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03/20/01 03:19:00 AM  
Your name:Jim Parent
What is the title of your website?looking for
How did you find our site?served with the 25th
What unit did you serve with?HHC 1/5 medic
When did you serve?1974 thru 1977
Please enter your comments:this is a two parter, first does anyone know where a (1976) captain gary I. Keller, and his boot licking, tennis playing tom knowles went to hide. I was detached to Co.B,25th med. Bn in 1976 because that company was very short of medices.The reason was keller and knowles were kicking all the medics out of the army. one of the sgts. told one of the medics to go to the motor pool and get his rig to go to the field.when the medic got back to the quad he had missed formation. keller and knowles both charged the man with being awol.and put the man in for a court marshall.and this is only one example, there are many more.keller would get a medic in his office and scream at him.between keller and knowles they must have kicked out a good 20 medics from the army. and these were hard working medics. iknow knowles went to el paso in 1977, but do not know where he went from there.and keller left co.b in late 1976. i would like to know where they ended up at.I know fo a fact keller did get into trouble by the battalion commander. how low did these two me get, one of the platoon sgts. had 1 year to retire,keller and knowles both signed papers that the sgt was always drunk while on duty.( the sgt never was). but they still kicked him out of the army before he could retire. second part of this is that i am looking for medics from the 1/5 from 1974 to 1976, mainly looking for a 91c by the name of allen hendricks from brownsville,texas. last i heard he ets and stayed in hawaii. went to work for the navy i think at the post exchange. also looking for doc mitchell,the only man who could give himself his own shots.and jd (straight razor) boone. he always carried a razor in his boot. if anyone knows anything about these guys, please let me know...Jim

03/19/01 08:44:26 PM  
Your name:Steve Wills
How did you find our site?surfing
What unit did you serve with?Divarty Aviation
When did you serve?1/70 to 12/70
Please enter your comments:Was a crewchief on a LOH called Super Bee. Callsign was Blaster 87. Flew with a group a great guys known as Jesus' Children. (They know what I'm referring to) Enjoyed reading the messages. Does anyone know if Cu Chi Basecamp is still there? Good luck to all and definitely stay out of the HOBOS! Steve / Kentucky

03/19/01 04:21:33 PM  
Your name:Thomas Cadman
What unit did you serve with?4th 23rd Mech HHC Flame Platoon
When did you serve?January 1968 to October 1968
Please enter your comments:TC, You mentioned a Sgt Hicks. Is this the same Sgt Hicks who ran the Flame Platoon from 67 through 68. I have tried to get a lead on him. He was a good soldier. Let me know.

03/19/01 02:55:19 PM  
Your name:Robert Ramirez
What unit did you serve with?3/8 Inf, 4th Inf Div, 2/12 Cav,1st Cav div
When did you serve?4-70/10-70......11/70-4-71
Please enter your comments:Looking for info about David F. Santa-Cruz KIA 5-30-70, 25th Inf Div.

03/19/01 12:49:14 PM  
Your name:Lawrence (Hippie) Herrbach
How did you find our site?Magic
What unit did you serve with?Co B 4th / 23rd
When did you serve?69 / 70
Please enter your comments:Just checking in... (TC... You got my curiousity up.... I remember those things.... How about a name to go with those initals).....

03/19/01 09:44:58 AM  
Your name:Dick Arnold
What unit did you serve with?A., 1/35
When did you serve?May 1967-may 1968
Please enter your comments:Hello All, I am the Cacti historian doing the project to identify all 3rd Brigade kias down to the company and battalion. Still need unit for following 25th soldier: Sp4 Amalio Pagan-Pagan Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico Age 21 Started Tour:9/21/66 DOW: 3/27/67, Small Arms Province: Binh Dinh Note: if Province is correct, would be 1/14 or 1/35. Thanks,Dick

03/19/01 08:11:02 AM  
Your name:Ron Poserina
How did you find our site?surfing
What unit did you serve with?C Co 2/22 (1/1 Track) & HHC 25th Div
When did you serve?Jan 70 - Feb 71
Please enter your comments:(no comment)

03/19/01 08:10:47 AM  
Your name:Steve Millard
What unit did you serve with?18th Military History Det.
When did you serve?'68-'69
Please enter your comments:Hi folks... I was a combat artist stationed at Cu Chi around 1968++. Enjoyed hanging out with all you 'bunker line' guys in the 'Iron Triangle' region...especially Tay 'Rocket City' Ninh, on top of Nui 'Black Virgin' Ba Den, and...hmmm...what was the name of that town with the French 'above ground' swimming pool? 'Hope ya'll got our Combat Art book when you left! A special 'thank you' to you warrant officers for those great 'Loach' rides!!! Take Care!

03/18/01 05:39:52 PM  
Your name:Jonathon Crane
How did you find our site?From a Friend
What unit did you serve with?HHC 1st Bn., 14th Infantry 81mm Mortar Platoon
When did you serve?92-96
Please enter your comments:Looking for anyone who served in the 81 platoon form Jan 92 until Jan 96, or went to basic ant the end of 91 at D2/58 at Ft. Benning.

03/18/01 04:44:36 PM  
Your name:Wiley Dodd (Tiny)
What is the title of your website?35th Infantry Association
How did you find our site?Link
What unit did you serve with?Recon 2/35th
When did you serve?Jan.6th 69 to Jan.6th 70
Please enter your comments:Great website! Looking for all members of Recon and E company 2/35th. Have Association and Reunion info. Wiley Dodd (Tiny) Sgt. at Arms 35th Infantry Association Recon 2/35th 1969
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03/18/01 11:58:25 AM  
Your name:Charlie Grof
How did you find our site?By accident
What unit did you serve with?3rd Brigade, 25th Div.,(725th Maintenance)
When did you serve?October 1966 to August 1967
Please enter your comments: Would like to hear from any of the guys who were there with me.

