Vol 1 No. 9 TROPIC LIGHTNING NEWS April 29, 1966
[The photographs in this issue of Tropic Lightning News were so dark it was
difficult to improve them. They have been included only to give a sense
of the activities in the Division.]
Two Men Receive Silver Star Medals
Staff Sergeant Hachiro Imae and Specialist Four Keith R. Morris
have been awarded the Silver Star Medal for gallantry in action while on
military operations with the division in Vietnam.
General Harold K. Johnson, Army chief of staff, last week presented
the two men with the nation's third highest award for valor at ceremonies at
the division base camp.
Imae, a member of Company C, 1st Battalion (Mechanized), 5th
Infantry, was lauded for his actions of February 18. He was serving as the
leader of a reinforced ambush patrol when the unit became encircled by a Viet
Cong company near Cu Chi. Although pinned down by intense machine gun and
small arms fire, Imae continuously exposed himself to hostile fire while
directing the return fire of his men.
In the midst of the action he was wounded, but refused medical aid
and continued directing his patrol. Because of his leadership, the patrol
was successful in breaking contact with the Viet Cong, who had the division
force outnumbered.
On April 5, Morris was the radio-telephone operator for an
artillery forward observer team supporting another company near Trung Lap.
During a pre-dawn attack by an estimated battalion of hard core Viet Cong,
Morris, was wounded, but repeatedly exposed himself to heavy enemy fire to
direct artillery fire against the attacking communists.
When his team leader was seriously wounded and lost consciousness,
Morris assumed the position of team leader and continued to call in artillery
fire in support of the company.
According to the citation, "His adjustments of artillery fire
were so accurate and devastating that the final assault of the Viet Cong was
broken and cost the hostile force numerous casualties."
Army Chief of Staff Visits
General Harold K. Johnson. Army chief of staff, last week visited
division base camp facilities and saw "Tropic Lightning" soldiers in action
as part of an extensive tour of Army facilities in Vietnam.
Greeted by Major General Fred C. Weyand, division commanding
general, the chief of staff was briefed on current division operations. He
was then taken by helicopter to Trung Lap, about five miles northwest of Cu Chi,
for briefings on Operation Kahala, a search-and-clear operation involving
infantry, armored, artillery, cavalry and engineer elements from 2nd Brigade.
The general, upon returning to the division's base camp for a
tour of the area, spoke to Tropic Lightning officers and noncommissioned
officers explaining the nation's pride in the Army and the Army's pride in
the achievements of soldiers serving in Vietnam.
He cited the advances being made in equipment, in getting supplies
to the field quickly and in providing the materials essential to Army elements
serving here.
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General Harold K. Johnson, Army chief of staff, walks with Major General Fred C. Weyand, division commanding general, upon his arrival at the division base camp last week. |
Defense Medal Okayed For New Issue
Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara has directed award of the
National Defense Service Medal (NDSM) to armed forces personnel for honorable
active service performed anytime after Dec. 31, 1960.
An amended Department of. Defense (DoD) directive has been issued,
furnishing guidance to service secretaries. Each service will prescribe
regulations following DoD guidance.
Persons ineligible are short-tour Reserve component members
fulfilling training obligations under an inactive duty training program; anyone
on temporary duty to serve on boards, courts, etc.; those on active duty solely
for physical examination; or anyone on active duty for other than extended
active duty.
An official said this does not bar awarding the medal to any
Reserve component member who, during the eligibility period, earns the Armed
Forces Expeditionary Medal or the Vietnam Service Medal.
Such persons will be considered to be performing active service, he
The NDSM was previously authorized for honorable active service
after June 26, 1950 and before July 28, 1954. No cutoff date has
been announced under the new policy. (AFNB)
DA Revises E2, 3 and 5 Hike Criteria
Liberal, new enlisted-promotion criteria have been adopted by the
Army. They precede planned amendments to AR 600-200, which details the
Army's standardized promotion criteria for enlisted men.
Now in effect, the changes - mostly reductions in the time-in-grade
and service requirements - make it easier for outstanding young soldiers to
assert themselves and be recognized by the Army.
