your comments: Would like to get in contact with any of my old buddies.

11/11/01 06:39:44 PM  
Your name: Eugene D. Schaufenbuel
How did you find our site? Browsing the web
What unit did you serve with? 25th Infrantry Army -
When did you serve? 4-12-67 to 4-10-68
Please enter your comments: Today is Veterans Day 2001. It's been 34 years plus for me. Not many returned from my unit. Would like to get in touch with anyone who served during that time period. God bless you all.

11/11/01 05:41:01 PM  
Your name: Milton A. Santiago
How did you find our site? surfing the net
What unit did you serve with? 2/12 25th Inf. Div. "DELTA" & "BRAVO" CO.
When did you serve? SEPT 67-AUG 68

11/11/01 02:43:52 PM  
Your name: Walt McDonald
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? A/1/14
When did you serve? April 1965 thru Dec 1966
Please enter your comments: Wishing a pleasant Veterans to all of my Brothers in Arms. Lest we never Forget!! God Bless us all!
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11/11/01 01:25:12 PM  
Your name: Nolan Ezra
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What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: On this Veterans Day 2001, I want to remember all those who didn't come home, Those who came home broken in body and mind and those who came home and got on with life--- WELCOME HOME

11/11/01 09:18:16 AM  
Your name: Walt McDonald
How did you find our site? Here every day!
What unit did you serve with? Co A (ALPHA ARMY, PAVNHUNTERS) 1st Bn 14th Inf 3rd Bde "THE BASTARD BRIGADE"
When did you serve? April 1965 thru Dec 1966 Hawaii then Pleiku, Vietnam
Please enter your comments: poem taken from the 3rd Bde "Bronco Bugle" Nov 21, 1966. One tradition established by A/1/14 has been the writing of poetic descriptions of each combat operation that it has participated in since deploying t vietnam. Their action on 13 November 1966 has ben their largest to date and this is how " Alpha Army " of the " Golden Dragons " saw it. "Over on Dragon border, Alpha Army met Charlies mortar. Charlie came in a human wave, but Alpha Army stood true and brave. Each man stood side by side, Realizing ole Charlie was circling wide. Alpa Army showed no fear, while 500 Charlies did appear. The third platoon moved out in front, when they heard ole Charlies mortar thump. First platoon swung to the right, To get ole Charlie in their sight. The second platoon secured the rear, Cause by this time we knew Charlie was near. Alpha Army fought on and on, We thought the battle would last till dawn. Down the hill came Company C, Making ole Charlie pick up and flee. Alpha Army opened the line, To welcome Company C just in time. True men lay side by side, For their country they had died. Alpha's leaders and Privates too, Showed ole Charle what the Dragons could do. As the sound of battle died away, Alph Army Six thought of this day. Of the men he had known for quite a while, Real PAVN HUNTERS, Alpha Army style. The following are the names of those we lost that day. XO, 1Lt Joseph X. Grant, 1Lt Terrance O'rien, Sgt Aaron Blanding, Sp4 Edward Carrola, Sgt Clarence Casto, Pfc Mozie Cole, Pvt Samuel Danna, Sp4 Robert atton, Sp4 Frederick Lider, Pfc James Northern, Pfc Louis Potempo, Sp4 John Schultz, Sp4 William Sperry, Pfc Donald Vaughn, Sp4 Ralph Wats and Pfc Terry Weber. " You will never be forgotten by the Golden Dragons ". You will be in my Heart Forever, I Love You All! Walt McDonald
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11/11/01 08:06:11 AM  
Your name: Jim Cansler
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? Hq Company, 2d Brigade (Sep) (Prov).
When did you serve? 1970-1971
Please enter your comments: Served on Hq staff at Camp Frenzell Jones leading to stand-down of 2d brigade in spring 1971.

11/10/01 04:50:45 PM  
How did you find our site? VIEW THIS SO MUCH IT LOOKS LIKE HOME
What unit did you serve with? 25TH.M.P.CO.1965 TO 1966/////A.CO.2BN.27TH.INF.1964 TO 1965
When did you serve? 1964 TO1966

11/10/01 09:07:54 AM  
Your name: Scott Carver
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 35th Infantry Regiment C Company (great-uncle)
When did you serve? 1941-1945
Please enter your comments: I am looking for anyone who might have known my Great Uncle, Sgt. Stanley Ciemiega. Stanley was from Lowell, Mass. He was stationed at Pearl Harbor during the attack, and fought at Guadalcanal, Vella LaVella, and was killed in action on April 17th, 1945 outside of Balete Pass. (Born 1920- Died 1945)

11/07/01 08:05:48 PM  
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? CO. C 65TH ENGR BN.
When did you serve? AUG 28/67-AUG 28/68
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11/07/01 06:05:10 PM  
Your name: Norman Moore
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? Co A 33rd Trans Bn.4th Pltn. Scofield Bks. Quad C.
When did you serve? 3/60 thru 5/62
Please enter your comments: Sure brings back memories. God bless everyone that served in the military.God bless everyone that is and that will serve in the military.