03/18/01 11:45:48 AM  
Your name:William G. Coody
How did you find our site?SEARCH FOR IT
What unit did you serve with?BRTY A 1/8 th Arty
When did you serve?MAY 1968 To May 1969
Please enter your comments: Looking for friends who I serviced with in that year. Either the 1st gun section or the ammo section. Telephone number in phone book if needed. And to the wolfhounds Company C 2/27th proud to have served with and be of help when needed

03/18/01 10:51:43 AM  
Your name:TC
How did you find our site?via 25 th association
What unit did you serve with?co b 4bn 23 inf.
When did you serve?1969 1970
Please enter your comments:boy, moving up in years. 32 yrs. ago. cant say as i miss the cooking though although the cooks did an outstanding job with what they had to work with. I saw a couple of people had logged in from the 3rd platoon. how is the sgt pepper gang doing. how about Willie the 3-3track driver. Johnnie Jones from south about sgt hicks. remember the night loggers at the base of the mountain. the time of the firefight at the village 6/1/69 and the one in sept. when a track got stuck in 9/1/69. dont forget the cambodian tour. then finally the homeward bound ride to the sea. god bless Danny P. and Bob R.

03/18/01 08:34:38 AM  
Your name:Jim Fielder
How did you find our site?been here before
What unit did you serve with?3rd of 13th c battery
When did you serve?1968-1969
Please enter your comments:Jim has been told he has hepatitis C and that it has gone into cirrohis. He had a transfusion when he was wounded while he was in service. I said this to ask, have you been checked for hepatitis C. 10 percent of the people with hepatitis C are veterans and most of them are the ones that served in Vietnam. If you haven't been checked please go and find out. This is a silent killer that you don't know you have until it almost to late. For yourself and your loved ones get check out.

03/18/01 01:43:45 AM  
Your name:John Naber
How did you find our site?luck
What unit did you serve with?HHC 1/14
When did you serve?Jan92-Oct95
Please enter your comments:Served with the mortar platoon and would like to here from other Golden Dragons.

03/16/01 10:31:19 AM  
Your name:herb mueller
How did you find our site?surf
What unit did you serve with?2/12/125th
When did you serve?Jan 30 68 to june 23 69
Please enter your comments:I currently am doing a research project on Nui Ba Den. I would like those connected with this mountain to contact me. Any unit that may have been involved with Nui is invited to respond. Thank You - Herb /

03/15/01 01:45:43 PM  
Your name:Donatta Gallegos
How did you find our site?Surfing/curiosity/dads name/David Shono
What unit did you serve with?I am in the AF/my dad - 1st Bat, 5th Inf, Co A - now retired
When did you serve?I am currently serving - My dad retired around 1989
Please enter your comments:If you knew my dad, please let me know. My dad is looking for a man named Zeick. I'm not sure what unit he served with. I know he knew him in Ft. Riley. They were really good friends.

03/14/01 06:54:38 PM  
What unit did you serve with?HHC 3RD BDE 25 INF DIV
When did you serve?OCT, 1966-OCT, 1967

03/14/01 05:24:03 PM  
Your name:Joe Saunders
How did you find our site?From 187 AHC
What unit did you serve with?187 Assault Helocopter Co./269 Combat Aviation Bn.
When did you serve?68-70
Please enter your comments:Crusader 3 68-70: 15 Months as Operations Officer/Command & Control for 187 AHC/ Black Baron 2-70: C & C Cambodian Operation

03/14/01 02:51:51 PM  
Your name:Larry Tucker
How did you find our site?Searched
What unit did you serve with?N/A
When did you serve?N/A
Please enter your comments:I am looking for any information on former classmate 2LT Ernest Swoner of Nashville,TN. He was killed on Sunday 23FEB1969 in the Binh Duong Province, South Vietnam. Any information about his unit or that Sunday would be greatly appreciated.

03/14/01 12:04:35 PM  
Your name:Michael Hunt
How did you find our site?Searched for it
What unit did you serve with?25th Avn Bn 341st Avn Det Cu Chi
When did you serve?November 1968 - April 1970
Please enter your comments:Excellent site. Thanks for giving us a place to remember and share. I served with 25th Avation Battalion. I worked in Battalion TOC, (search & rescue) also the Littlebears as flight operations coordinator. I don't know if anyone remembers our bear mascot who drank vodka and would get out of his cage. Our first sargeant's name was Rodriguiz. I next was transfered to 341st avn det. We controlled all airfield operations re-arm, fuel, the air tower and GCA. If any one was in these units with me give me a holler.

03/14/01 09:37:17 AM  
Your name:R. Scott Kell
How did you find our site?Search for military unit sites
What unit did you serve with?B. Co 3 Bn 21 Inf Reg 25 Inf Div (L)
When did you serve?July 89 to Feb 93
Please enter your comments:Just putting my name out there for anyone who was in the Battalion during my tour who knew me can get in touch. "Gimlets!"

03/14/01 08:39:44 AM  
Your name:Roger G. Montgomery
How did you find our site?Frequent visitor/"Lifer"
What unit did you serve with?242nd ASH Co,269th CAB,Charlie-Charlie.
When did you serve? 67-68
Please enter your comments:I'd like to remind/mention to, all Aviation Types(Lobos,Diamond Heads,Little Bears,Centaurs,Crusaders,Black Barons,Black Widows,Black Aces,Black Hawks,Hornets,Stingers,Muleskinners,Etc-hope I didn't forget any),There will be a reunion of the Vietnam Hel.Crewmans Assn. In Louisville,Ky. June 20-23 2001. Get info. from the VHCMA Site,or call 1-800-842-6201. Hope to see"Lightenings Wings"represented TX R.R.