Under the first change, up to 35 per cent of basic combat training
graduates may be given immediate promotions to E-2 for their outstanding
records. The previous ceiling was 20 per cent.
Also, up to one-half the time-in-grade for promotion to E-3 may now
be waived, permitting an outstanding soldier to move from E-1 to E-3 in just
four months.
Finally, time-in-service requirements for promotion to E-5 have
been reduced to two years, and six months of that reduced figure may be waived.
Form 41 Doubly Important In Vietnam, Combat Areas
One of the most important forms filled out by servicemen is the
Emergency Data Card, DA Form 41.
Containing the address of next-of-kin and beneficiaries of
commercial insurance policies, the form should be updated when there is a
change, and verified by the person making the changes.
Changes can be made at the personnel support team servicing an
individual's records.
Spt. Cmd. Lauded For V-N Deployment Role
The 25th Infantry Division Support Commend recently was awarded the
Division Certificate of Achievement by Major General Fred C. Weyand, division
Colonel Herbert S. Lowe, commander of Support Command, accepted the
award from General Weyand in ceremonies at Cu Chi.
Colonel Lowe accepted the award on behalf of all the members of
Support Command for meritorious performance of duties during the period of Dec.
1, 1965, to March 31, 1966.
Support Commend includes the soldiers of Headquarters and Band,
725th Maintenance Battalion, 25th Supply and Transport Battalion, 25th
Medical Battalion and 25th Administration Company. General Weyand cited
these units for exemplifying the division's motto of "Ready to Strike -
Anywhere, Anytime."
The period referred to in the certificate encompasses the movement
of most of the division from Schofield Barracks to Vietnam. During this
period Support Command shouldered a great responsibility and responded with
exemplary devotion to duty. The certificate read in part: "This
unique performance, unstinting in individual and unit time and effort, has
brought credit to your command and this division."
Division Gets Trees From Hawaii Group
Candy, magazines, cigarettes, soap, books and magazines make up the
bulk of gifts sent to men of the division from well-wishers in the United
In a recent presentation by the Wahiawa Outdoor Circle, Wahiawa,
Hawaii, the division became probably the first combat unit to receive gifts of
three native Hawaiian trees - in absentia, at that.
Two poinciana trees and one golden shower were given to Mrs. Fred
C. Weyand, wife of the "Tropic Lightning" commanding general, and Lieutenant
Colonel Thomas M. Tarpley, commander of the 25th Infantry Division Rear
Detachment at Schofield Barracks. Mrs. Weyand and Col. Tarpley accepted
the trees for the division in General Weyand's absence.
In a letter to the general, Mrs.
James Young, president of the Outdoor Circle, said, "The Wahiawa Branch of the Outdoor Circle would like to
express their thanks to the division for its many years of cooperation and
support of our work in the community.
"Soldiers of the 25th have helped to clear highways of litter
during statewide clean-up campaigns, officers of the 25th time and again have
supported Outdoor Circle special projects and division wives - including your
own - have helped in supporting our annual fundraising plant sales.
"Today we are presenting to Mrs. Weyand and Col. Tarpley, in your
absence, two poinciana and one golden shower tree as our salute to the division.
"These trees are to be planted near the commanding general's
quarters and we hope one day they will bloom gloriously in the division's
"Mahalo and aloha to the men of the 25th, wherever they may
Page 2 TROPIC LIGHTNING NEWS April 29, 1966
Clean Water Is Vietnam Must
An empty canteen in the middle of a parched Vietnam field or
steaming jungle can spell serious trouble within 12 to 16 hours for its owner.
Here, where temperatures habitually soar near and above the 100
mark, water is a precious commodity. But in a country where water tables
are mere feet - sometimes inches - below the earth's surface, it is easy to
Unfortunately, that pool of "fresh" running water in Vietnam is
a far cry from the fresh water that babbles through mountain highlands in the
United States.
It is the shallow water tables - plus poor sanitary conditions -
which can make water almost as much of an enemy as a friend. Raw
sewage and refuse dumped into open bodies of water quickly contaminate surface
supplies, while flooding streams soak through the ground to carry pollution to
wells and other underground sources.