11/06/01 07:15:47 PM  
Your name: Brian Moore AKA"BMOORE"
How did you find our site? Surfing
What unit did you serve with? Aco. 65th Engineers
When did you serve? 1981-1984
Please enter your comments: I am looking for anyone I served with.I am still in Indy.To Ssg Larry Johnson,thanks for looking out for me.Where in the hell are the rest of you guys?

11/03/01 11:04:27 PM  
Your name: John E. Olson
How did you find our site? thru deltahounds
What unit did you serve with? 25th Admin Co., 25th Inf Div
When did you serve? Dec 67 - May 68
Please enter your comments: Great Site!!!

11/02/01 09:34:05 PM  
Your name: Darrell L Wells
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? Charlie Company 2/12th INF & HQ Company 2/12
When did you serve? April 1970-March 1971
Please enter your comments: I am 53 years old as of 6 October 2001. I served in Viet Nam and Cambodia from April 1970 - March 1971 with Charlie Company 2/12th INF & HQ Company 2/12 of the 25TH INF Div. I saw good and bad time of the conflict in Viet Nam. God Bless America, ALL military personnel and Veterans. Prague OK. 74864. Darrell L Wells 135 Aircraft, APU's and Propulsion Technician OC-ALC/LCRM 3001 Staff Drive STE 2AB192A Tinker AFB, OK 73145-3019 DSN 336-5620, COM (405) 736-5620

11/02/01 07:00:22 AM  
Your name: Terry White
How did you find our site? search engine (metacrawler)
What unit did you serve with? 3/13 Arty
When did you serve? Feb 1968 to Sept 1968
Please enter your comments: Hello, Found this site and was wondering if any of the felas I served with that knew me have checked this site out. Would be great to hear form you.If you knew Hugh DeLaforet, he is living here in the same town as me, and you may contact me to get in touch with him. I don't think anyone will ever forget the heat rash we all got within the first week or so after arriving there. My welcoming committee to Cu-Chi was by the VC shooting at the airplane as we were landing, I had no idea what it was that was making that noise when the bullets hit the metal of the aircraft. If you knew me or Hugh, get in touch. Terry

11/01/01 10:48:41 PM  
How did you find our site? ex member of 25th infantry division association
What unit did you serve with? hhc 4/23 Mech
When did you serve? July 1967-july 1968
Please enter your comments: I have been on this site many times and have talked to some great dudes. They know. They are really appreciated. I would like for the webmaster to enhance this site by putting on some audio to go with the site. Kind of some of the old "cris nowell" format. dig it. later TOMAHAWK FOREVER.

10/31/01 12:12:07 PM  
What is the title of your website? NONE
How did you find our site? BROWZING
What unit did you serve with? G CO 35TH REGT 25TH DIV.
When did you serve? 1951/1952

10/31/01 10:08:44 AM  
Your name: Mike Moschkin
How did you find our site? Life member
What unit did you serve with? Co. A1/27th Infantry (Wolfhounds)
When did you serve? U.S. Army Oct. 14,1964 - Sept. 5, 1968 Wolfhounds Mar. 1965-Oct. 1966
Please enter your comments: I like to start by saying Aloha to all, Debbie and I got home 14th of Oct from the Division Reunion in Hawaii. I wished everyone could have been there the islands are still beautiful and the 25th Infantry Division ( Light) stands tall and ready for duty as we all once had. It was great seeing old faces and even greater meeting new faces. There was plenty to do with all the tours and all. The hospitality room was large enough to accomadate all that were in attendance with the only lack being the availability of refreshments (beer for me)at less than exorbent prices, plus chips and dips. Maybe my disappointment comes from the fact that I used to fullfill the role of tending to the hospitality rooms from collecting donations to insuring all went smoothly a thankless job that I was sure that some one else would surely rise to hurriedly fill that position and yet no one has. I would used to often argue with the executive committee that the hospitality room needed more attention as it was where the heart of the association gatherings as it was/is the center of social life at our gatherings as we related war stories or any stories for that matter to each other and break out in roaring laughter as we enjoyed just being around each other. I stepped away from the hospitality room duty so I could sit around and mingle with the other guys an tell stories in the mean time I watched as the room got larger and more people would come out to the room to mingle with each other to show pictures, books, or just trade memories. I know things are little different now with most hotels with there policies about how and where alcohol is concerned but there is always a little leeway given to large groups like ours to obtain our business, so I am once again volounteering to take over the operation of the hospitality rooms once again. But I also have another issue to bring forth for discussion and that is about our chapters. When I first joined the association in 1982 the only chapters were