03/14/01 05:03:17 AM  
Your name:Robert S. Sallee
What unit did you serve with?2/12 Warriors
When did you serve?Jan. 13, 1979 - Dec. 8, 1970
Please enter your comments:(no comment)

03/13/01 05:02:53 PM  
Your name:Jeff Price
How did you find our site?other site
Please enter your comments:I want to extend an Invitation to all Vets. to attend a Militaria Show at the Pa Farm Show complex. The show which runs the last weekend of March (March 31-April 1) will have displays from all wars. There will be a setup of Vietnam Era vehicles, with reenactors also setting up, with period uniforms and equip. Iam planning on attending, dressed as a Lrrp/Ranger from the 25th Inf. Admission is a few bucks, but well worth it. If you get a chance please stop by and check it out and don't forget to stop by the hooch, Ill be in Tigers. Thanks Jeff Price HOOOOOAH!!!!!

03/13/01 03:20:16 PM  
What unit did you serve with?C CO. 1/5 ( MECH) 25TH INFANTRY
When did you serve?JANUARY 66 - SEPTEMBER 66
Please enter your comments:I would like to get in contact with all my buddies from man. you to sargent boone.

03/13/01 01:52:07 PM  
Your name:Young Jester (Tink)
What unit did you serve with?Co A 3d Bn 22nd Inf 25th Inf Div
When did you serve?69-70
Please enter your comments:Looking for all the great guys I served with in Tay Ninh

03/13/01 11:29:09 AM  
How did you find our site?A/2/12/ INF .ALPHA ASSN.
What unit did you serve with?A/2/12INF. AND D/2/12 INF. 4TH INF DIV. AND 25TH INF DIV.
When did you serve?APRIL 1967 TO NOV. 1967.

03/13/01 11:15:03 AM  
Your name:Andres Piedra
How did you find our site?
Please enter your comments:I am looking for anyone that may have information about Henry Robert Lopez. He was an 11B20 and was killed in the Phuoc Long province of South Vietnam on February 5th, 1967. I would like to know his unit information and possibly anything else you may have. My mother was a good friend of his. I am going into BMT at the end of April; Time is of the essence. Thank you. Andres O Piedra

03/13/01 10:26:31 AM  
Your name:Michael Pectol
What is the title of your website?277 Army Field Artillery...
How did you find our site?hit one of our hyper region links
What unit did you serve with?Shipped with HHB, 6/77FA, transferred to HHB, 2/77FA (Foreign Student Exchange Program)
When did you serve?5/67 -4/68
Please enter your comments:Great Site! You're doing a great job, Paul. Invite anyone who would like to see the 2 & 6/77FA in photos, and stories,people who serverd with us, people who were served by us..any interested parties...Visit us at the website. Sign our guestbook. We also have a rosters page that needs YOU on it, so your buddies can FIND you. Everyone, thanks for serving your country, and making the 25th the Best Damn Division in the Best Army in the world! Mikie
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03/13/01 09:12:36 AM  
Your name:George A. Glaze
Please enter your comments:Sir, I am enroute to serve with the 25th ID (L) this summer. I have two questions. First, I am interested in joining your association. Please provide the ability to do so. Second, I am writing a paper here at Leavenworth and am curious to hear your suggested reading on the history of the 25th ID (L). It is part of my paper and will soon be part of my service. Thanks, George Glaze

03/12/01 05:29:35 PM  
Your name:Norris W. Henley
How did you find our site?25th Infantry Division Association newsletter
What unit did you serve with?HHC 3rd Brigade and Co D 2nd Bn, 12th Inf
When did you serve?April 1968-April 1969
Please enter your comments:Would like to find John Paul Little from Beaumont Texas who served with me. Also, any of the other friends from these groups. Thanks again, Norris Henley
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03/12/01 03:28:44 PM  
Your name:robert hendley
How did you find our site?search
What unit did you serve with?2/77th, "B" Batt
When did you serve?67-68
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03/12/01 11:09:14 AM  
Your name:Donald E.Patton, Retired CSM
What is the title of your website?Pierce County JSC McChord Outsation
How did you find our site?Searching the 25th Inf Div Web-site
What unit did you serve with?C Company 4th Bn [Mech] 23th Inf 25th Inf Div
When did you serve?Cu Chi ,Viet Nam March 66- February 67
Please enter your comments:We the Veterans of C Company 4-23 Inf are having a yearly get togeather in Reno, Nv starting on April 2- April 5 2001. You may know some of the guys , Bobby Gilbert. Vic Baty, Donald Mead, Art Stevenson, Kitrell, Anthony Seiwert,Henry Rominske, William Edwins. We Would welcome any old members that are going to be in Reno during this time to look us up. We are staying at Harrahs Hotel. If you would like to attend one some year send me a e-mail to find out where we will be next year.Hope to hear from some of you that served with us.
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03/11/01 08:16:43 PM  
Your name:marcos molina
How did you find our site?surfing by
What unit did you serve with?2\12 "b"co.
When did you serve?69
Please enter your comments:like to here from fitiz,terry,saunders,bradley;

03/11/01 01:20:33 PM  
What is the title of your website?
How did you find our site?regular visitor
What unit did you serve with?A Co. 65th Engr. also 10th Engr. 3rd Inf. 10/65 to 1/67
When did you serve?2/67 to 2/68
Please enter your comments:Regular visitor. Keeping my presence current. Question-is there a membership roster available for the association?