Dysentery and the very serious cholera, both of which attack the
gastrointestinal system, and hepatitis, a sometimes fatal inflammation off the
liver, are just three of the diseases which can result from drinking unsafe water.
Schistomsomiasis, which attacks the liver, intestinal tract and the spleen, and
the infectious leptospirosis, another digestive disease, can be contracted
merely by wading in infected water.
In United States military installations, water clearly labeled
"potable" has been treated beforehand to kill harmful organisms. All
other water should be considered suspect, notably shower water, which is almost
invariably unpurified.
Inoculations provided by the dispensary are excellent preventatives
but even they need your cooperation to be 100 per cent effective. Your
own care is your best protection.
3rd Brigade Fetes Montagnards
Bearing gifts of soap and candy, members of 3rd Brigade recently
moved into Dak Ri Lang, a remote Montagnard village about 65 miles northwest of
Pleiku, to show the villagers there how Americans battle the "other war."
Based five miles east of the village on operation Longfellow, the
reconnaissance platoon from Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 35th Infantry,
mounted their gun jeeps for the trip.
Other jeeps from the battalion carried not guns but supplies for
the villagers. One bore the cases of soap and candies contributed by Zonta
International Club, of Meriden, Conn., while another was laden with medical
After a 20-minute ride, the group pulled up outside the village.
Security guards moved into position and Captain John F. Field, battalion
intelligence officer, from Cromwell, Conn., entered the village.
Battalion Surgeon Captain Jack P. Baldwin and his assistants
immediately set up shop. Through interpreters they explained they were
there to help the sick and diseased villagers. In an hour, the medics had
treated more than 30 villagers, who were suffering with anything from infected
sores to mild pneumonia. Treatment ranged from swabbing with soap solution
to massive doses of penicillin.
PFC Joseph H. Peavey, of Bangor, Me., and Specialist Five Alford B.
Childres, whose family is living in Korea during his tour in Vietnam, handed out
vitamin pills to the crowd.
Meanwhile, Capt. Fielding asked his interpreters to have the
village chiefs gather the rest of the more than 350 Montagnards in the village
square, where he distributed gifts of soap and candy to the assembled villagers.
According to Capt. Baldwin, the disease and infection rate in the
village would be halved if the people had soap available and used it regularly.
Captain Jack P. Baldwin, Battalion surgeon, 1st. Battalion, 35th Infantry, examines a young Montagnard in the village of Dak Ri Lang, 65 miles northwest of Pleiku. | ![]() |
General Cowan Tours Division's Cu Chi Base
Brigadier General Alvin J. Cowan visited the division base camp at
Cu Chi this week. Brigadier General Edward H. De Saussure, assistant
division commander/support, greeted General Cowan at the
division helipad.
General Cowan, director designate of Joint Research and Test
Activity (JRATA), toured several "Tropic Lightning" units. He was
accompanied by Division Chief of Staff Colonel Thomas W. Mellen. The
general's party included the present director of JRATA, Brigadier General John
D. Boles, Jr.; Colonel Merrill G. Hatch, chief of the Army Concept Team in
Vietnam; and Colonel Franklin L. Fisher, Air Force Test Unit chief.
General Cowan toured 69th Armor, where he was briefed by Battalion
Commander Lieutenant Colonel R.J. Fairfield, Jr. The party then toured 1st
Battalion, 8th Artillery, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Robert G. Walker.
General Cowan also was given a briefing and a firsthand view of the
Cu Chi tunnel complexes by Lieutenant Colonel Boyd T. Bashore, commander of 2nd
Battalion, 27th Infantry.
DA Lifts Allotment Limits
Department of the Army has announced the lifting of certain
restrictions of allotment of pay and allowances.
Personnel may now allot, in addition to base pay and quarters
allowance, hostile fire (combat) pay, foreign duty (overseas) pay and
proficiency pay, less any known deductions.
Allotments available to all servicemen are: Class B and BI for
savings bonds; Class C for Combined Federal Campaign; Class D for U.S.
Government Life Insurance premiums; Class E for savings support and commercial
life insurance; Class Q for dependency allotments for personnel in grade E-4,
with less than four years service, and all lower grades; and Class N for
National Service Life Insurance premiums.