10/29/01 06:00:41 PM  
Your name: Paul R. Garland
How did you find our site? help from a buddy
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve? 5th RCT Co H
Please enter your comments: Served with the 25th Division in Korea in 1952. Was in Co H 5th RCT. Belong to Association Seeking a William F. Greene from Chgo Ill who I served with.

10/29/01 10:48:01 AM  
Your name: Dick F. Dent
How did you find our site? browising
What unit did you serve with? Delta CO 3/22
When did you serve? 1970
Please enter your comments: Great site, will be returning soon. I ran out of time.

10/28/01 07:32:02 PM  
Your name: William F "Bill" Johnson
What unit did you serve with? "E" 65th Engineer's
When did you serve? Jan 66/Feb67
Please enter your comments: Retired the Webtv and bought a PC today so I have a new e-mail address. God bless the USA

10/28/01 02:02:44 PM  
Your name: Darryl Ferriera
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? Co A 2nd 27th
When did you serve? V N
Please enter your comments: Looking for buddy who were in 3rd pltoon July 67 till 68

10/28/01 01:25:47 PM  
Your name: daniel sullivan
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 27th infantry
When did you serve? 1960-1962
Please enter your comments: I am looking for members of the "Cossack drill team". We represented the Wolfhounds in 1960.

10/28/01 01:07:05 PM  
Your name: Philippe E. Saunier
How did you find our site? Browsing
What unit did you serve with? B-2/35, 3rd Bde 25 Inf. Div
When did you serve? Sept 65 to Jan 67
Please enter your comments: Would like to hear from others who served at that time. Stelzer, John Ayala, Caudle, Sgt. Brown,

10/28/01 06:42:13 AM  
Your name: Mike Stepanski
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? D Co 65th Engrs
When did you serve? APR 68- APR 69
Please enter your comments: Still looking for anyone that served with me during my time in VN thnx mike stepanski

10/27/01 06:05:30 PM  
Your name: Fred Edwards
How did you find our site? Surf'n
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: I'm looking for anyone who served with the 65th Combat Engineers in Korea. My brother-in-law was with the unit in Japan , then sent to Korea. His name is Robert Barth. Does anyone out there remember him If so contact me and I'll get him on the line. Thanks Much.

10/26/01 03:32:26 PM  
Your name: Mike (MOKE) Mokler
How did you find our site? Past Visit
What unit did you serve with? HHC 25th S&T BTLN
When did you serve? 74-76
Please enter your comments: Hi from South Boston. Would like to say hello to all who served with the 25th. On Saturday 10/27/01 close to 100 Medal Of Honor recipients from accross the country will arrive in South Boston Mass for the 20th Anniv of the South Boston Vietnam Memorial. God bless you all,and GOD BLESS AMERICA.

10/26/01 10:55:52 AM  
Your name: JOIE KERNS
How did you find our site? BROWSING
What unit did you serve with? C CO 2D 14TH INFANTRY
When did you serve? MARCH 1968 THRU MARCH 1969

10/26/01 09:59:18 AM  
Your name: Ron Hart
How did you find our site? Through 25th Div. Assn. newsletter
What unit did you serve with? 3/4 Cav., 5th Mech.
When did you serve? Feb. 1967 - Feb. 1968
Please enter your comments: Anybody know how to obtain medals which appear on DD214 but were never received? Would like to have them to at least give them to my kids someday. I served for 3 months in the commo platoon with the 3/4 Cav., then for 9 months with the 5th Mech. Served at Cu Chi, Tay Ninh and for a while around the Nui Ba Den area.

10/25/01 08:41:24 PM  
Your name: William Justin Miller`
How did you find our site? 25th Inf Div Assoc
What unit did you serve with? 25th Avn Bn; A Co 1st Platoon; 25th Inf Div Avn Officer
When did you serve? Nov 1968 - Nov 1969
Please enter your comments: I have some good pictures for the archives-one of the Holiday Inn Cu Chi Was in Hawaii for October Reunion and plan to be back for Veteran's Day weekend. Is there any activities scheduled that I might particiapate?