03/10/01 12:53:16 PM  
Your name:john walzer
How did you find our site?surfing
What unit did you serve with?27th regt. 2nd bn.H&H co. P&A platoon
When did you serve?korea-april to dec. 1952
Please enter your comments:would like to locate anyone who was in the same unit around the same time

03/10/01 12:27:30 PM  
Your name:Charlie Taliaferro
What is the title of your website?THE KITCHEN TABLE GANG
How did you find our site?friend
Please enter your comments:We are trying to get the word out about our project and thought perhaps you might be able to help us. Military veterans . . . WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!!! Have you ever done time in a veteran's hospital? This not-for-profit group works to lessen the bleakness that permeates all Veterans Administration hospitals. Check out the Kitchen Table Gang Trust at A lot of military veterans have deemed our efforts worthy of support and we hope you will too. Thanks!
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03/05/01 07:37:07 PM  
Your name:Ronald (Dickerson) Major
How did you find our site?found it in 98, but I check it out often
What unit did you serve with?CO A 1-14, 1st platoon
When did you serve?1964-1966
Please enter your comments:I am constantly looking for my comrads. I found my. buddy Grago in philly

03/05/01 05:27:03 PM  
Your name:nathan baker
What unit did you serve with?company b, 1/19th infantry 25th division
When did you serve?1972-1974
Please enter your comments:ROCK STEADY! Its great to know that the 25th Division is so well represented. Keep up the good work. Anyone who knows James Gaudiello who served with the 25th in vietnam 1970-1971, or Randy Baldwin who served with the 101st. Please contact me. Thanks, doc baker

03/05/01 07:47:56 AM  
Your name:Barry Bergamo
How did you find our site?surfing
What unit did you serve with?75th Ranger.
When did you serve?71-71
Please enter your comments:I was with the 25th for a short time before you guys came home.I was wondering if anyone remembered me.I was transfered to the 23rd because I was in-country only 3 wks before the 25th went home..

03/05/01 06:37:15 AM  
Your name:Connie T. Gay
How did you find our site?I hunted
What unit did you serve with?Wife of Retired US Army 06 & Sister of Retired USAF MSGT
Please enter your comments:Last Sunday our church, St. Robert Bellarmine, Arabi, Louisiana, spoke of the 13 Feb tragedy. The message was that everyone and the media are concentrating on Dale Ernhardt's tragic death, but your tragedy (our tragedy) was wisked away as if this were insignificant. The point is that we must adjust our priorities. Our entire church prayed for the families and friends of these fallen soldiers. Also, 1st Lt Brett Saffell is the son of an old friend, my relief was one of the most powerful emotions I have ever experienced. Actually, it was the same emotion I felt when my younger brother stepped off the plane from Desert Storm (USAF 926th). May God bless and keep you all in His tender care. Thank all of you for all you endure for our great country. With deepest sincerety and sympathy, Connie T. Gay

03/04/01 08:37:41 PM  
Your name:Donald Slowik
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?25th MP Company
When did you serve?Jan 1966- Aug 1966
Please enter your comments:Served in Schofield Barracks, Hawaii and was shipped out in Jan 66 on the USNS Pope transport ship for Chu Chi. Lost a very dear friend in Chu Chi named Joseph Mamaletti from New York City. He died from the result of an accidental discharge of a M-14 rifle in basecamp.

03/04/01 08:23:46 PM  
Your name:Charles R Wallace
What unit did you serve with?Hdg Btry 64th FABN
When did you serve?54 55
Please enter your comments:Looking for anyone who served with me. I was also in 158th FABN A Btry in 53 54. May God go with those who have served, and those who will serve. Lancer Vince

03/04/01 07:39:58 PM  
Your name:Steve Hannafon
How did you find our site?Netscape Search Engine
What unit did you serve with?1/5th Infantry (Bobcats)
When did you serve?77-80
Please enter your comments:New to the website. Would like to chat with former unit members.

03/04/01 05:27:59 PM  
Your name:Frank Whalen
How did you find our site?25 div. association magazine
What unit did you serve with?1st Bn. 5th Inf.---Bobcats
When did you serve?1968--1969
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03/04/01 11:55:25 AM  
Your name:markus
What is the title of your website?by chance
How did you find our site?by chance
What unit did you serve with?co B 4/23
When did you serve?June -69 - Sept 1970
Please enter your comments:HI looking for Sullivan -Tom Silva - SGT Likins - Sgt Edward Demary - any guys from the 3rd platoon 30 - 33 track.Also the Ist Sgt from Boston Mass.How about Cpt Drew. They were strange times,but a chance to meet good people.

03/03/01 06:03:34 PM  
Your name:Rick Lambert
How did you find our site?search
What unit did you serve with?CoA 1/27th Woulfounds
When did you serve?June 69-June 70
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03/02/01 06:07:10 PM  
Your name:R. Lee Neal
How did you find our site?brousing netscape
What unit did you serve with?4/23 25th inf
When did you serve?mar, 68 to may 68
Please enter your comments:apc hite mine may 11 1968

03/02/01 12:46:40 PM  
Your name:Henry H Ten Broek
How did you find our site?tropic lightning
What unit did you serve with? Co D 89th Tank Bn.
When did you serve? Aug 1950 -Sept 1951
Please enter your comments:I would like to hear from any person that was in Co D. Page Co C 89th

03/02/01 07:41:17 AM  
Your name:SFC Thomas Earley
How did you find our site?25th ID Assn. Life Member
What unit did you serve with?A-Troop 3/4 Cav.
When did you serve?FEB 97- NOV 99
Please enter your comments:My best assignment. I loved being a Scout Platoon Sergeant in A-Troop. I will always remember my soldiers and thier albility to always get the job done. You guys set the standards! Best wishes to all Tropic Lightning Vets. Aloha

03/01/01 09:50:48 PM  
Your name:Robert Rosewall
How did you find our site?Surfing
What unit did you serve with?I co. 35th inf reg.
When did you serve? 1945-1949
Please enter your comments: Stationed at Camp Otsu 1945-1946. "I" Co. transferd to Miazuru for repatration duty 1947. Sent to Gifu for military government assignment 1948-1949. Sounds like I'm one of the few old men still around. Would like to hear from anyone who knows any thing of this time frame.