The new allotment authorizations will be made as Class E
175th Aviation Company Arrives From Benning
The 175th Aviation Company ("Little Bear") soon will become A
Company, 25th Aviation Battalion. Commanded by Major Ernest Elliott, of
Jacksonville, Fla., the 196-man company will begin airlifting division troops
into battle next week.
Twenty five volunteer "shot-gunners" will provide protection
for the UH-1 helicopters during heliborne operations.
The 175th arrived at Cu Chi on April 12 from Ft. Benning, Ga.,
where they were trained for Vietnam airmobile maneuvers.
The men of the battalion's previous A Company are being relocated
individually in other aviation elements.
"C and C" Makes New Use of Hueys
Helicopters have many uses on the Vietnam battlefield. They
carry troops to combat assaults, evacuate the wounded, fly aerial resupply and
furnish aerial observation.
Now, however, there's a new twist added to aerial observation -
the command and control helicopter. From this ship, especially rigged with
air-to-ground radios, the unit commander can direct the movement of troops on
the ground, communicate with all support units, plan and execute tactical moves
and, most important, keep a second-by-second surveillance of the entire battle
Early one morning recently, the command and control - "C and
C" - ship for operation Kahuku took off from the base camp of 2nd Brigade.
Units of 1st Battalion (Mechanized), 5th Infantry, and 69th Armor were moving to
a wooded location about three miles east of the Cu Chi base camp area.
They were planning to move around the woods and sweep back toward the
headquarters in an operation expected to take about four hours.
Commanding operation Kahuku was Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Greer of
Gainesville, Fla, commander of 115th. He was seated on the left of the
UH1D aircraft. Next to him, in contact with division artillery, was
Captain John Scattergood of Westminster, Md., the first support coordinator from
the 1st Battalion, 8th Artillery.
Flying over the area at 2,500 feet, Col. Greer was able to watch
the entire movement. As the ship constantly circled to the left, he
directed the progress, closed holes between armored personnel carriers, and
plotted the course of the vehicles on his map.
At one point, seeing that a stream was blocking a mechanized
platoon, he redirected an entire APC company, at the same time trapping nine
Viet Cong.
Then came the information turning operation Kahuku into a major
effort. A Viet Cong responding to the 'Chieu hoi' - open arms -
program reported a company of 110 VC in the immediate area. The informer
told ground troops that the company was equipped with three machine guns, nine
Browning automatic rifles and one 60mm mortar.
In addition, Col. Green received word that the VC had instructions
to go into tunnels if they were overrun.
And overrun them the "Tropic Lightning" soldiers did.
Directing his APC's to close off the area, the colonel ordered the men to go
into the tunnels after the enemy.
About two hours into the operation, the colonel called the brigade
to request additional ground units. A company of Wolfhounds from the 1st
Battalion, 27th Infantry, was dispatched to aid in the tunnel search.
Meanwhile, Capt. Scattergood was checking the colonel's map
against his own and directing artillery fire in front of the enemy. The
plan, he related, was to trap the VC between the advancing infantry and the
exploding artillery shells.
The plan worked. Twelve weapons, including one East German
7.94mm machine gun, quantities of ammunition, rice and one 250-pound bomb were
The entire operation was directed from an airborne command post..
Said one officer, "This use of an airborne tactical operations center is new
to the battlefield. And it's only right that it was developed in
The TROPIC LIGHTNING NEWS is an authorized publication of
the 25th Infantry Division. It is published weekly for all division units
in the Republic of Vietnam by the Information Office, 25th Infantry Division,
APO U.S.1 Forces 96225. Army News Features, Army Photo Features and Armed
Forces Press Service material are used. Views and opinions expressed are
not necessarily those of the Department of the Army. Printed in Saigon,
Vietnam, by Dai Doan Ket Publishing Company. Maj. Gen. Fred C. Weyand . . . . Commanding General Maj. William C. Shepard . . . . . Information Officer Sp5 Dale P. Kemery . . . . . . . . . Editor |
Page 3 TROPIC LIGHTNING NEWS April 29, 1966
The widows of Vietnamese soldiers who have lost their lives on the
battlefield against the Viet Cong were beaming with smiles one day last week in
Cu Chi.