10/25/01 01:27:32 PM  
Your name: Rod Murray
How did you find our site? Search Engine
What unit did you serve with? 725th Maintenance Bn
When did you serve? 1979-1982
Please enter your comments: I worked in the motor pool / maintenance shop across the road from B Quad. I worked with Billy Tice, Rob Downey, Steve Saylor, Garth "Doc" Nogle, Larry ?, Vernon Kong, Wade McCarty, "Bert" Heath and a bunch of other good guys. Also became good friends with Vic Senyk, Terry Bishop (now passed away), Greg Dimicelli, Terry Edwards, Bill Yohn, Carl Fielding, and Mike Kelly. It was a great place and a great time of my life. Shaka

10/25/01 05:06:09 AM  
Your name: Judy Platt
How did you find our site? military usa reunion site
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: While my husband manned his "gun", the "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" in Viet Nam and Cambodia our daughter was born....31 years ago. I was never so proud as when I watched him stand during the playing of "The Caissons Keep Rolling Along" at a performance by the Marine Band this past week. God Bless America, and my wonderful "Sgt. Doug"!

10/25/01 02:33:51 AM  
Your name: Wade Morrow
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? HHC/Maintanance 2/34 armor 25 Division
When did you serve? March 68 March 69
Please enter your comments: Great site. Would like to hear from anyone in the old unit.

10/24/01 10:22:16 PM  
Your name: Jim Claeys
What is the title of your website? Vietnam Pictures, Maps & Memorabilia
How did you find our site? Google
What unit did you serve with? 4th Inf Div (6/29th Arty & 3/8th Inf)
When did you serve? 1969-70
Please enter your comments: Very nice website! I was with 4th Inf Div in 1969-70 at Pleiku-An Khe. WANTED: Audiotapes of Vietnam radio traffic, fire missions, firefights, incoming, cockpit tapes, AFVN, etc. Also Vietnam home movies on VHS. I have LOTS of the same to trade and can email my listings. Thanks!
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10/24/01 12:19:54 PM  
Your name: Merle E. Layport
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 135 Inf. Reg.
When did you serve? 1944 to 1946
Please enter your comments: I'm writing this in memory of my father (Merle E. Layport) He served with the 135 Inf. Reg. 25th Div. in the Philippines and in Japan. He fought in the Luzon campaign and was one of the first units in Japan after the surrender. Dad has passed away back in May of 1992. But I know how much he thought of his Army experiences and memories. I thought I might get lucky and hear from his friends who remembered him. My best wishes to the men of the 25th Div. ....sincerely, Mark Layport

10/24/01 05:53:00 AM  
Your name: COL T. M. Carlin, U.S. Army Ret.
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What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: Sir-- I have a friend who was not in the military and has asked me if I could help to locate someone. Unfortunately they only remember that the man was a Major named Terwilliger and stationed at Schofield Barracks in the 1979-1980 time frame. I assume that the good Major was with the 25th ID so I thought I'd start the search here. Can you help? Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

10/24/01 05:38:20 AM  
Your name: Jack Noble
How did you find our site? serving
What unit did you serve with? B Trp 3/4 Cav
When did you serve? 1968-1970
Please enter your comments: Just wanted to sign on, and feel free to E-mail me. Looking for 3/4 cav members. looking for those who served 68,69, 70, or really anyone else interested in communicating about the cav

10/23/01 06:21:22 PM  
Your name: Sgt. Kurt Neumann
How did you find our site? Looking for Tropic Lightning info
What unit did you serve with? HHB 1-62 ADA "Aim High"
When did you serve? 1979-1982
Please enter your comments: Just looking for some of the gang from the 1-62 such as Ski,Blais,Keith, or anyone else who thought that Hawaii was all fun and no duty!

10/23/01 06:14:22 AM  
Your name: Dick Arnold
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? A, 1/35 May 1967-May 1968
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: Hello All, Dick Arnold, President of the 35th Infantry (Cacti) Regiment Association. I have completed a statistical study of the 616 Cacti Vietnam deaths.Criteria includes: rank, age, time in-country at death,cause of death, Regular v. Draftee in many categories, marital status, race, residence, number of deaths per incident, and many others. I am not claiming this study is representative of all infantry battalions but I believe much of the data is relevant to all.It will help to put to bed such canards as: how old we really were. Will provide free to any interested parties. Best Wishes, Dick

10/22/01 04:21:22 PM  
Your name: Charles Little
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 2/32nd Armor Division
When did you serve? Jan 69 thru Jan 70
Please enter your comments: I am looking for anyone who served with me in Cu Chi from Jan 69-Jan 70. Please email me. Thank you, Charles Little

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