Vol 5 No. 37 TROPIC LIGHTNING NEWS September 28, 1970
Unit Page | Unit Page | Unit Page | Unit Page |
1/27 6 | 2/34 7 | 3/22 7 | 65th Engr 8 |
1/5 3 | 25th Admin 2 | 3/4 Cav 2 | 7/11 2 |
2/12 6 | 2/77 4 | 3/4 Cav 8 | 7/11 5 |
2/14 6 | 3/13 4 | 4/23 3 | 725th 8 |
2/22 7 | 3/22 1 | 4/9 3 | DivArty 5 |
2/27 3 |
Regulars, VC Play Hide and Seek
in the Woods
FSB LYNCH While playing a game of hide and seek with the enemy, a
small element of the 3rd Battalion, 22nd Infantry, eliminated five
Viet Cong during a recent mission near the Boi Loi Woods.
The operation began when a small reconnaissance patrol from Echo Company was
inserted into a fresh activity area via patrol boats.
Too Far Away
"We moved about 400 yards into the woods and spotted one enemy,"
said Private First Class Willard White of Yakima, Wash., "but he was too far away to
The patrol then moved farther into the interior and saw two more VC in a
different location.
"We tried to get closer to them when we saw two others a few hundred
yards away in still another direction," said Private First Class Danny Owens of
Rexburg, Ida.
These last two were within range and, using the shoulder of the patrol leader
1st Lieutenant Thomas Harris, another Regular fired and brought one of them
Pop Grenades
"We then watched the area closely," said Private First Class James
Sheets of Eldon, Iowa. "They knew we were there, but they didnt know where.
Then we popped a couple of grenades to make them run."
"While the enemy cautiously tried to find us, we stayed perfectly quiet
until they gave up their search a few hours later," Harris of Mansfield, Ohio
After setting up in a hasty ambush for the night, the patrol waited until
The next day was spent in searching for the enemy deeper into the woods. As
the Regulars came upon a road, a small group of VC were spotted.
One Communist was killed in the ensuing action.
Respond Quickly
While moving to a day location, White noticed three more of the enemy coming
towards them. The Echo men again responded quickly and quietly.
Crouching, they waited until the VC were in full view, then let loose with a
heavy barrage of M-16 fire. The three enemy were killed instantly.
"Thats the first time Ive ever played hide and seek for
keeps," said one Echo Regular, "and Im just glad we won."
In a climatic moment of graduation ceremonies at the Chieu Hoi Center, a group of
former Viet Cong and NVA Soldiers pledge their allegiance to the government of South
Vietnam. (Photo by SP4 Joseph V. Kocian)
Complete 60-Day Course
Hundreds Become Citizens
BAO TRAI More than 800 former Viet Cong and soldiers of the North
Vietnamese Army returned to their homes as citizens of South Vietnam recently.
At a ceremony in this villages Chieu Hoi Center, the ralliers graduated
from a 60-day course in which they were taught the principles of democracy. The Hau Nhgia
Province Chief presided and representatives from the Chieu Hoi ministry and 3rd
Military Region were in attendance.
Largest Class
That this was the largest class of ralliers ever to graduate from the center
is due in part to the efforts of a local PSYOPS (psychological operations) team. The team,
through a series of questions posed to Hoi Chanhs, has determined the prevailing attitudes
of the people and is using their new-found knowledge to induce more of the enemy to rally.
Several members of the graduating class said they rallied due to their fear
of death. It is a tenet of their religion that if their bodies are not intact when they
die, they will be lost souls forever.
In Concert With Death
In concert with the fear of death, poor living conditions and constant
nomadic movement by bands of Viet Cong and NVA troops worked to influence the enemy to
"All my friends left when the Americans went into Cambodia," one
woman said. "I was all alone. I had only a few supplies. I did not want to leave with
them so I picked up a leaflet and came here."
At the Chieu Hoi Center, the ralliers receive clothes, medical aid, food,
shelter and education.
After Graduation
After graduation, some of the citizens will become Kit Carson scouts in the
25th Division and some will continue to farm tracts of land which they have
been given.
The ones with education will go into politics, perhaps, or become doctors and
nurses. In the class there were three doctors, five mechanics and two engineers.
Upon release from the center, each graduate received a sum of 1,200 piasters.
They were also sent to secure areas where their lives will not be endangered by
revenge-seeking NVA or Viet Cong.
In addition to the 1,200 piasters, ralliers who turned in weapons and
ammunition were paid additional amounts.
Letter from the Commanding General As the
Tropic Lightning Division enters its thirtieth year, it is time for us to look with pride
at our past and rededicate ourselves to the future.
Page 2 TROPIC LIGHTNING NEWS September 28, 1970
Would You Believe Shuttle
Cu Chi Has Snails Pace Rapid Transit System
CU CHI Soldiers of the 25th Infantry Division have a
convenience which many stateside city dwellers lack would you believe rapid
A shuttle bus service featuring a fleet of ultra-modern two and one half ton
trucks with traditional hardwood seats, fresh air ventilation and quiet bounce-free ride
has been put into operation as a service to the weary walkers of Cu Chi base camp.
The service was initiated primarily to improve the morale and welfare of the
men, according to the NCOIC of the division transportation office, Master Sergeant Bobby
D. McGarity, of Long Branch, N.J.
It has also proven effective in preventing crime by providing a nightly
average of more than 150 would-be pedestrians with safe, fast transportation.
"Every evening," said McGarity, "two shuttle buses operate
from 6 p.m. until 10:30, following separate routes with frequent stops at every recreation
and entertainment facility on post."
"Vehicles for the shuttle service are furnished by every unit of Cu Chi
which has deuce and a halfs and assigned drivers," said Captain Louis E. Skender of
Pittsburgh, the division transportation officer. "Contributing units supply the
operation with one truck and driver for an entire week on a rotation basis."
Immediately prior to the beginning of each nights operation, the trucks to be
used undergo a safety inspection and are rigged with specialized equipment. Flashing
lights are attached to the outside rear view mirror mounts; a "Shuttle Bus" sign
is placed on the front bumper; and a step ladder is positioned on the tail gate.