Until recently, there wasn't much time for smiling. The
women wore the strains of war on wrinkled faces, calloused hands and slim
figures. But the burden they carried today was bundles of clothing, cans
of juices and salad oil and boxes of rolled wheat.
Each of the women was called one at a time to accept items which
might relieve the strain of the coming weeks. The bundles were passed
out at the headquarters building of the Tan An Hoi village chief near the
division's base camp.
The donations were among the first to be passed on to the people of
South Vietnam under the division's "Operation Helping Hand." The
"Helping Hand" project originated in Hawaii in January and, by the end of
February, citizens throughout the Aloha State had contributed thousands of
dollars worth of materials to assist the Vietnamese people in Hoa Nghia and
Pleiku Provinces.
Lieutenant Colonel Charles M. Busby Jr., executive officer of
Division Artillery, made the presentations to Tran Ngoc Quan, district chief of
Cu Chi, and Ngo Xuan Truong, Tan An Hoi village chief.
Before passing on the donations, Col. Busby explained that the
people of Hawaii had contributed the items to extend their aloha spirit to the
people of South Vietnam. He emphasized the widespread feeling of
friendship generated toward the people of Vietnam during the "Helping Hands"
Lieutenant Colonel Charles M. Busby, executive officer, Division Artillery, passes out bundles of clothing and canned goods to Vietnamese widow during civic action program in Cu Chi. | ![]() |
Cu Chi Becomes Storehouse
Boxes of clothing, health. and sanitary goods, canned foods, toys,
and educational materials and hand tools, donated by the people of Hawaii, are
now being stored in the "Helping Hand" Operations Center at the division's
Cu Chi base camp.
The goods, donated during a statewide campaign in the Aloha State
last February, will be distributed to "Tropic Lightning" units conducting
civic action programs in the areas where division elements are located.
These units, in turn, will distribute the donations personally to
the Vietnamese people. Many of the "Helping Hand" items have already
reached the hands of the Vietnamese people through. recent civic action
In distributing the material in the villages and hamlets of
Vietnam, division civic action personnel analyze the individual needs of the
villagers to determine the appropriate type of assistance to provide.
The goods on hand in the "Helping Hand" warehouse at Cu Chi
were shipped here aboard the same vessel which carried "Tropic Lightning"
soldiers to Vietnam.
In addition to the Civic action programs to be conducted throughout
the areas where the division is operating, plans are underway to provide medical
aid, utilizing many of the contributions made to "Operation Helping Hand."
"Helping Hand" programs already conducted have been helpful in
bringing the villagers and American soldiers closer to one another in the
struggle to wipe out the terror and harassment of the Viet Cong here.
Lady Cong Fight Too
In the United States Army, the role of women is limited largely to
clerical and nursing positions. Not so simple a part awaits the woman who
serves in the Viet Cong guerrilla forces in Vietnam.
For instance, men of 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry, recently killed
four black pajama clad VC in operation Kahala near Boi Loi Woods. One
figure drew the "Tropic Lightning" soldiers' attention when they noticed
the squad leader had an unusual length of hair.
Further investigation proved the squad leader was a woman. No
gentle miss this one, she was carrying a 7.92 Mauser rifle.
One night the middle of this month, the 3rd platoon, Company B,
1/27th, operating 200 yards from their base camp, had set up an ambush to be
sprung on 10 enemy soldiers. The advancing VC moved within range of a
Claymore mine. The subsequent explosion struck approximately hall a dozen
of the enemy.
The following morning, a search of the area discovered the squad
leader of the ambushed force was a fresh, sweet, all Viet Cong - girl.
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General Harold K. Johnson, Army chief of staff (right), and Lieutenant Colonel Robert J. Hicks, division G-5, check donations from Hawaii now stored in the "Operation Helping Hand" warehouse. |
Another War, Same People
"It's a small world," says Specialist Six Frank Murry, of
Seattle, Wash.