03/01/01 08:08:17 PM  
Your name:Terry Anderson
Please enter your comments:In the spring of 1942, the 3rd Bn of the 161st Inf Regt was filmed by John Ford while in Hawaii for a documentary. If anyone knows where a person can get a copy of this film, I would like to be able to see it. My uncle Joe Dobler and several of his buddies were in the segment where they are marching into a church (probably a chapel).

03/01/01 07:14:08 PM  
Your name:Charles T. Saul
How did you find our site?return visit
What unit did you serve with?at Cu Chi, 2nd/22nd
When did you serve?there from 1970-1971
Please enter your comments:Actually this is Tammy, Charles's daughter. I am returning to this site in hopes to find more information for my father. I am trying to find a fellow serviceman of his by the name of Don Eckard. I know he servied with him during that timeframe. I served in the United States Navy and I value the continuance of being close with my fellow saliors. My father, after all these years, asked me to help him find some of his. Although I never served during War, from my 8 year military experiance, I know how close you can get with fellow service men and women. I would like anyone with information about Don or anyone with information on "tripple douce" please send me an e-mail. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

03/01/01 05:07:30 PM  
Your name:Curtis Morrow
What is the title of your website?One of the last Buffalo soldiers
What unit did you serve with?G-Co. 24th RCT Rifleman
When did you serve?Dec. 4. 1950 to Sept. 1 1951
Please enter your comments:Dear Comrade: IN conjunction with the 50th anniversary commemoration of the Korean War, not only am I making myself available for presentations and book signings (to study groups) throughout the years 2000 through 2003. ( I am the author of WHAT'S A COMMIE EVER DONE TO BLACK PEOPLE?) I am also making a reminiscing trip to Korea. March 7 will be the 50th anniversary of the Han-river crossing. The 24th Infantry Regiment Combat Team, of the 25th Division, spearheaded this battle, during the United Nations last retaking of Seoul, South Korea. It was later learned that the Supreme Commander, General Matthew B. Ridgway, characterized this battle as the most successful single action fought by troops under his command during either World War II in Europe or in Korea. I plan to stand on the shore of that river and, remember those, our comrades, that gave their very-all that faithless day. Any suggestion or assistance you might have will be greatly appreciated My website>> Sincerely. Curtis J. Morrow P-R 24th. RCT Association Illinois Chapter and Author.
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03/01/01 07:17:39 AM  
Your name:Charles Taliaferro
What is the title of your website?THE KITCHEN TABLE GANG
How did you find our site?friend
Please enter your comments:Great web site and resource! Military veterans . . . WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!!! Have you ever done time in a veteran's hospital? This not-for-profit group works to lessen the bleakness that permeates all Veterans Administration hospitals. Check out the Kitchen Table Gang Trust at A lot of military veterans have deemed our efforts worthy of support and we hope you will too. Thanks!
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02/28/01 08:41:54 PM  
Your name:Wallace Craig
What is the title of your website?Vietnam Seminar
How did you find our site?Thoughtful reflection
What unit did you serve with?1/35th
Please enter your comments:Thanks for the great article on Swede Larsen in the latest "CACTI" newsletter. I forwarded it to Gen. Hal Moore who knows the Ia Drang area well, was a fast friend of Swedes, and saw him only weeks before his untimely death. Also any personnel in the Texas/NM area, the attached website outlines a seminar we are having 24 March. Hope to see some 25th troops!
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02/28/01 07:29:09 AM  
Your name:Rusty Craft
How did you find our site?Surfing
What unit did you serve with?B Co 1/27 Wolfhounds Cu Chi
When did you serve?1967
Please enter your comments:Would like to hear from anyone who remembers names and faces.

02/27/01 02:44:00 PM  
Your name:Joseph T. Broccoli
How did you find our site?friend
What unit did you serve with?27th Reg WOLFHOUND C o F
When did you serve?7/8/43 to 2/15/46
Please enter your comments:Have been trying to locate anyone for quite a few years with no success. Would like to find some old buddies if possible and reunion news. Looking for any veteran who served in F Co 27th Inf reg during Luzon campaign and Occupation duty at Gifu Japan.

02/27/01 10:56:22 AM  
Your name:Bill Costello
How did you find our site?Chuck jones,fellow 25th div.Viet nam vet.
What unit did you serve with?25th admin. in CuChi and Hq. Hq. Co. 1/27 Inf. in Tay Ninh
When did you serve?1967 & 1968
Please enter your comments: Just want to say hi and welcome back to the world to all my brothers.And if Greg Corbett from Wash.State or Kenny Green from Texas is out there drop me a line.Great site,keep up the good work and thanks for being there.

02/27/01 10:52:51 AM  
Your name:Jeff Cahen
How did you find our site?Vietnam Veterans Homepage
What unit did you serve with?101st Airborne Div. Infantry
When did you serve?11-68/11-69
Please enter your comments:Nam Vets of the 25th Infantry: I am searching for someone from the 25th who may remember one of their own, Jerry N. Creasy. I am trying to connect Jerry's family with anyone who served with him in Vietnam. Jerry came in country June 20,1969 and was KIA August 19,1969 in Tay Ninh province. Jerry's mos was 11B10, grunt. His home of record was Hillisburg,Indiana. Any help with closure for the family would be greatly appreciated. Jeff Cahen Lebanon,IN

02/27/01 09:29:49 AM  
Your name:Mike Smith
How did you find our site?Surfed in
What unit did you serve with?D-2-4/9 (Manchus) 25th Inf Division
When did you serve?1969
Please enter your comments:Looking for Manchu brothers from Delta Co., 2nd platoon, 3rd squad. (4/9th Inf 25th Div)

02/27/01 05:40:12 AM  
Your name:Douglas V. Johnson Ii
How did you find our site?From the Div Magazine
What unit did you serve with?3d Bde (At Pleiku-Bong Son-Duc Pho) 2/19th FA
When did you serve?1967
Please enter your comments:Looking for information on the Tunnel work done by the 3d Bde (Possibly converted to the 3d Bde, 4th Div by then) in the vicinity of Chu Lai. I believe the complex was discovered by 1/14th Inf who I know were tasked to exploit them. 1/35th may have been the discovering unit.