"Driving the shuttle bus is really a lot of
fun," said Specialist 4 Jessa J. Searcy of Atlanta, a mechanic of the 25th
Administration Company. "I enjoy seeing the guys happy, and most of them seem to be
pretty happy when I stop and ask them if they would like a ride."
"I talk with a lot of people on the route," added another driver,
Private First Class Melvin Corpening of Lenoir, N.C., a wireman of the 1st
Battalion 27th Artillery.
ITS NO GREYHOUND, BUT - These two Tropic Lightning troopers prepare to board Cu Chis answer to rapid transit: a shuttle bus which looks strangely like a deuce and a half. The bus is operated by the division support command. (Photo by SGT Derr Steadman)
Tropic Lightning Tots
The Commanding General Welcomes
The Following Tropic Lightning Tots
To The 25th Infantry Division As
Reported By The American Red Cross.
Born To:
August 26 CPT Charles Lee, B Trp, 2nd Bn, 34th Arm, girl August 27 SGT Gary W. Johnson, D Co, 2nd Bn, 12th Inf, girl September 2 SP4 William A. Hudson Jr., HQ & Co A, 26th Med, boy September 3 PFC Charles Fraley, C Bty, 3rd Bn, 13th Arty, girl September 5 SP4 James L. Moore, HQ & HQ Co, 2nd Bn, 60th Inf, boy September 6 PFC Ronald E. Abbot, B Co, 25th, S&T, boy |
September 6 SP4 Steve C. Mathers, HHC, 2nd Brigade, boy September 7 SP4 Gayden M. Nelson, E Co, 725th Maint. Bn, boy September 8 SP4 Joseph F. Czapiewski, Svc Bty, 1st Bn, 27th Arty, girl September 9 SP4 David A. Thompson, Co B, 25th Avn Bn, girl September 10 SP4 Steven Ehlers, Svc Bty, 2nd Bn, 32nd Arty, girl SP4 Robert C. Wiber, Plt Sct Dgs, 38th Inf, girl SP4 Thomas A. Burr, HHD, 86th Sig, boy |
The TROPIC LIGHTNING NEWS is an authorized publication of the 25th Infantry Division. It is published weekly for all division units in the Republic of Vietnam by the Information Office, 25th Infantry Division, APO San Francisco 96225. American Forces Press Service and Army News Feature materials are used. Views and opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Army. Printed in Tokyo, Japan, by Pacific Stars and Stripes.
MG Edward Bautz, Jr . . . . Commanding General
MAJ Robert E. Kelso . . . Information Officer
1LT Martin E. Webb . . . . Officer-in-Charge
SP4 William M. Lane . . . . Editor
SP4 Scott Watson . . . . . . Assistant Editor
SP4 Joseph V. Kocian . . . Production Supervisor
SGT Mike Keyster SP4 Tom Benn SP4 Frank Salerno PFC Dan Lowry SP4 Greg Duncan SP4 Rich Erickson SP4 Ed Toulouse SGT Mark Rockney SGT Mike Conroy SGT William Zarrett SGT Daniel House SP5 Tom Watson |
4/23 7/11 2/22 2/27 2/27 2/14 2/12 2/12 3/4 Cav 4/9 4/9 725th |
SP4 William McGown PFC James Stoup SGT Derr Steadman SP5 Doug Sainsbury SP4 James Duran SGT Jack Strickland SP4 Kris Peterson SP4 Frank Morris SGT Bob Lodi SGT Dan Davis SGT Byron Fites PFC Doc Polis |
Divarty 65th Eng Discom 2/77 3/13 1/27 3/22 2/34 1/5 1/27 4/23 296th |
Taking a Stroll Down the
Three VC Meet Their Maker
DAU TIENG "It was sort of a flukey thing. The forward observer
was sitting up on top of the mountain and he just happened to look down and see these guys
walking down the road."
This account of how three Viet Cong met their maker came from Private First
Class Phil Denny, of Kearney, Mo. He is a member of the fire direction center of Bravo
Battery, 7th Battalion, 11th Artillery, at Fire Support Base Byrd,
near here.
Early one evening, First Lieutenant Dana Bent, of Cranston, R.I., a forward
observer assigned to Delta Company, 2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry,
spotted "about 10 or 11 enemy soldiers moving down Highway 14 past the Razorback
Mountains in the direction of Dau Tieng." He quickly called in artillery from Bravo
Battery and soon the enemy group was decimated.
First Lieutenant George Gauthier, Bravo Battery fire direction officer, of
Newton, N.Y., described it this way.
"The enemy ran away from the first rounds. We adjusted our fire and they
ran right into it."
"What surprised me was that they didnt start running when they saw
the first marking round," Gauthier continued. "They probably thought that it was
just for some GIs who were lost."
The enemys mistake cost him dearly. Bent spotted three dead soldiers
from his perch and a Nighthawk helicopter pilot later claimed to have seen as many as six
dead. However, only three could be confirmed.
The Cavalry Creates A Housing
Dau Tieng Elements of the 25th Divisions 3rd
Squadron, 4th Cavalry, created an enemy housing shortage near here by
destroying over 50 of his bunkers and other structures recently.
Operating six miles north of Dau Tieng, the men of Alfa Troop first found and
destroyed 14 bunkers. The bunkers contained two cooking positions, two tables, 80 rounds
of AK ammunition, four rifle grenades, one 55-gallon drum of CS gas and three gas masks.
Returning the next day, the troopers destroyed six additional bunkers, three
tunnels, two wooden structures, nine fighting positions, two cooking positions, one Chicom
grenade and nine chicken pens.
"No chicken soup for Charlie tonight," said one tired Horseman.
A thorough search of the area during the next two days resulted in 36 more
bunkers destroyed along with a kitchen area complete with tables and chairs.
The men of the ¾ Cav are continuing to work in the area, keeping the enemy
on the move and denying him access to a permanent base of operations.
Page 3 TROPIC LIGHTNING NEWS September 28, 1970
Tomahawks React Quickly to Viet
Cong Threats
Mobility and quick reaction have played a large part in 4th
Battalion (Mech), 23rd Infantrys operations for the past year.
For most of the year, Tomahawks of the 4/23rd have operated in War
Zone C, which includes Tay Ninh and the infamous Black Virgin Mountain. Since moving from
the main base camp at Tay Ninh, the Tomahawks have kept on the move. At present the
mechanized battalion is still operating in III Corps area, but now 125 miles south of Tay
Ninh, near Xuan Loc.