Murry didn't learn just how small until he arrived in Vietnam
with 25th Administration Company. He was in the NCO Club at Camp Bravo,
Tan Son Nhut, when a Korean staff sergeant from the Tiger Division walked up to
"What's with the stripes, Murry?" the Korean asked.
"That's specialist six," Murry replied.
"Yes, I know, but you used to be a sergeant."
Taken aback, Murry asked, "How did you know that?"
"Don't you know me? So High? 73rd Truck Transportation NCO Club
in Korea?"
Then, the pieces fell into place. In 1955-56, Murry was the
manager of the transportation company's NCO club at South Post, Seoul, Yong
San Compound. The 73rd had adopted a Korean orphan, given him stripes and
promoted him up to a master sergeant.
Because of the small stature of the orphan, he was called "So
High" since he was always just "so high" or "so big."
For a large orange soda, So High would sweep out the club.
Eventually though, he was reduced from master sergeant to corporal by the first
For Murry, this is the first such acquaintance he has met through
his assignments to Korea, Japan, Germany, Hawaii, the State of Washington, and
Ft. Carson, Colo.
He has one other distinction. He is one of the few in the
Army with a seven-digit service number.
Good Eating Free, Thanks To Hapless VC
"Here, have some yucca."
"This would be good with salt and pepper."
Division soldiers in the field are finding that Viet Cong farm land
can provide them with appetizers and desserts to supplement their standard
Most houses outside rural areas have gardens cultivated in nearby
rice paddies. When units leave Cu Chi for search-and-destroy operations in
VC territory, they encounter many empty huts with a bounty of fruits and
vegetables in the vicinity.
On a recent operation, men of the 1st Battalion (Mechanized), 5th
Infantry, found a watermelon patch within the perimeter of the night's
bivouac. The melons, smaller and rounder than the U. S. variety, turned
out to be every bit as tasty.
Wolfhounds of the 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry, exercised their
culinary talents on a batch of pumpkin and yucca root. Yucca is a
vegetable similar to the yam but is white and stringy, more like a tree root. A few minutes in
boiling water and they are ready to be devoured.
It anybody likes squash, a couple can always be plucked from the
vines. Peanuts are found with rice caches, many times by the handful.
There's plenty of sugar cane and other edible items. And when the VC are
away, it's all on the house.
The officers of Company C, 2nd Battalion, 35th Infantry, have more
than a mere ace up their sleeves. To be exact, they each carry 12 aces -
all spades.
A newspaper column they read mentioned that the Viet Cong,
normally superstitious, were especially leary of the ace of spades. The
men quickly decided to launch their own campaign of psychological warfare.
Wherever the men hit, they leave behind them several ace of spades
tacked up in a prominent place.
The company was quick to take to their new symbol. The only
problem was where to get enough of the playing cards so each man would have an
adequate supply. A letter sent to the president of a major playing card
company in the States soon resulted in a shipment of a thousand black aces being
hustled off to Vietnam.
Each man now wears an ace of spades on each side of his helmet, and
they are planning to have an ace of spades stencil made for the butts of their
No VC were available for comment on the company's new symbol.
They were last seen headed away from a jungle trail of aces of spades.
Page 4 TROPIC LIGHTNING NEWS April 29, 1966
3rd Bde. Completes Hospital
With the help of ten former Viet Cong, members of 3rd Brigade are
putting the finishing touches on a new, 100-bed hospital for the people of
Fashioned from a former Vietnamese Special Forces billeting area,
the hospital replaces a rude dispensary which had served the area from a quonset
When the Pleiku Province chief gave the buildings to the villagers,
they were in need of repair and painting to make them usable.
Captain Thomas Lyerly, brigade civil affairs officer, began the
task of reconditioning the complex but soon found himself out of a job when
Lieutenant Larry Castagneto, a member of the 41st Civil Affairs Team, took over
the project in early February.
With five enlisted men from the brigade and ten ex-Viet Cong who
had surrendered under the Vietnamese government's chieu hoi (open arms)
program, Lt. Castagneto set about making a barracks a hospital.
The men plastered holes in the concrete block walls, put in
screening and installed electrical wiring for the 15 kilowatt generator that
will provide electric power for the three wards and office buildings, cooking
facilities, lavatories and library.