02/26/01 05:49:46 PM  
Your name:Mister W
What is the title of your website?Mister W's Home Page
How did you find our site?via Vets Com
What unit did you serve with?830th Sig Svc Co, 1st Sig Cen Team, 27th Armd Sig Bn
When did you serve?1942-1967
Please enter your comments:Have enjoyed browsing your site, a very fine job. I searched for info on the 25th because I had an inquiry from a man who served with the 25th in Hawaii, I believe 67-70 and he was looking for info on officers and men who served around that time. Any help will be appreciated. Will appreciate your visiting my site and would be proud to have you link to it. regards Bill MrWBanner (7000bytes)
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02/26/01 03:48:31 PM  
Your name:Patrick Thomas
How did you find our site?reference
What unit did you serve with?3/22nd D Co. 1st platoon
When did you serve?March to August 1969
Please enter your comments:I am returning to Nam for the 1st time and would like to find a map or maps of the Tay Ninh AO circa 1969. I intend to visit the sites of FSB's Crook, Washington, Rock Crusher et.. I would greatly appreciate the help I will be leaving on March 12th. Thanks Patrick Thomas

02/25/01 05:17:37 PM  
Your name:Doug Dunbar
How did you find our site?ask jeeves
What unit did you serve with?4th bn 9 inf
When did you serve?Vietnam 1969-1970
Please enter your comments:

02/25/01 02:36:02 PM  
Your name:Lawrence Herrbach
How did you find our site?Magic
What unit did you serve with?B Co 4/23rd
When did you serve?Feb 69-Mar 70
Please enter your comments:Hey there..... I'm still kicking...... Are any of you out there....?

02/25/01 01:48:32 PM  
Your name:Petra Dippold
How did you find our site?search machine
Please enter your comments:I`m looking for Soldiers wich stationed 1965 till autumn 1966 in Germany/ Augsburg in the Sheridan or Reese Barracks. I`m in search for my father Roy Jackson, maybe you can help me. Did you stationed at this time here in Augsburg or do you remember Roy Jackson? It is very important to me to find him at last. Please send me your message an

02/25/01 08:59:22 AM  
Your name:Bill Park
What unit did you serve with?1st bn 8th arty
When did you serve?66-67
Please enter your comments:Looking for comments from Vets who may have served with Lew Kidhart, 35th inf, 25th Div, WWII,. We are having a small ceremony honoring Lew,(He has donated a captued Jap Flag to out Legion Post)and would like to include personal expereinces as part of the presentation. I can be E-Mailed at

02/24/01 06:06:15 PM  
Your name:Mrs. Fred A. Elam (Frances)
What is the title of your website?N/A
How did you find our site?through Tropic Lightning Flashes
What unit did you serve with?Fred served wtih the 3rd btn, 29th Inf.Reg.
When did you serve?Korea 1951 and 1952Was on KojoDo during the riots.
Please enter your comments:My husband left many photos of the men he served with; most of them have names on the back. If anyone recognizes Fred Elam, and thinks he might be in one of these snapshots, I would be happy to send them a copy. Fred passed away in 1996.
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02/24/01 05:26:44 PM  
Your name:Phillip Nichols
How did you find our site?Looking for 25th Div information
What unit did you serve with?C/65th Engineers and 4th/23rd Inf. mostly Charlie Co.
When did you serve?Feb 67-Oct 67
Please enter your comments:My father served with the 25th Division(Hawaiian Division in those days) 1937-1940. My brother and I served with the Division in 1967. What ever happened to Captian Johnny C. Trammel C/4/23 Inf? I often wonder what became of him and his magnificent tatto.

02/24/01 04:10:28 PM  
Your name:Charles Saul
How did you find our site?american vet search
What unit did you serve with?2nd Battalion, 22nd infantry
When did you serve?Cu Chi, 1970-1971
Please enter your comments:(no comment)

02/24/01 11:45:00 AM  
Your name:Mike Vaughn
What unit did you serve with?D Troop 3/4 Cav.
When did you serve?Nov. 66 - Nov. 67
Please enter your comments:I was gunner & Crew chief (slicks) Nov. 66 - Nov. 67..would love to hear from any of my brothers from that time.

02/23/01 09:50:12 PM  
What unit did you serve with?89th Tk Bn,Co A ,
When did you serve?7/50 to10/51
Please enter your comments:(no comment)

02/23/01 02:56:50 PM  
Your name:Jerome K. Jerome
How did you find our site?Listed in the Tropic Lightning Flashes
What unit did you serve with?Co. C, 65th Engineer Bn, 25th Inf. Div. (also Hawaiian Div.)
When did you serve?Oct. 1, 1940 to July 21, 1945
Please enter your comments:Arrived Honolulu Christmas Eve, 1940. Saw combat in the Solomons and Philippines. Spent time in New Zealand and New Caledonia. There aren't very many of us left from old Co. C. Would very much like to hear from anyone who served with me. I am still in contact with Garni Moretti, Bud Ayres, Jimmy Lynch and Dick Mussack. Would like to hear from others.