Through the past year, contact has been sporadic, but significant in reducing
enemy strength and supplies.
The largest battle of the autumn in 1969 was on September 11. On that
morning, Tomahawk and 7th ARVN Airborne troops were reconning the base of the
Black Virgin Mountain, when they received heavy fire from an estimated enemy battalion.
The 4/23rd, drawing on the quick reaction and fire power of their armored
personnel carriers, and supported by artillery and gunships, eliminated 61 enemy soldiers.
In late October the Tomahawks, with several other elements in Operation Task
Force Jones, netted 34 enemy killed, again at the enemy stronghold, the Black Virgin
Combat remained at a low point until late January, when Bravo Company, 4th
Battalion (Mech), 23rd Infantry made contact with an estimated enemy battalion
size force near Fire Support Base Rawlins.
The next morning, Alfa Company, called in from a bushmaster in the crescent
area for reinforcement, and two companies of ARVNs swept the contact area. Dead were 88
Trouble again erupted on the slopes of the Black Virgin Mountain on March 15.
Charlie Company, 4/23rd, while on a reconnaissance mission around the mountain,
received heavy, accurate sniper fire.
Alfa Company and a battery of 7/11th artillery were called in for
assistance. In a three-day battle, the Tomahawks, supported by mortars, artillery,
gunships, and air strikes, and the 3rd Battalion, 22nd Infantry,
killed 56 enemy.
Before long, the Cambodia campaign was in operation, and with mobility and
fire power, the Tomahawks again were on the move. Operating mostly two to six miles inside
Cambodia near the villages of Ph Kehley and Ph Take, and the city of Memut, the 4/23rd
killed 23 enemy soldiers in numerous clashes. Over 183 tons of rice and numerous weapons
and miscellaneous supplies were also captured in the 26-day Tomahawk operation.
After operating in Cambodia, the 4/23rd moved to Katum, which had
been the rear logistical support base for the Cambodia campaign.
After living for several weeks in the mud and rain around Katum, the Tomahawk
APCs again returned to Tay Ninh, and from there moved to their present area of
operations near Xuan Loc.
Now, major areas of the 4th Battalion (Mech), 23rd
Infantry have been turned over to the ARVNs.
Mobile Manchus Stymie Charlie
CH CHI During the month of November, the 4th Battalion 9th
Infantry closed down all their existing fire support bases and became completely mobile.
The first outstanding operation of the new year placed Alfa Company under operational
control to the 3rd Battalion, 22nd Infantry on the slopes of Nui Ba
By acting as a blocking force, the Manchus took part in an operation that
virtually stymied the Tet Offensive in Tay Ninh Province.
February found the Manchu Battalion working in a combined armor-infantry
action in the Northern Fingers area of Tay Ninh Province. The team for the job consisted
of Alpha, Charlie, and Delta Companies, 4/9, and one platoon of Manchus from Bravo
Under operational control for the mission were two platoons of tanks from
2/34 Armors Alpha Company. By the end of the five day operation, the signs of
success took on a material form: a confirmed body count of 15, four assault rifles, one
RPG, two RPG boosters, three Chi Com grenades, one 45 caliber pistol, AK ammunition, plus
a large amount of rice, clothing and medical equipment.
Meanwhile, the unglamorous task of destroying bunkers went on. The final
count was 169 bunkers blown or caved in, thus destroying what had obviously been a major
enemy staging area in Tay Ninh Province.
The 1st of March marked the beginning of activities in a new area
of operations for the Manchu Battalion. Fire Support Base Rhode Island served as the new
home for the Manchus for one month. The rear area was established in Bearcat, just south
of Long Binh, with representatives from each company and each administrative section.
At the end of the month, with the black clouds of the rainy season already on
the horizon, the Manchus left FSB Rhode Island and headed for higher ground. The move was
only 1500 meters from the original position, but it afforded greatly improved observation,
fields of fire, and drainage for the up-coming rainy season.
The new base was named Le Loi, in honor of the Vietnamese patriot who, in the
15th Century, led the uprising that liberated Vietnam from Chinese rule. The
action seen in the southern area of operations was at a minimum, and when it was
established the enemy quickly fled, preventing a true confrontation.
Under the operation control of the 2nd Brigade, the 4th
of the 9th undertook a 46 day operation beginning the first week of May,
designed to uncover and render useless the long-established enemy sanctuaries known to
exist in the eastern border areas of Cambodia, northwest of Tay Ninh. Intelligence reports
indicated that COSVN (Central Office of South Vietnam) was located in the area of
The final statistics show the effectiveness of what came to be nicknamed by
the units participating "Operation Big Haul." Forty-four enemy were killed, four
enemy became Hoi Chanhs, twenty detainees were taken, twenty-three small arms and
automatic weapons were confiscated and 288 tons of rice were captured.
Upon the completion of "Operation Big Haul," in Cambodia, the
battalion came home to Tay Ninh, settling in an area once used by the Manchus some eight
months earlier.
The Bobcats Wander All Over III Corps
XUAN LOC During the past year, the men of the 1st
Battalion (Mech), 5th Infantry have been playing "ring around III
Corps" with a brief timeout for work in Cambodia.
The Bobcat year began at Fire Support Base Devins. In February, however, that
base was closed and the 1st of the 5th moved into rubber country
with a rear at Dau Tieng. This was a new experience for the mech men, but they seemed to
adapt readily and began rooting out enemy soldiers from the surrounding foreign-owned
On April 2, the trigger was cocked for firing the Bobcats into Cambodia. The
II Field Force Tactical Operations people placed them under the temporary operation
control of the 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division. The rear moved to
Tay Ninh, and the tactical units set up operations in the Dogs Head area. There they
gained the experience that would prove so valuable later.
Upon completion of their mission with the 1st Cav, the Bobcats
returned to the 25th Division to work with the ARVN in their push into the
Parrots Beak.
At 6:55 a.m. on May 7, Bobcat B Company was fired across the Cambodia border
hitting enemy base camp areas hard. During the next 15 days, the men of the 1st
of the 5th captured tons of rice, weapons of all types and a communications
In July, the unit prepared to move with the 2nd Brigade to Xuan
Loc. While it was new area to much of the brigade, the land was like home to the Bobcats.