The first 24-bed ward opened two weeks ago, although the opening of
the other two was delayed because of unexpected medical demands in the town of
Costing more than 150,000$VN (US $1,270) to renovate, the hospital
will be staffed by Vietnamese medical personnel and four officers and five
enlisted men of the Military Provincial Hospital Assistance Program.
For the finishing touch, the Joint U.S. Public Affairs Office has
contributed funds to build a library and buy books to fill the shelves.
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Dilapidated quonset hut served as Pleiku Province hospital until members of 3rd Brigade got to work to produce... | ...this sparkling structure from an old Vietnamese Special Forces barracks donated to Pleiku villagers by the province chief. |
Kids, Bikes, Dogs Fill Personnel Carriers
When the doors of the armored personnel carrier (APC) opened, out
came six Vietnamese youngsters, four women carrying infants, and one man.
The civilians had hitched a ride with the APC's 10-man squad when
the men of Company C, 1st Battalion (Mechanized), 5th Infantry, began searching
the area.
APCs are built to carry ten men and the driver, but the soldiers of
1/5th Inf., conducting search-and-clear operations outside the division's base
camp, are doubling up to allow more passengers to evacuate the combat zone.
Specialist Four Tom Northrop, of Newton, Kans., juggled one of the
youngsters from his APC. Another followed, and then another.
"You'd never think so many people could cram into such a small
hole, but we manage," Northrop said. "Sometimes members of the squad
ride on top to give women and children a space inside, where they can't
falloff or won't be hit by sniper fire. All of our passengers are
evacuated and screened immediately to seek out the Viet Cong and to protect the
friendly villagers," Northrop explained.
Evacuation becomes more difficult when the villagers insist on
taking with them their most valuable possessions. On board one of the
tracks arriving at the collection point were 15 villagers, four bicycles, five
hand bags, a set of earthen jars and one dog, not to mention the ten-man squad
clinging to the hand-holds on the carrier.
The problems of evacuation are being solved quickly, however,
according to Northrop. For example, to eliminate the whimper and whine of
youngsters packed in the APCs, the men in the squad pass out chewing gum.
"Since we can't speak Vietnamese, and they can't speak
English, the gum somehow melts the language barrier," Northrop explained.
It's also a good way to make friends," he winked.
The trip from the search-and-destroy area to the collection point
is a "crowded jaunt over rough ground," according to members of the squad,
but the innocent are protected while military operations continue unhampered.
Civilians are offloaded from an armored personnel carrier after evacuation from a combat zone by Company C, 1st Battalion (Mechanized), 5th Infantry, during operation Kahala. | ![]() |
G-4 Promoted To Lt. Col.
Lieutenant Colonel William E. Davis, assistant chief of staff, G-4
(logistics), was promoted to his present rank during ceremonies at Cr Chi last
Col. Davis has served with the division since December 1965.
He came to the Republic of Vietnam early this year and has served since at the
Cu Chi base camp.
A native of Elliott City, Md., Col. Davis was graduated from
Western Maryland College in 1951.
Army Seeks 350 For Prep School
The Army has announced its effort to fill 350 student positions for
the United States Military Academy Preparatory School at Ft. Belvoir, Va.
Being conducted in the division under the direction of Lieutenant
Colonel David Bryant, division staff judge advocate and West Point recruiting
adviser, the drive is an attempt to prepare students for entrance into the
United States Military Academy.
The one year course will begin in August.
Entrance requirements stipulate that the individual must have
reached his 17th but not his 22nd birthday by July 1, 1967. He must be a
United States citizen and may never have been married. The applicant also
should be of high moral character, show a potential for leadership and display a
sincere interest in becoming a career Army officer.
The deadline for applying is June 30, and since the number of
positions is limited, the earliest applicants naturally have the best chance for
Unit commanders can supply further details.
Thanks to
Jim Anderson, 35th Inf. Div. for sharing this issue,
Kirk Ramsey, 2nd Bn., 14th Inf. for creating this page.
This page last modified 8-12-2004
©2004 25th Infantry Division Association. All rights reserved.