02/23/01 11:17:45 AM  
Your name:donald fisher
How did you find our site?from the internet
What unit did you serve with?25th. div.1/5 mechanized inf.
When did you serve?1967-1968
Please enter your comments: I would like to know the whereabouts of fellow servicemen who served in the army at the same time as I did . Especilly Dwight Fulton whos adress at the time of our tour was from Chicgo, Ill. Another comrade in arms was Glen Wimbush or (Whimbush) from Winston Salem N.C. Or anyone else that served in Viet Nam at this period of time.

02/23/01 10:28:49 AM  
Your name:Tamas l Judson
How did you find our site?surfed on in
What unit did you serve with?125th signal Bn at Cu Chi
When did you serve?march 69 to March 70
Please enter your comments:If anyone served in the 125th, drop me a line, I have only bumped into one member I served with....Long live the 125th...Jud

02/22/01 08:36:53 PM  
Your name:Clayton Plante
How did you find our site?search
What unit did you serve with?25th, AAA batalion
When did you serve?1954-1956
Please enter your comments:Hello out there.

02/22/01 06:02:42 PM  
Your name:Doug Oliver
How did you find our site?surfed on in
What unit did you serve with?1st bn 35th inf
When did you serve?Jan 67 to Jan68
Please enter your comments:Just checking on the chat room, is it still under construction or am I doing something wrong. Should I try a differant browser? Welcome back everyone.

02/21/01 05:48:10 PM  
Your name:Terry Wilken
What is the title of your website?Stampdiva
How did you find our site?Accidently came across it when searching for something else
What unit did you serve with?25th Infantry Division
When did you serve?1969-1970
Please enter your comments:Brought back old memories. Finally getting to the point where I can discuss this time period.
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02/21/01 03:18:21 PM  
Your name:Jerry Fluker
How did you find our site?Internet
What unit did you serve with?Company A 4/9th Manchus and HHC Tay Ninh
When did you serve?May of 68 to May of 69
Please enter your comments: I would like to hear from anyone who i served with in Nam. My name is Jerry Fluker and i am from Texas. If you remember me i would really like hear from you. I was assigned out of Tay Ninh from May 0F 68 to May of 69.

02/21/01 10:09:08 AM  
Your name:Russell K Smith
How did you find our site?typed in 25th infantry division
What unit did you serve with?HHC Division Data Center 725th
When did you serve?1975- 1978
Please enter your comments:Would like to stay in contact with members of the division data center that served between 1975 and 1978. Send email.

02/21/01 08:36:58 AM  
Your name:Jim Murphy
How did you find our site?webpage
What unit did you serve with?125th Sig. Bn.
When did you serve?12/68-12/69
Please enter your comments:the Tri-State Chapter (NY,NJ,PA) of the 25th Infantry Division Association will be having a mini-reunion in Albany, NY June 7-10, 2001. For further information contact: Bob Stryker 1310 W. Evergreen Ave. Phoenixville,PA 19460-2210 1-610-933-9607
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02/20/01 08:07:24 PM  
Your name:Bob Miers
How did you find our site?Tropic Lightning Flashes
What unit did you serve with?A co. 125th sig.
When did you serve?Aug 1966-Aug 1967
Please enter your comments:Can't believe how much a year can change you, Hi guys glad you all made it too...

02/20/01 06:17:15 PM  
Your name:Ken "alphabet" Abramczyk
How did you find our site?Searchng the web for the 25th.
What unit did you serve with?C, 2/14th
When did you serve?8/70 - 12/70
Please enter your comments:Served with 2/14th until the Colors went home. then transfered tio the 23rd. Great site. Hello to fellow Viet Nam Vets.

02/20/01 05:18:37 PM  
Your name:Jack A. Reising
How did you find our site?been there before
What unit did you serve with?Co A 65th Engineers
When did you serve?Oct 1969 thru Oct 1970
Please enter your comments:This is a very good site Just staying in touch

02/20/01 12:08:27 PM  
Your name:William F Johnson
How did you find our site?Association member
What unit did you serve with?"E"65th Engineers
When did you serve?Feb 66 Feb 67 at Cu Chi
Please enter your comments:I just recieved my Flashes Quarterly Publication and again I'am amassed to see people going back to Vietnam. If you lost a close friend over there why in the world would you what to go back to the site he was killed at??? Go to his home town and visit his family and grave site if you're looking for some closure. Everyone has an opinion and this is mine. Vietnam was wrong for America and it cost us alot of lives for nothing.

02/19/01 08:49:21 PM  
Your name:Walter Klink
How did you find our site?Korean War Buddy in Florida
What unit did you serve with?1st Sq. 2nd Platoon, G Company, 2nd Batallion, 27th Inf. 25th Division
When did you serve?January 1951 until A;pril 26 '51 when I was hit.
Please enter your comments:Would really love to hear from anyone who was in my squad. I especially remember Al Sevigny my BAR man. He was from St. Johnsbury, Vermont. We saved one another's butts on more than one occasion, all of them memorable. Art Levine was with us and told me about your Site.
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02/19/01 06:43:55 AM  
Your name:Frank E. Ritter
How did you find our site?Through a link on the 22nd Infantry web page
What unit did you serve with?Company B, 25th Medical Battalion, 25th Infantry Division(Dau Tieng, S. Vietnam)
When did you serve?August 1967 to August 1968
Please enter your comments:I love our web page. Now, maybe, I can contact some of the guys that I served with. I live in Montoursville, Pennsylvania now. When I originally went into the service, I lived in West Chester, Pennsylvania. I have never been contacted as to when any reunion was taking place. I was a Pharmacy Specialist(91Q20)and I was stationed at the following: Fort Gordon, GA; Fort Sam Houston, TX; Fort Bragg, NC; Dau Tieng, S Vietnam; Valley Forge General Hospital, Phoenixville, PA.