More rubber country.
While at Xuan Loc, the battalion has been perfecting its ability to conduct
night moves and night operations unusual tactics for a mechanized unit.
Hounds Secure The Countryside
CU CHI From October 1969 to February 1970, the 2nd
Battalion 27th Infantry Wolfhounds primary mission was to provide
security, and to interdict the enemy from infiltrating into the interior of South Vietnam.
The Wolfhound area of operations extended roughly northwest along Highway 1
to Trang Bang, west to the Cambodia border, and from Cu Chi base camp west to the Cambodia
In early October, Patrol Base Harris was erected on the west bank of the Vam
Co Dong river. This was to facilitate battalion river boat operations, as well as to put a
US position directly straddling a VC infiltration route.
Beside Harris, the Wolfhounds were also operating out of Patrol Base Kotrc, a
mile and a half from the border, and from the small border village of Phuoc Luu.
While on an air-mobile operation out of Kotrc on December 12th,
elements of Bravo company made contact with an estimated company size enemy force. The
contact resulted in approximately 15 enemy killed and the destruction of enemy weapons to
include a .51 caliber machinegun.
After February, the Wolfhounds were again operating in the same area with the
same primary mission, but without the aid and security of patrol bases.
Checkpoints were established near the Cambodia border during the daytime.
Anyone moving to or from the border was stopped, questioned and searched in order to keep
infiltration to a minimum.
At the beginning of April, the Wolfhounds found themselves in the middle of
one of the Divisions largest contacts of 1970.
After moving in to relieve a ranger team in the
Renegade Woods, the Hounds encountered a well dug-in NVA regiment in a battle that lasted
nearly four days. With the aid of elements of the 2nd Battalion (Mech), 22nd
Infantry, gunships, artillery and air strikes, heavy casualties were inflicted on the
enemy and several tons of rice, weapons and ammunition were captured.
During this time Echo Company, while pulling security for the radar set-up at
Patrol Base Blue, took rocket and mortar incoming four nights in a row.
After the Renegades action, the Hounds moved to Duc Huy for nearly two weeks,
where they formed a blocking force for the 25th ARVN Divisions sweep
through the Angels Wing. The Hounds then moved to Fire Support Base
Chamberlin, nine miles west of Cu Chi, where they continued their search for the enemy
until moving into Cambodia early in May.
Although only in Cambodia a little more than four days, the Wolfhounds
accounted for five enemy killed, and the capture of several large caches.
From the end of May until the present, the 2nd Hounds have been
working out of Cu Chi. While eighty percent of the Divisions troops were either in
Cambodia, or directly supporting Cambodia operations, the leg battalion took over an AO
usually controlled by an entire brigade.
Artwork by SP4 Jim Willard / Photography by SP4 Joseph V. Kocian
Page 4 TROPIC LIGHTNING NEWS September 28, 1970
Redlegs Make Smooth
Arty Men Adapting to New Weapons
CU CHI Providing direct artillery support for the 3rd
Brigade has been a time-consuming job for the 2nd Battalion, 77th
Artillery during the past year.
In September 1969 the Up Tight battalion received 18 brand-new M102, 105mm
howitzers which replaced the old split-trailed M101A1, 105mm howitzers. The transition was
smooth and the howitzer section personnel quickly adapted to the new weapon.
Block Route
In late September and early October, A Battery, 2/77th was located
at Patrol Base Kotrc, only four kilometers from the Cambodian border. Kotrc blocked a
principal NVA infiltration route from Cambodia to the Saigon area, and the enemy was
determined to knock the patrol base out.
Two separate ground attacks were staged by the NVA against Kotrc in an effort
to re-open the infiltration route. In both instances, the Redlegs of Alfa Battery found
themselves engaging in hand to hand combat with the enemy sappers and using direct fire to
repel other incoming enemy soldiers. These actions left 50 enemy dead.
Unique Blast
In late October last year, C Battery located at Fire Support Base
Chamberlain, took part in a unique artillery tactical operation.
Two of the batterys howitzers were placed on "paddy
platforms" and airlifted to a point near the Vam Co Dong River, which was later named
Patrol Base Handel.
Personnel of the two sections literally lived on two other such platforms.
Marshy, water saturated terrain has traditionally precluded the establishment of
conventional artillery patrol and fire support bases, thus limiting the flexibility of a
howitzer battery.
The paddy platforms, however, eliminated poor terrain obstacles to effective
artillery support. The 2/77th was the first artillery battalion in the 25th
Division to utilize the platforms in this manner.
Between October 1969 and March 1970, the 2/77ths firing
batteries remained relatively stationary. Other elements of the battalion, however,
continued to be active, such as those that played an instrumental role in the
establishment of the Combined Fire Support Coordination Center for Hau Nghia Province at
Boa Trai. The CFSCC became a central allied agency for clearance of artillery, naval and
air fires.
In February, the 2/77th assumed responsibility for Cu Chi Base
Camp artillery defense. Throughout the year, the battalions Civil Affairs section
maintained vigorous MEDCAP and ICAP programs.
April signaled a shift in the Divisions concentration of operations,
and the Up Tight Redlegs took to the road and to the air in support of the infantry in
their frequent moves. The 2/77ths supported units began working west and
northwest of Cu Chi near the Cambodia border and all three of the 2/77ths
firing batteries drove and airlifted to various "hard spots" and patrol bases in
that region.
During the Cambodian Operation, B Battery moved across the border to Fire
Support Base Hilltop where it supported the Divisions 1st Brigade. After
all US units returned from Cambodia, the Up Tight battalions firing batteries once
again united, after operating in as split-battery concept for several months, and moved to
their new area of operations north of Cu Chi.
New Concept
In early July, A Battery built Fire Support Base Redleg employing the concept
that cannoneers can pull their own security as well as providing support.
Charlie Battery quickly followed suit and rebuilt a model base called Fire
Support Base Tennessee on the remains of an old ARVN compound.
This enabled infantry elements which would normally provide the security of
the base to freely participate in maneuver activities.
Clan Batteries Scenes of Toil
CU CHI Since October 1969, the batteries of the 3rd
Battalion, 13th Field Artillery have been the scene of constant toil.
Over the past 12 months, they have successfully supported the infantry and
reinforced other artillery units. However, their responsibilities have gone far beyond
those activities.
Move Nine Times
Moving has always been a major part of an artillery units duties. As
many as nine times a month, they are ordered to relocate. The building of fire direction
centers, mess halls, bunkers and hootches has become an everyday occurrence around the
Masterful Talents
It has gotten to the point that their capabilities in construction are second
only to their masterful talents in the field of artillery. They are known throughout the
division for turning bare fields into efficient fire bases in a matter of only a few days.
In May of this year, Charlie Battery of the 3rd of the 13th
had the distinction of being the first medium sized artillery unit to enter Cambodia in
support of infantry forces. The other batteries soon followed and continued to support the
operation until the withdrawal of all American troops at the end of June.
As is often the case, surveillance was limited on that operation. When
results have come back to the batteries, they have been exceptional.
The men of the Clan have pumped a lot of lead during the past year and look
forward in the coming year to the firing of round number 900,000 in the Republic of
Artwork by SP4 Jim Willard
Photography by SP4 Joseph V. Kocian
Page 5 TROPIC LIGHTNING NEWS September 28, 1970
Keep Enemy on the
Divarty Batteries Make 600 Moves
SP5 William L. McGown
CU CHI With the continual redeployment of US troops and the
subsequent expansion of operational boundaries for the remaining units, the role of
artillery in Vietnam has become increasingly important.
Constantly looking for a place to move into or establish a supply route,
Charlie is quick to notice a gap caused by strength reduction.
As a countermeasure, 25th Division Artillery (DivArty) has found
that the key to effectively plugging these openings and keeping Charlie hurting for
supplies is rapid mobility.
Although the old concept of maximum area coverage from a semi-fixed fire
support base (FSB) is also used, DivArty has increasingly used the tactic of artillery
movement to keep the enemy on the defensive.
The primary mission of DivArty is to provide artillery fire support to the
maneuver battalions of the 25th Infantry Division and when the infantry moves
out after Charlie, DivArty moves to support them.
To date this year, DivArty units have made over 600 separate moves. (A move
is the displacement of one or more howitzers from one location to another. Normally a
whole battery, 4-6 artillery pieces, relocates together. However, sometimes only half a
battery or just one gun will be displaced, depending upon tactical requirements.)
Although the lighter 105mm howitzer can be transported by airlift,
approximately 87 per cent of the displacements have been by road employing the
maneuverability of the 155mm and 8 inch self-propelled (SP) Howitzers.
An excellent example of artillery mobility is found in the M110 Howitzer (8
inch) which has a cruising range of about 450 miles, can travel at speeds in excess of 35
miles per hour, and upon arrival at location can be emplaced in two minutes.
Utilizing this rapid mobility at the end of May, 25th DivArty
staged the first and largest artillery raid in Cambodia. For the surprise attack, a total
of 17 SP medium and heavy artillery guns moved from their respective fire support bases
and massed together at the re-opened FSB Wood, three and a half miles northwest of Thien
At the rate of seven rounds per minute, the 155mm and 8 inch Howitzers
pounded away at known and suspected enemy positions along a 20 mile crescent-shaped sector
across from the Dogs Face Region in Cambodia.
Aerial observers reported numerous secondary explosions in the target area
indicating that many stored munitions stockpiles and enemy bunker complexes were
destroyed. During the five hour assault, the arty units, massed for the raid, fired more
than 3,700 high explosive rounds into enemy sanctuaries.
The Cambodian campaign also demonstrated the rapid mobility of DivArty.
During the first week of operations, DivArty units made a total of 69 moves, either into
Cambodia or to take up the slack left by other units employed in the operation. By the
beginning of the second week, the 1st Battalion, 8th Field Artillery
had entirely relocated in Cambodia, despite three convoy ambushes in the process.
Another movement problem was the more than 6,000 tons of ammunition which had
to be transported. In support of some 180 contact missions called in by the maneuver
forces there, DivArty units expended in excess of 100,000 rounds of ammunition during the
eight week period.
This was a substantial portion of the more than half a million rounds fired
by all DivArty units from January to September.
While in Cambodia, 1/8th had the distinction of being the only
arty unit to find two ammo caches. As a reward for the many services rendered by the
medics and men from headquarters battery on their daily MEDCAP, some of the villages
informed them of the location of the caches.
On two successive days, the men of the Automatic Eighth uncovered enemy
caches containing many supplies including three 82mm mortar rounds, seventy-two 120mm
mortar rounds with fuses and propellants, and one sewing machine.
Batteries Batter Foe in
During the period from October, 1969 to October, 1970, the 7th
Battalion, 11th Artillery took part in several significant operations while
supporting the 1st Brigade.
Among these were the Cambodian operation in May and June of 1970 and also
Operation Total Victory in the Tay Ninh Area during the first four months of the new year.
First Unit
In the Cambodian operation, the On Time battalion was the first Tropic
Lightning artillery unit to cross into Cambodia when 7/11ths Bravo
Battery penetrated the border at Fire Support Base Minnie. The base had been secured just
four days earlier by Alfa Battery of the same battalion.
Among the units that were dependant upon 7/11th in Cambodia were
4/23rd (Mech), 1/5th (Mech) and 3/22nd Infantry. Timely
firepower from 7/11th helped these units immensely in their mission to find and
destroy enemy sanctuaries.
Two Units
The artillerymen entered Cambodia on two fronts during that operation,
crossing first at FSB Minnie and later when they convoyed north from Katum and worked the
area just west of the Fish Hook.
Total Victory was a drawn-out operation designed to clean up the Tay Ninh
area. During the operation, enemy activity dropped to a new low.
In April, 7/11ths batteries were kept busy as they supported
65th Engineer Rome Plow operations in the now non-existent Straight Edge Woods
and Renegade Woods. They also supported 1/5th (Mech) in mid-April shortly after
Fire Support Bases Jay and Illingsworth were overrun.