02/18/01 08:50:54 PM  
Your name:John Joseph McMahon
How did you find our site?typed in CuChi, Vietnam
What unit did you serve with?725 Maint. Bttn.
When did you serve?Apr. 9, 1965- Apr. 8, 1967 in country-Jan. 1966-Jan.1967
Please enter your comments:It was an honor to serve with the 25th Inf. Div & with the 725 Maint. Bttn. It was an honor to aid the proud people of Vietnam & i wish the best for all of Vietnam. I am also proud to have had my son, Matthew serve as a member of the U.S.M.C.

02/18/01 07:06:10 PM  
Your name:walter cooper
How did you find our site?yahoo search
What unit did you serve with?alpha/1/27 viet nam
When did you serve?70-71
Please enter your comments:to all my brothers of the 25th inf. div. i say god bless you and welcome home.

02/18/01 04:26:53 PM  
Your name:SP/5 Rick Muenz
How did you find our site?Surfing
What unit did you serve with?A Co. 25 AVN. BN. "Little Bears"
When did you serve?DEC 68 - DEC 69, Cu Chi
Please enter your comments:Great site! I'm looking for info on reunions of the "Little Bears" Also guys that were there when I was.

02/18/01 12:16:08 PM  
Your name:herb mueller
How did you find our site?surfing
What unit did you serve with?c-co. 2/12 and 125th
When did you serve?Jan.28, 1968 - June 23,1969
Please enter your comments:Looking for those from c co. 2-12 serving on Nui Ba Den - May thru Aug 1968.

02/18/01 09:48:11 AM  
Your name:Carol
How did you find our site?someone told me
What unit did you serve with?I didn't my brother Jerry Abeene did. 1968-69
Please enter your comments:I am looking for someone who might have served with my brother who is now deceased. I was a little girl and would just like to know more about him. He was Jerry Erwin Abeene from Oregon, Army E05 Tec 5//Sgt MOS 17K20 Military Spec. Ground radar Surveillance Crewman/Operator 25th Inf. Div. Assoc. Thanks for any help you could give a little sister who misses her brother very much. He was taken away from us in a senseless murder here in the states in 1985 the man who caused this is serving life in the Oregon State Pen.

02/18/01 08:30:43 AM  
Your name:Ben Youmans
What is the title of your website?Official 35th Infantry Regiment (Cacti) Assn website
What unit did you serve with?C 2/35th Infantry
When did you serve?1968
Please enter your comments: ATTENTION ALL CACTI------I am in the process of building a email address list of the newspapers throughout the country. What I need from all of you is for you to look at your local newspapers in your area and send to me the Name of the Reporter who handles Military Affairs, this is also usually the same person who posts info about Unit Reunions, here is what I need please. City and State or country---- Newspaper Name--- Reporter Name and title if any--- Email address for reporter (if none then the email for the paper or the general editor) I will build a distribution list and use it to send out our Cacti Reunion Notices and any other type of news releases that these reporters like to fill their column with. That way we can gain exposure for our Cacti Organization and hopefully help find other brothers and family members out there. No paper is too large nor too small so please help out here. I have a website with over 300 newspapers listed but it is taking me too long to research each one to find the Military Column Reporter... Please help me in this endeavor... I appreciate your involvement.
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02/17/01 09:47:38 PM  
Your name:Walter Klink
How did you find our site?Old Combat Buddy
What unit did you serve with?G Company, 2nd Battalion, 27th Regiment, 2nd Platoon
When did you serve?January 1951 through April 1951
Please enter your comments:Would like to get in touch with any of the guys I served with till the time I was hit in late April of '51. I'd especially like to hear from Al Sevigny who I seem to recall was from St. Johnsbury, VT. He was my BAR man and we saved one another's butts on several occasions. He was a truly brave soldier. We were together from mid-January till late April when the enemy mounted its Spring Offensive. We hiked over a lot of Korean landscape during those months.
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02/17/01 06:05:30 PM  
Your name:Dennis Fletcher
What unit did you serve with?Co B 725th Maint Battalion
When did you serve?Sep 67 - 68
Please enter your comments:Served mostly in Tay Ninh Province

02/16/01 08:54:18 PM  
Your name:Wallace Craig
What is the title of your website?Vietnam Seminar
What unit did you serve with?1/35th
Please enter your comments:In coordination with the Confederate Air Force, Midland, Texas I have put together a Vietnam Seminar for March 24th. The topic will be "The Media and the War". Featured speaker will be my friend Joe Galloway, co-author of "We Were Soldiers Once..and Young" [soon to be a movie starring Mel Gibson]. Other panelists are Douglas Pike, who served as an intelligence attache at the US Embassy, Saigon from '61-'75 [I've spoken with him several times...what inside knowledge!] and Steve Stibbens award winning combat photographer and journalist both with the Marines and later the Associated Press. In addition Joe Galloway and Bruce Crandall will talk about their experiences at LZ-XRay about which the book is written. Bruce was one of two pilots who volunteered to keep flying resupply for the entire 3 day fight. I'd love to see friends from the 25th! Please consult the website listed. Wallace Craig
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02/16/01 07:56:23 PM  
Your name:SP/4 LASETER
How did you find our site?LOOKING FOR OLD FRIENDS
What unit did you serve with?A CO. 1/35TH INF (MANIACS)
When did you serve?83 TO 86

02/16/01 01:45:53 PM  
Your name:janet courtet cristofori
Please enter your comments:My father John H Courtet was in 25th pearl Harbor and many other pacific campaigns. Seeking information on his military records and medal citations.I know he recieved 3 purple hearts, silver star, bronze and many others. Family would like to know more about them.

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Last modified 4-28-2001

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