In late July, 7/11th left Tay Ninh and set up operations in Dau
Page 6 TROPIC LIGHTNING NEWS September 28, 1970
Long, Long Road Sweeps
Mark Year
First Wolfhounds Move Out in Clouds of Dust
In October 1969 the 1st Battalion 27th Infantry was
conducting countless numbers of airmobile and recon missions around Fire Support Base
The Hounds put a quick stop to enemy infiltration and harassment of the
villagers in the area west of here.
Navy Helps
With the help of the Navy out of Tra Cu, the Wolfhounds conducted sweep
operations along the Vam Co Dong River destroying what were once enemy sanctuaries.
The area west of the river was said to belong to Charlie. The Hounds chased
the guerillas out thereby making it safe for the people to return to homes that had been
vacated several years earlier.
The men of the recon platoon operated out of Duc Hoa with ARVN Forces. The
combined operations took on new meaning for the battalion as the ARVNs began to
assume more and more of the responsibility for the fighting in the area.
Flexible Rear
The battalion rear, which had become accustomed to staying in a relatively
stationary area, now became a very flexible and mobile unit much the same as a line
company. In January the battalion moved to Dau Tieng to conduct operations.
Their stay, however, was short lived. In February it was on to Bearcat.
Clouds of dust and grit were the hallmarks of the long road sweeps between Fire Support
Base Colorado and "Check Point Seven."
To Water
Alfa Company once again took to the water but this time they did not have the
services of the Navy. Operating in streams and river tributaries, the grunts made good use
of small outboards in their patrols.
May brought the challenge of operating in what the enemy had long considered
a secure sanctuary. Assaulting into the Fishhook region of Cambodia, the battalion
captured tons of rice and ammunition thereby depriving the enemy of sorely needed
Series of Moves
After Cambodia, the battalion began a series of moves which carried them
throughout large portions of the divisions area of operations. The hounds moved to
Fire Support Base Lynch to pick up where the 199th Light Infantry Brigade had
left off. Stomping through enemy base camps and sanctuaries was a trademark of the 1st
Now in a new home at Fire Support Base Kien, in the Trapezoid area above Cu
Chi, the hounds are smashing the enemy again, cutting off supply routes along the Saigon
The Year of the Dragons Highlighted by Cambodia
Of the many operations by the 2d Battalion, 14th Infantry,
during the past year the foray into Cambodia had to be the most noteworthy.
Airmobiled in from just across the border, three companies of Golden Dragons
landed just south of the Dogs Face region in Cambodia. The GIs began engaging
a scattered and confused enemy force while searching out the first of many cache sites and
bunker complexes.
Dense Jungle
Sweeping north through dense jungle, one company located an NVA training
center complete with classrooms, charts and models of typical US defensive positions.
As the Dragons pushed north through triple canopy jungle, they uncovered
another training and staging area consisting of 30 hootches and bunkers. In the course of
the operation the battalion captured many tons of rice, assorted documents and medical
supplies, 100 bicycles, four motorcycles, and various other equipment used to support a
large enemy force.
Ho Bo Fight
During the fall of last year the battalion, stationed at Patton, engaged a
determined, well entrenched enemy force in the Ho Bo Woods. Working the area around Trung
Lap, the Dragons main concern was to provide security for the village and eliminate
the VC infrastructure.
The GIs were not solely occupied with combat operations however.
Building a new school, relocating refugees and providing housing material, the infantrymen
were able to move small hamlets to secure areas around Trung Lap village.
In addition, the continual medical civic actions program enables the
villagers to receive aid on a regular basis.
Moving westward in early January, the battalion was based at Fire Support
Base Jackson, just west of Go Dau Ha. The Dragons were deployed along the Cambodian border
in order to block known infiltration routes.
The men of 2/14th spent many days wading through waist-deep marsh
and an equal number of mosquito infested nights searching for an ever elusive enemy. After
many rumors, the Golden Dragons received the official word the 1st of May: next
stop, Cambodia.
Heading Home
After the last lift of relieved grunts headed home from Cambodia, the
battalion moved its entire support and combat elements to Dau Tieng Base Camp. The rugged
geographics of the area, namely rubber plantations and the Razorback Mountains, explain
why the region has been a favorite enemy stronghold.
In addition to searching out the NVA forces and destroying bunkers, the
battalion infantrymen have the task of locating the enemys rocket and mortar sites
which have been plaguing the base camp for some time.
Landmark Year For Warriors
DAU TIENG Pershing, Lorence, Dees, Kien, Katum and Warrior
these are the landmarks that outline a year of travel and conflict for the men of the 2nd
Battalion, 12th Infantry. At every place the story was the same: the enemy
sought out and destroyed.
The following chronological account joined with newspaper headlines from the
past year is a tribute to the units success.
October 15, 1969: From Fire Support Base Pershing, a Warrior base of
operations north and west of Cu Chi near the village of Trang Bang, the battalion pulled
frequent operations in the ever treacherous Boi Loi and Ho Bo Woods areas.
September 22, 1969: Fire Support Base Lorence was built and named in memory
of Specialist 4 John E. Lorence, a unit member killed in action. Headlines that emanated
from the base tell the story:
"Warriors Occupy Booby Trap
An unidentified infantryman gave the account.
"There were booby traps everywhere. I couldnt believe there were so many in
such a small area. The first day, we found sixty-five of them."
November 3, 1969: Now operating in the Ho Bo Woods, the Warriors again did
their thing. Another headline, another story:
"Concentrated Firepower Kills 47
January, 1970: Their task accomplished at Pershing, the 2nd of the
12th moved north to Fire Support Base Kien near the village of Dau Tieng.
"Warriors Rap Enemy in Trapezoid"
In May, the Warriors, like the rest of the division, moved into Cambodia.
During the operation, they uncovered better than 130,000 pounds of enemy rice.
Again, a headline tells the tale:
"Warriors Fight to Cache"
Toward the end of June, the weary Warriors wrapped up their Cambodia
involvement and were flown east from Katum to a desolate clearing in a thickly vegetated
area to the northwest of Dau Tieng.
The battalion was faced with a formidable task build a fire support
base. The foreboding jungle embracing the perimeter provided the inspiration. Within a few
weeks, concertina wire, sandbags and p.s.p. put the units new Fire Support Base
Warrior on the map.
Artwork by SP4 Jim Willard, Photography by SP4 Joseph V. Kocian
Page 7 TROPIC LIGHTNING NEWS September 28, 1970
Regulars on Nui Ba Den;
Make Like Mountain Goats
FSB LYNCH Since last October, the walking Regulars of the 3rd
Battalion, 22nd Infantry have beat feet from the scarred slopes of Nui Ba Den
to the sun-baked fields of Cambodia.
Mountain Goats
Early this year, the men made like mountain goats and crawled up and down the
Black Virgin Mountain trying to smoke out a regiment of NVA. In March, the Regulars were
summoned to the mountain again. With the aid of air strikes, gunships and the firepower of
various mech units acting as blocking forces at the base, they began a nook and cranny
search for the enemy.
They climbed the mountain down, poking into the
myriad caves and crevasses in hopes of coaxing out the entrenched enemy from his
many-tunneled home.
The Regulars did locate numerous NVA hiding places and called in air strikes
to destroy them.
One Day in May
In May, the 3rd of the 22nd took part in another kind
of operation in another kind of country Cambodia. The regulars penetrated the
border on the 5th and immediately confronted a sizeable enemy force posing as
friendly Cambodian villagers.
The Americans didnt take the bait. They opened up with small arms and
automatic weapons fire.
South Vietnamese jet fighters then pounded the village while Cobra gunships
strafed the outlying woodlines with their mini-guns.
The men of the 3rd of the 22nd spent another month in
Cambodia mopping up the enemy destroying his base camps, capturing his medical
supplies and confiscating his tons of rice.
As the Regulars marched out of Cambodia, they marched into the 3rd
Brigades Fire Support Base Kien.
Kien Job
Their mission at Kien was to improve the morale and effectiveness of the
local regular forces units. Joint platoon and company size operations were undertaken with
substantial success.
The Regulars have just been transferred to the 2nd Brigade.
Stationed near Xuan Loc, the 3rd of the 22nd is working an area in
the vicinity of Operation Base Lynch.
Dreadnaughts: First Americans Into Cambodia
The highpoint of the past year for the 2nd Battalion, 34th
Armor came in early May when the Dreadnaughts were the first American unit to enter
Hours before President Richard M. Nixons dramatic TV announcement of
the Cambodian operations, the 2/34th was spearheading the 25th
Infantry Divisions advance into the Dogs Face region.
On May 11, the battalion withdrew to Tay Ninh and surrounding firebases. On
May 14th, Lieutenant Colonel Birtrum S. Kidwell Jr. assumed command.
Earlier in the Dreadnaughts 69-70 campaign, eight members
of the 2nd Platoon Alfa Company were awarded the Silver Star for heroism. The
decorations were for action during the 2/34th operations around the base of Nui
Ba Dan. The tankers were conducting RIFs around the mountains lower slopes during
late 69 and early 70.
Tough Job
One of the toughest operations of the year was conducted during March around
Camp Martin Cox, better known as Bearcat. In joint operations with the infantry, the 2/34th
uncovered huge bunker complexes and rice caches in the triple canopy jungle.
Before this, the jungles had provided a safe hideaway from allied troops, but
the M48 tanks busting jungle all day long uncovered sizeable enemy forces continually
during the operation.
Recently, the Dreadnaughts moved from Tay Ninh, where they had been the
security force, to newly-built Fire Support Base Simmons, from which they are sweeping
through a French-owned Rubber Plantation.
Between Saigon and Tay
Triple Deuce Secures Highway
By SP4 Frank Salerno
CU CHI During the last year 2nd Battalion, 22nd
Infantry has spent most of its time in the large area surrounding Cu Chi.
As the month of October drew to a close, 2/22nd Triple Deuce was
concluding operations in the Boi Loi Woods. As the companies returned to the Cu Chi area,
the most immediate task was securing Highway 1 between here and Go Dau Ha, the main supply
route going north and south between Cu Chi and Tay Ninh.
It also serves as the princple means of civilian travel between Saigon and
population centers as far north as Tay Ninh City.
Secure Highway
Triple Deuce, operating out of support bases Devins, Hampton, Dixon and Phuoc
Luu village secured the highway and insured safe travel for both military and civilian
personnel. With this primary mission completed in late February, Triple Deuce started the
long and tedious job of searching for the enemy.
Work Filhol
March and April found Triple Deuce working northwest of Cu Chi in the Filhol
and the Renegade Woods. These areas were being used as infiltration and supply routes.
Recent activity in these areas also pointed to an enemy build-up.
In early May, at the order of President Richard M. Nixon, American combat
troops entered Cambodia. Triple Deuce, along with other 25th Division units,
crossed the border and entered the previously forbidden North Vietnamese sanctuaries.
With a major staging and resupply area located at Thien Ngon, Triple Deuce
was able to seek out and destroy enemy base camps in the Dogs Face and Krek areas.
This contributed to the overall success of American operations in Cambodia.
Upon returning to Vietnam in late June, and spending the month of July at
Thien Ngon and Katum, the men of Triple Deuce resumed the unfinished job of searching for
the enemy.
Home Again
In August and September the Cu Chi area once again became the principle area
of operations for the 2nd Battalion (Mech) 22nd Infantry. Missions
were conducted in the Iron Triangle, and are presently underway in the Filhol
Page 8 TROPIC LIGHTNING NEWS September 28, 1970
Counters NVA Offensives
Cavalry Denies the Enemy His Freedom to Move
Durng all of January 1969, the 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry participated in
Operation Toan Thang, Phase III, and supported Operation Pizza. There were additional
operations which were conducted in the Mushrooms, Boi Loi Woods, Filhol Rubber, Little
Rubbers and the areas around Go Dau Ha and Trang Bang.
The squadron was operating under the direct control of the 25th Division
Headquarters. Reconnaissance in force missions were used to develop the situation in all
areas. Maximum use was made of artillery, gunships, fire power and air strikes in support
of ground operations.
During this one month period the squadron was in continuous contact with
enemy forces and given credit for killing eighty-seven enemy soldiers.
The Cav was also successful in destroying numerous enemy bunkers and
equipment in addition to capturing 60,500 pounds of rice.
The squadron was also able to successfully operate in the Angel Wing, a few
miles from the Cambodian border, substantially reducing enemy use of supply routes.
During the period February through May, the 3/4 Cav participated in Operation
Trang Tang, Phase III and supported Operations Pizza and Caesar. The Squadron controlled
road-sweeps, convoy escort and provided security on the main supply route.
In addition to this, the Squadron performed reconnaissance missions in
assigned areas of operations. The Squadron AO during this period included the Ho Bo Woods
and Boi Loi Woods.
In conjunction with units of the 25th ARVN Division Regional Forces, Popular
Forces and National Police, the squadron conducted operations in these areas to counter
enemy initiative, destroy his sanctuaries, thwart enemy night activities and deny the
enemy freedom of movement.
During the operations in Toan Thong, Phase III, the
3/4 Cav captured numerous amounts of medical supplies and 65,000 pounds of rice. The
numerous enemy contacts in the squadron AO resulted in a 250 enemy body count.
The unit received the Valorous Unit Award for the period January 1, 1969 to
February 22 1969. The Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Bronze Star was awarded to the
3/4 Cav for the period January to March making it the only battalion size unit to receive
the award.
The squadron continued to participate in Operation Toan Thong, Phase III
while supporting Operation Pizza and Ranger operations. Operations were conducted in the
Boi Loi Woods, the Little Rubber, Big Rubber and Tay Ninh district.
The squadron was given the additional mission of supporting rome plow
operations. The employment of the rome plows to clear land and deny the enemy his natural
hiding areas proved most effective.
In addition to normal operations, the 3/4 Cav conducted refresher training
for the 10th ARVN Cav. The final phase of training consisted of independent ARVN
From November through December, the squadron participated in Toan Thong Phase
IV. The squadron continued to train and share a joint AO with the 10th ARVN Cav.
The efforts of the officers and men of the 3/4 proved extremely successful
during the Cambodian campaign. Operating in the Dogs Face and Fish Hook regions of
Cambodia, the troopers uncovered numerous enemy supply caches.
725th Keeps Division Ever Ready to Move
The 25th Infantry Division has continued to remain the best maintained
division in Vietnam over the past year, according to USARV statistics better than 60,000
maintenance jobs were completed during this period while at the same time the 725th
reduced the equipment backlog from 228 pieces last October to a new low of 103 pieces of
equipment deadlined on September 10, 1970.
The 725 the maintenance Battalion's soldier technicians have maintained an
average equipment availability rate of 98 per cent.
Particularly significant was the divisions' maintenance record during the
Cambodian operations, for it was during this period that the division led USARV in
equipment availability for nine of ten "operational readiness" areas.
The 725th Maintenance Battalion was busy in other areas, too. Endeavoring to
retain highly skilled technicians, an intensified program to reenlist highly qualified and
motivated personnel was instituted in February 1970. The Battalion improved its
reenlistment rate four fold that month and has continued to attain not less than 100 per
cent of its reenlistment objective since that time winning the commanding generals
reenlistment award for support units during both the 1st and 2nd quarters of 1970.
Civic Action projects remained high on the 725th's priority list during the
year. Through voluntary troop donations in excess of $7,500 the Battalion supported the
Vien Rose Orphanage in Hoc Mon and furnished the materials, transportation and
coordination necessary to assure the completion to two elementary schools in nearby
hamlets and the renovation of a Child Day Care Center in Cu Chi.
The 725th specializes in providing schools where none have previously existed
and is presently supporting construction the first high school in Phuoc Heip.
Engineers Concentrate On
CU CHI - The 65th Engineer Battalion, the engineers for the 25th Infantry
Division, has continued to provide excellent combat engineer support during the past year
as it has since its first component, Charlie Company, came to Vietnam in 1965.
The 65th Engineers were the first unit of the 25th Infantry Division to come
to the war zone.
Key Word
During the past year Vietnamization has been the key word for the 65th
Engineers, as it has been for most of the units within the division.
A sizeable portion of the credit due the 25th Infantry Division for its
important role in Operation Bold Lancer belongs to the 65th Engineer Battalion. In
addition to the seizure and destruction of enemy supply points both in Cambodia and
Vietnam, the engineers can add the following missions to their credit: the Battalion
constructed numerous Bailey Bridges, twenty M4T6 dry spans, five M4T6 rafts, and four M4T6
float bridges.
In particular, M4T6 rafts were rapidly constructed and placed into operation
at Go Dau Ha to replace the previously existing bridge that was destroyed in February by
the enemy. Other key bridging operations included the construction of a 13 M4T6 bridge
used to launch the division into Cambodia in early May .
Road Building
Another major responsibility of the 65th Engineer Battalion was in the
maintenance of the main supply routes (MSRs). This responsibility included the upgrading
of road surfaces, continual grading and ditching to insure proper drainage, the
emplacement of culverts, and emergency road repairs.
Land clearing is another important facet of the engineer's work, for it
denies the enemy his hiding places.
Better than 14,815 acres of land were cleared by the "Whiskey
Fifth," while 29 tunnels were destroyed, over 140 mines and boobytraps were
encountered, and approximately 200 rocket, mortar, and artillery round were detected and
destroyed .
Defense and fortification construction is always a necessity, and the 65th
Engineers constructed 39 new fire support bases, 23 of which were built in support of the
Cambodian operations.
Another little known fact to the 65th Engineer's credit is the fact that they
provide nearly all the potable water for the 25th Division, both in the base camp and out
in the field. This endeavor includes the location of surface water sources, the excavation
of wells, and necessary purification and testing.
Other Missions
Other important missions completed by the 65th Engineer Battalion during the
past year include: continual mine sweeps and demolition team support; river boating and
patrolling operations the continual upgrading of berm lines at the various fire support
bases as well as at the major base camps; and the construction and re-construction of
bunkers and defensive positions.
Also to the 65th Engineer Battalion's credit is an expansive Vietnamization
and pacification program, which includes: MEDCAPs; ARVN training, both in the classroom
and in the field; and the construction and clearing of land areas for schools, churches,
and hospitals.
Artwork by SP4 Jim Willard; Photography by SP4 Joseph V. Kocian
Thanks to
Ron Leonard, 25th Aviation Bn., for locating and mailing this issue,
Kirk Ramsey, 2nd Bn., 14th Inf. for creating this page.
This page last modified 8-12-2004
©2004 25th Infantry Division Association. All rights reserved.